The Forbidden Skill Is weak

The Demon army had suffered many casualties during the bombing run and those that survived were taken prisoner by the soldiers who came after the bombing.

The demon General Victus was the only one left and proved to be hard to capture for the soldiers so Jarvis sent Ova to battle the Demon General.

Ova was making her way towards where the Demon General was located, while enjoying the view of the forest. Though after walking some more the view turned into a disaster as trees were blown everywhere and Demon bodies were scattered all over the forest floor.

She continued to walk and came in view of the place where the Demon General was at. As she approached the Demon General had noticed her presence and sensed she was quite strong but couldn't tell how strong she was.

As she got closer he was determining what he should do as they were already defeated and fighting any longer would prove useless. But if he returned to the Demon Lord Empty-handed and without an army he would surely kill him.

But he could activate his hidden technique that could kill anything it touches with a single hit. This move could win him the fight

While he was thinking Ova was already standing in front of him wondering whether he would attack first but instead of waiting she thought to try and resolve this peacefully as she knows that these are future subordinates of Jarvis and they needed to be in top shape to serve him or they would be useless.

"It seems you are causing quite the scene here Mister Demon General," Said Ova

"I don't like to fight the weak so I will offer you a choice to be captured or killed here as his majesty doesn't have need of people who don't know when to quit" Said Ova

"Although I would like to surrender I would look weak in the face of my subordinates so I will Fight until I can no longer fight anymore," Said Demon General Victus

"Also who is this person you call his majesty surely if you serve someone they must be stronger then you are and I can already see you are stronger than me so who do you serve?" Asked Victus

"His Majesty is the most powerful being on this continent and will unite this continent under his banner and I being one of his many women will make sure that his goal is accomplished" Said Ova

"So your one of his women which would mean that there are others who are also his women," Said Victus while thinking of whether to believe this woman as he never heard of such a strong individual being on the continent.

"So if I were to defeat you then I have a request," Asked Victus while looking at Ova with lustful eyes

"If I defeat you then I want you to release all of the captured prisoners and also for you to come with me" Said Victus while licking his lips "You will make for another useless whore that I can use in my harem," Said Victus as he began to laugh

Ova was looking at the Demon in anger and disgust she could no longer wait and drew her sword to behead the Demon. She charged at the Demon with lightning circling her sword

Victus seeing her charge at him also drew his weapon which was a sword also and activated his Hidden skill which he called 'death strike'. As Ova got closer he prepared to hit her with the skill and kill her then have her brought back to life as a vampire.

Ova who was an inch away clashed with his sword and jumped back but she underestimated her opponent's speed and Victus was already under her about to strike with the sword. She couldn't block so she was going to depend on her force field to block.

As soon as the sword connected with the force field it shattered and she was about to get hit but suddenly Jarvis appeared in her place and took the hit from the sword instead.

The sword landing on Jarvis left shoulder but it didn't pierce his skin, instead it was stopped by his body which has a ton of magical energy circling around inside of it.

At this time all of the Magical energy had condensed into one place and stopped the attack in it's place and dispelling the ability entirely.

At this time Ova rushed over to check on Jarvis since that was a very powerful ability

Victus who saw what happened had come to the conclusion that this was who this woman served.

"How did you survive that hit" Questioned Victus as he was slowly backing away from this monster in front of him.

"Ova kill him now" Said Jarvis as Ova didn't waste anytime and cut his body into thousands of pieces.

"It is done Jarvis" Said Ova as she came and bowed in front of him.

"Good now let's continue this campaign and finish off the Demon's" Said Jarvis as he began to rub his left the shoulder as he felt that it was a little sore.

With that done Jarvis didn't waste no time and began to invade the Demon Territory with his entire army.

He had split the Army into three groups. One led by him, another led by Alena and and last one was led by Alextra.

They were all given the authority to invade and attack the territory of the Demon's freely.

Jarvis on the other hand headed straight for the Demon Capital to fight the Demon Lord. He was travelling inside of a Pelican with Ova next to him leaving the Command of his army to Armorra.