New Discovery

Jarvis woke up the next morning and found Ova snuggled up to him. He remembered what she said about dragons liking to be close to their masters. Even if this was a lie he doesn't mind as right now he doesn't even know what type of creatures are on the island and if some of them could fly so having a super-strong dragon with you will keep him alive and safe.

Jarvis slowly woke up Ova as he had to go and see how Kingsley was doing in running the City. He had ordered him to mine surrounding resources so they can begin expanding the City even more as right now they have 700k civilians and 65k soldiers and the City limit was 1 million and he didn't have the system points to improve the City to the next level which was 5 million people as it cost 20k system points and right now he has none but once he completes the quest he will have 20k and will use it to expand the city.

After taking a shower and putting clothes on Jarvis went to the kitchen where some maids were preparing breakfast for him. He sat down at the long table in a chair that looked like a mini throne. Ova also sat down on the chair next to him.

After 5 minutes of waiting the maids brought out the breakfast which was just some eggs that they had acquired from the local farm and some Bacon from the pigs that were killed in the area around the City and the last thing on the plate was of course some sausages.

As soon as Jarvis ate the breakfast it tasted plain. He knew the reason why was because they didn't have any salt or other spices. He could only eat it as is because he haven't discovered any spices on the Continent yet though he could have them make salt and sugar as those were easy to make.

After eating breakfast Jarvis walked out of the Palace accompanied by Ova and two female Guards. In the future, he would make a special forces squad comprised of powerful soldier's and they will be known as the Emperor's Royal Guard.

As Jarvis walked through the city it was lively as many people were working and money was flowing but the main problem was transportation as right now he has limited resources so he can't mass produce cars yet. The only cars they have developed so far are military vehicles and those are only so few.

Kingsley who was in the palace in the Palace had just received a report of resources from the surrounding area and was surprised at what he saw on the report.

Southwest of the City 5 miles away there was a small cave that contained tons of minerals and Metals that were just sitting in a cave that seemed endless according to scouts but what got him attention was that this cave contained a metal known as Vibranium Which was the strongest Metal that they could find because it could absorb and release kinetic energy which they could experiment with to produce extraordinary technology.

He immediately went to find his Majesty Jarvis but he was nowhere to be found so he asked a guard who told him that Jarvis had gone out into the city.

So she ordered a soldier to find him because the Communications Tower wasn't complete yet so she couldn't call him on the wrist device which was recently developed by the science team.

The soldier quickly left to find the emperor as he thought it was something important so he ran all through the city with a couple of other soldier's hoping to find his majesty.

Meanwhile Jarvis was in the science lab talking to Ava and Lara.

"I have to say I am quite impressed by the amount of technology that the Research department has been able to put out I've received many prototypes of projects you have built and quite a few of them have piqued my interest such as the wrist device which lets you input your information and you can do anything with it such as calling people, buying things, and identifying who many people live in the City, or the new weapon the can shoot with no recoil, and the improved military uniforms that offer more comfort and defense, etc," Said Jarvis

"Yes we have been quite busy as we have been exploring with different things and wanted his Majesty to be the first to test it to see if it could benefit the Empire," Said, Lara

"Every device that you presented to me was spectacular and I can't wait to see more" Said Jarvis

"If only we had more resources we could design bigger things and better things because from the information you gave us about the planet we're on they haven't successfully mastered space technology and are always having conflicts with each other. Also if we had more resources we could design a jet that would far surpass any current country jet" Said, Ava

"Me and my sister have been designing blueprints for future things that we would like to make and see if his majesty could use them," Said, Ava

"I wish we could have more resources but currently in the area around the City we have yet to find that many so that's why I sent some scouts to try and find some valuable resources so all we have to do is wait for the scouts to return and submit their report" Said Jarvis

Lara nodded at what Jarvis said and was about to say something else when a soldier rushed on breathing fast as if she just ran a marathon

"Your Majesty Kingsley is looking for you and it seems that it's urgent" Said the Soldier as he caught his breathe

Jarvis nodded and said bye to Lara and Ava and left the lab in a hurry because he didn't know if it was another attack or what.

Outside Jarvis was jogging back to the Palace when Ova stopped him

"If we need to get somewhere why not use me," Said Ova

"Of course that would be faster" Said Jarvis

Ova smiled and picked up Jarvis then sped towards the Palace.

The soldier who came to get Jarvis was looking in the sky as he saw both Ova and Jarvis leave so fast.

It took 2 minutes to get to the Palace Jarvis had seen Kingsley waiting outside for him while waiving. Ova seeing this landed Jarvis right in front of him

"I didn't know you had such a subordinate who can fly your Majesty" Said Kingsley

"she got here two days ago but forget that what's the problem that is so urgent" Asked Jarvis

"There is no problem your majesty it's just that we have found a cave with an endless amount of resources and also we have discovered a resource called Vibranium" Reported Kingsley

"Vibranium," Said Jarvis with a shocked expression mainly because Vibranium was a metal that came off of an asteroid that crashed 1,000,000 million years ago and never was found since then, and the only way to see it is in movies but now he has a cave full of it. This could solve their resource problem and help advance technology.

Jarvis had immediately ordered the military to secure the cave and requested engineers to construct some mining equipment so they can mine Vibranium in mass amounts. of course, they would mine the other metals in the cave too but Vibranium was the best metal on Earth and here he had a cave full of it.

5 days later

Jarvis had just received the news that the mining equipment was complete and already working on mining the resources.

So while waiting for a report on how many resources they can mine in a day Jarvis began to make a chain of command in his military and appoint people to be officers.