The Continent is revealed

It has been 8 Months since Jarvis initiated a Large recruitment of people to help secure the land on the Continent.

The number of recruits that joined the Army, Airforce, and Marines numbered a total of 3 million while the Navy that had been established received 400k recruits which were way more than what they needed as right now they only have 50 ships that contain battleships, cruisers, destroyer's, submarines, and battlecruisers.

And the First Heli Carrier that was just completed has officially been put into commission. But even then the amount of Sailor's was still too many so he started to establish jobs for them and introduce the Naval Academy and other intelligence services in the Navy.

These schools and jobs will keep them busy and not a lot of them require that you be on a ship.

But the next problem was the amount of unemployment in the Empire. It was as high as 20%(3 Million people) which was not good.

So Jarvis started to introduce a Mass recruitment of Engineers who will work on creating ships, for the Navy, Planes for the Airforce, And various other military vehicles.

This massive plan by itself he planned to hire 2 million people which was more than enough to build up his military faster than any other country.

As for the other Million people he offered them a chance to join the Imperial Military. Only about 250k people accepted while the other's decided against it.

Joining the military was optional in his country for now as they were not at war so the people had a choice to reject that option.

So since their were 750k people left he established another Department called the Department of Military Transportation and supply which will be a sub department of the Department of Defense.

This Department will manage the transportation of military units whether on Active Duty or Reserve which gave another benefit to being an Imperial soldier.

It will also manage the amount of military vehicles needed for certain operation's and can request the construction of more military vehicles depending on how many personnel the Imperial Military has.

This department also managed the supply of all branches, units, battalions, and operation's of the Imperial Military. And since the Imperial Military was massive the use of all 750k people will be utilized all over the Imperial military.

And now 8 Months later and the use of the Department of Transportation and Supply was used all over the Continent by the Imperial Military.


The next thing was the Newly Established science department which was divided into two sections. One for Military development and the other for Developing New technology for citizens to use.

After conquering the continent Jarvis had discovered an ancient civilizations city that was located in the center of the continent and contained ancient technology such as space ships and space stations and new weapons. The science team was researching the tech and trying to translate the ancient alien language which was identified to belong to a species called the Azanti.

Jarvis also had prepared plans to launch a satellite into space once the continent is revealed. The satellite was much bigger than Any other Satellite and contained a defense system which in case of a nuclear launch it would launch a device designed by the science team that would completely disable the nuclear bomb.

While sitting on his Throne Jarvis saw that he had 2 hours left before the continent is revealed so he reviewed his Empire status

Name: The Empire

Population: 615 million

Emperor: Jarvis Maximus


3 million recruits

1 Heli Carrier

50 Ships

20k troop Transport (Humvees, transport trucks, etc.)

10k Pelicans

A/N: Some information about the earth before the continent is revealed

NATO is the only organization on earth that keeps WW3 from happening but once This new continent is revealed it will cause some problems because of it's presence on Earth and it's location.

Also, there will be small conflicts between big countries like the United States and Russia or the United Kingdom and France or India and China, North Korea and South Korea, etc.

The continent will be located in the pacific ocean a little far from South America but close to the Philippines a little and since the continent will be located there any islands that were there historically will not be there.

That is all about This Version of Earth.


Jarvis watched as the timer hit 0:00 and could feel the change of the location of the continent. He immediately ordered the satellite launch and for the Navy to patrol around the continent.

While Jarvis was making sure that the continent is secured the situation of a new continent appearing out of nowhere has shocked the whole world. It took the world almost 2 hours before they found out as the first to report it was NASA while the second was the Government's of the World.

Some people were wondering where it came from and if it had any life on it while the Major countries were preparing expeditions as this could mean new resources for them.

In the White House, U.S. president Fredrick Ford was in a meeting with all of his advisors to find out about this continent

"This is shocking indeed a continent appearing out of nowhere is unheard of. I wonder if it was some land that that the Ocean has revealed or something" Said an Advisor

"We must exploit this opportunity as this new continent could have plenty of resources that can be used," Said the Minister of the Department of Defense.

