The Demon Lord's Demise

It took the Pelican about 2 hours to reach the Demon's Capital. Once there Jarvis jumped out of the Pelican and landed inside of the Demon Castle.

The Demon Lord was already waiting for Jarvis as he was already informed of their defeat and he could feel the power that was heading towards his Demon Castle.

Once Jarvis landed in the Demon Castle Thousand's of Demon's had charged at him at once hoping to kill the invader.

But Ova had came out of nowhere and had slayed all the demons that came near Jarvis.

"Don't worry master I will get rid of these weakling's while we head to where the Demon Lord is at" Said Ova. She didn't even need to turn into her Dragon form as all the Demon's here was too weak to even touch her.

Jarvis nodded his head and followed Ova to the Demon Lord's Throne room while ignoring all the weak demon's that tried to attack him.

After a few minutes he had arrived in front of a Giant majestic door.

He was about to push the door open until it opened by itself. So Jarvis just walked in with Ova at his side.

At the end of the room Jarvis saw a Demon that had wings and a tail like a dragon but had a human body.

Jarvis knew of course that this was the Demon Lord. The very person that he needed to kill to end this war was right in front of him and he didn't want to waste anytime. Instead it is more important to end the war now and save lives from both sides since they will soon become his subjects.

Once Jarvis got close, the Demon Lord was the first to talk "Well, Well, Well, It seems the enemy has decided to pay me a visit on this lovely day. I must thank you for sending me a present to add on to this wonderful day" Said the Demon Lord thinking that this fight was already decided in his favor.

"I don't want to waste much time talking about nonsense with you since in the end the outcome will remain the same so it's best to end this now" Said Jarvis as he took off from where he was standing rushing towards the Demon Lord who was sitting on his Throne.

The Demon Lord didn't have much time and was thrown through the wall behind him.

Once he stopped he coughed up blood while trying to stand up on his two feet. But he couldn't as his legs refused to even move.

"Got damn will I lose here" Yelled the Demon Lord as he began to remember his dream of conquering the Continent in his name.

"No I refuse to be beaten like this, I refuse!" Yelled the Demon Lord as his body started to glow before he began to transform.

Jarvis stopped for a moment to watch this since he obviously knew what this scene was. It was the typical Gaining a new power while on the brink of death to win against their opponent. But no matter what this demon Lord did Jarvis just had too many abilities and magic power to be beaten by a new form.

Unless god intervened and boosted the Demon's power he was not going to win.

So Jarvis would allow him to power up then he will defeat him in his new form to prove just how far the power gap is.

Once the Demon Lord had finished powering up he didn't waste any time and charged at Jarvis with an intense intent to kill.

The Demon Lord had pulled out his magic sword of destruction and swung it at Jarvis who ducked to dodge it.

The Demon Lord turned around using his wings and once again charged at Jarvis only for this time to be stopped as Jarvis used a Magical Barrier to block the Demon Lord's attack.

No matter how hard he tried the Demon Lord could not break through the barrier. Even applying more force didn't work.

Jarvis just stood there staring at the sword that was blocked by the barrier before moment's later he reached out and grabbed the sword with his bare hand.

Jarvis wasn't invincible so the blood started to appear on his hands before he broke the demonic sword of destruction and proceeded to grab the Demon Lord by his neck.

Even with his new form the Demon Lord could not escape this grab. But with his new form he was able to struggle for a few minutes before finally his body went limp and he died.

His new form which he thought would help him actually proved to be useless in the face of superior power.

"Well I guess now it's over" Said Jarvis as he started to walk towards the Demon Lord's Throne.

Once in front of it he sat down while leaning back on the Throne, Then a System notification popped up for him.

[Congratulation's Host for defeating the Demon Lord, You have received the following rewards]

-The Title of Demon Lord (All Demon's will now recognize your power as the new Demon Lord and will serve you as their new ruler but beware because not all demon's are loyal to the Demon Lord. Some demon's Hate the demon Lord who sit at the top while those at the bottom suffer so always be careful of those individuals)

-Super Healing: Although the host is stronger than the average human weapons such as bullets can still hurt you and since you are not a full god yet you can't utilize your godly powers so with super healing bullet wounds will be healed in a matter of seconds.

Regeneration: Different from Super Healing and will allow Any limbs blown off will be regenerated in a matter of seconds basically making you able to fight without the worry of losing limbs.

Demon Lords Aura: Those that oppose you will feel this aura once activated making them bow before you and tremble before your might

-100k System point for defeating the Demon Lord

[With the defeat of the Demon Lord all the Demon Armies have surrendered and you have won this war so the reward for that is a population of 200 million citizens that will be divided into current cities and establish cities across the continent]

[Host has completed a secret mission to have more than 6 races in your empire which will give you an additional 400 million population that will establish more cities on the continent]

Receiving the awards Jarvis was excited to see he had over 600 million citizens which would make his country have the 3rd most population.

But having so many people will come with problems as right now he only has a 250k standing army.

Having such a big population and small army will have problems not within his empire because everybody loved him but when the continent gets revealed other countries might get some ideas.

So Jarvis didn't waste anytime and left the Demon's castle to return to his Capital of Arcadia.

He didn't immediately get to work but instead rested for a few days but after that he went to meet up with Alena who he would give her the title of the Major General of the Military of the Empire.

After thinking he would establish a new department called the Defense Administration which will be headed by Alextra, then he would establish a judicial system and appoint some people to uphold the Law and hold trials.

And instead of having a police force Jarvis would have the Military as police because he knows that having a police department will make for an even separate administration that can become corrupt over time so he will have a separate military force used for policing Cities.

He was also told that some demons specialized in shadow magic which would prove useful as he can establish a secret shadow organization that defends him and carries out assassination missions throughout the world along with spying.

For now though he will focus on Talking to Alena about issuing a Mass Recruitment notice to train soldier's to be part of the army.

A/N: So the next Chapter is the continent reveal And I will explain something about the earth.

there is no united nations or anything like that and countries only have alliances with each other.

Conflicts will already be happening once the continent is revealed between major countries such as the U.S. and Russia, China, Great Britain, and France, and other small countries.

This version of Earth is historically different from the Earth that we know So as the story goes I will explain the difference if the need arises.