New Quests From the System

Jarvis woke up after passing out and felt something heavy on his chest so he woke up to see a Woman laying on his chest. Obviously he pieced together the events that happened before he passed out so he didn't panic or anything since he knew that this must be the dragon that can turn into a human form.

(Image Here)

Jarvis then decided to wake the girl up.

After 3 minutes she finally woke up and looked at Jarvis in the eyes.

"Good morning Master" Said The Dragon as she yawned and started stretching her arms.

"So you must be the lightning dragon right" Asked Jarvis

"Correct, I was brought here then I saw you and felt a strong bond between us so I tried to wake you up but you wouldn't move so I waited for you to wake up but you never did so I fell asleep too," Said the Dragon

"Well why did you sleep right on top of me" Asked Jarvis

"Well it felt so comfortable so I slept there also Dragons like to sleep with their masters so they can protect them," Said The Dragon

Jarvis shook his head and sighed" Well since I am awake I suppose you need a name"

"yep all dragons need names I will like whatever you name me," Said the Dragon while smiling

"How about Ova" Said John

"I like it I guess I am Ova now" Ova had smiled since she liked her new name and she liked her new Master who she felt was very strong.

Jarvis then showed her around the palace which caused some guards to get wary as they don't remember her being here but Jarvis told them she was a subordinate so they can calm down.

After showing her around Jarvis went to go and talk to Alena about sending some expeditions out so that he can start expanding, but he got a system notification

[To help the Host conquer faster the system will summon 50k more soldiers and 500k population to expand faster]

Jarvis had summoned the 500k citizens and 50k soldiers outside the city and then ordered them into the City. He had Kingsley handle the sorting of people since it was a lot of people with various specialties.

The walking of 500k people was loud and alerted the residents in the city and Alena who thought they were under attack but once she saw Jarvis in front of the crowd she knew that there were more residents for the City.

After Jarvis settled everybody he had workers build another City that was near the Shore. This new city would be named Lords port and be the main place for Naval activities.

The city would take 3 months to complete. Jarvis seeing how long it would take for one city to be built Jarvis knew he needed to expand faster so he can get more rewards.

As Jarvis was figuring how the best way to expand a system quest popped up

[Have a total of 5 cities with 20k population in each Reward: will receive 10 million citizens,20 million food and receive 20k system points]

[Have 200k standing military Reward: Will receive 10k Elite soldiers 1000 Black Humvees]

Jarvis looking at the new quest and their rewards was wondering why the system had given him two big quest just like that but then the System explained.

[As of right now the Continent that you are on is hidden from the world's view making those that travel near it subconsciously go around it or force them to turn around]

[As of now the Continent has yet to be revealed but the time you have is not unlimited so in order to help the Host and speed up the Process I the System gave you two quests that shouldn't take too long to complete and should be without much danger]

Hearing the System's explanation Jarvis was no longer confused but was now impatient since he didn't know he was on a time limit.

But he must remain steadfast and focused at this time since everything was well within his reach all he need to do was just reach out and grab it before the Continent is revealed.

Jarvis went back to his palace and into the throne room. He then summoned Alextra and Armorra to discuss something with them.

After 10 minutes of waiting Alextra and Armorra were kneeling in front of him waiting to hear what he summoned them for.

"I summoned you both here today because I want you two to scout the surrounding area and find any other clans of your race and bring them under your control and if they don't accept then force them to by showing them your strength" Said Jarvis since this was one step in his plan to speed up the process of conquering the Continent faster.

"your Majesty it will be done but some clans won't be easy to take" Said Alextra

"Don't worry because with your new strength you can beat any other Queens of other clans and have them serve under you" Said, Jarvis

"If that is the case then we can also use this chance to test our new strength and abilities," Said Armorra seeing this as an opportunity.

Alextra agreed and they both left to complete their mission. Jarvis was looking through the system store to find anything that he would need in the future as right now he had 0 Funds but once he has 5 cities he will have some so all he needs to do is wait.

After browsing through the system Jarvis decided to exercise to test his strength and so he has something to do instead of just sitting around.

Jarvis was outside and picked up a tree that was planted in the ground only to find that it was as light as a feather to him. So he continued lifting different things testing his strength only to find that there was nothing here that he couldn't lift.

Ova who was walking through the Palace after coming from touring the City had suddenly seen Jarvis exercising. She was amazed at how perfectly built his body was as it was not too muscular and he had an 8 pack which was not something a normal person could get. She had seen his whole body except the one part that had a bulge in it. From the way it looked, she knew that it was pretty big.

Jarvis who noticed her staring had stopped working out and went to talk with her.

"Ova how was the city I hope you enjoyed it though in the future it will look different from now and much better," Said Jarvis

Ova who was in a daze over his body suddenly snapped out of it and answered his question

"it was amazing and the buildings were sturdy and the City clean also the people were nice to me as well," Said Ova

"That's good because in the future I am going to need you so I need the people to be familiar with you also I sent two of my subordinates on missions to conquer the surrounding clans of creatures so we can expand our Borders some more" Said Jarvis

"I was planning on sending you on a mission to find some land that is good for building Cities on but you were out" Said Jarvis

"I can still go as I want to explore more of the Continent and see what other creatures are lurking around" Said Ova

After talking for a little Ova left to go to explore the Continent while Jarvis went back to the Palace to sleep as it was getting dark. The Guards around the Palace were a mix between males and females in their late 20s and fully trained.

Jarvis before he went to bed took a quick shower as he didn't want to go to sleep dirty especially after he exercised for a while and had been outside. After taking the shower Jarvis laid down in the bed exhausted and fell asleep. Later on that night Ova came back after she got tired of flying around only to find Jarvis sleep so she took her clothes off and got in the bed and snuggled up to him.