The Advisors began murmuring amongst themselves while the president was deciding what to do.

Moments later the president came out of his daze and decided "I will send an expedition to the continent, because if we wait any longer the Russians could have access to these resources or have a new territory so close to American shores" Said, President Ford

The Advisors all agreed to the plan so President Ford immediately dispatched a team of marines to investigate.

Little did President Ford know other countries already have sent out expeditions to explore the continent.

Jarvis who was sitting in his office in the Palace was already ordering some shadow agents who were trained and recruited over the last two months to go and infiltrate the top Countries of the world.

He had also launched the satellite into space which caused some people around the world to think that people were living here.

Many rumors had quickly spread about the New continent and how it could have Aliens on it or just be a deserted continent while some Otakus had thought that there could be dragons and other fantasy races on the New continent.

Every News outlet in the world was covering the story of the mysterious continent and the unidentified object launched from it.

The first expedition to make it close to the continent was the Americans but their fleet was blocked by another unidentified Alien Looking fleet.

(Imperial Ship Destroyer here)

So they attempted to communicate with the fleet only to get a warning to turn around or they will be destroyed for trespassing.

Although it was international waters Jarvis didn't care as it was his waters now.

The U.S. Fleet that was having a standoff had sent a message back to the white house asking what to do.

But before President Ford could respond a Broadcast was sent throughout the world by Jarvis who was on it.

"Attention fellow humans you may be wondering why a continent suddenly appeared out of nowhere and what is on it. But let me tell you that this continent belongs to the Empire and any transgressions on our land will lead to war in which nukes would be used" Said Jarvis

Once he said this all countries ordered their expeditions to retreat as they know a nuclear war could lead to the destruction of the Earth.

"The Empire is a land home to many races and is willing to open up negotiations with any country all we ask is that you not trespass without permission to do so" Said Jarvis

"Once we have established relations we will open our borders with the world so anyone can come and visit our lands all we ask is that you obey our rules or you will be punished whether your a citizen or tourists we do not care" Said Jarvis as he paused for a moment "Now that concludes this announcement and have a good day," Said Jarvis He hoped that message that he sent was good enough for the World.

At that time every Government had received a Message that had the image of Flag that was never seen before so they naturally assumed that it was this New Empire.

(Image Here)

Almost an Hour after the announcement Jarvis had recieved a conference call that had all of the Major powers of the world in the call.

So Jarvis accepted the call.

"Hello there this is President Fredrick Ford of the United States" announced President Ford as the other countries did the same.

After all the major power's had announced themselves they began to talk.

"Emperor Jarvis, did I say that correctly" Asked President Ford

"Yes you said that correctly" Answered Jarvis

"Good I want to establish good relation's between our two nation's and also help the Empire to connect with the world by showing our friendship with each other" Said President Ford.

"The Russian Federation would also like to express the same so that our two people's can get to know each other" Said the Russian President Bortsov Nikolay Nikolayevich or just known as President Nikolay.

Next the other leader's also expressed the same.

"I would love to visit each one of your countries since we too don't know how we ended up here and would like to just move on and get used to this new world so I would too like to establish good relation's with each of your countries" Said Jarvis acting as if he was clueless to what happened as well

"If you would give me some time then I would visit the Capital of each one of your Nation's to meet in person to discuss important matter's" Said Jarvis

The Major country Leader's all nodded in agreement and talked for a few more while also giving the location of their capital's away to the Empire so that he can come meet them immediately.

Jarvis didn't waste anytime and had scheduled for his flight to each of these countries capital for today.

And within 1 hour his plane was ready so he boarded it taking Ova with him and escort of 5 Dragonnewts who would hide their wing's and Tail so that no other nation will find out until they visit his Lands.

He would also have an escort of 4 Mark 3 Cloak Multi-Role fighter's. These Fighter's when cloaked would emit zero sound from the Jet and would not be detectable by any other nation until the Cloak is deactivated.

Once he boarded the place the trip towards the USA Capital of Washington had began.