The US and UK Phone Call

6 Months Later

Inside of the White House, President Ford was looking over the report's of what the Minister of Defense had acquired from the war between the Republic of China and the Chinese Empire.

A few months ago he had decided to slightly get involved in the war since it was the biggest conflict going on in the world at the moment. And plus the land that the Chinese had contained lot's of resources that he hopefully wanted to get exclusive right's over.

But it was too early to get involved in the war since he didn't really have an excuse to get involved and the people didn't want war right now.

The main problem was the Arcadian Empire which has military dominance in China and can conduct strikes anywhere inside of the Republic of China border's.

The Republic of China has a small Airforce consisting of 2nd Gen and 3rd Gen Aircraft. The same could be said about the Chinese Empire as they have not managed to develop or even come close to developing 4th Gen or 5th Gen Fighter's or Bombers.

Every Major power had at least 4th Gen Aircraft while the more powerful ones had 5th Gen Aircraft which was their more costly Aircraft.

The Arcadian Empire Aircraft could be considered 6th Gen even though those types of Aircraft haven't even been introduced into the world yet.

And among the other military equipment and technology that the Arcadian Empire they were all advanced technology.

This was why President Ford could not openly join the war against the Arcadian Empire.

Once President Ford was done with the report he looked at the next report which was from the Intelligence department charged with hacking into the Arcadian Empire's Network to either get some schematics on military technology or to just see what they were doing.

But the Report was only a sheet of paper long. President Ford turned the paper to the back and there was nothing on it.

He was confused so he pressed a button on the phone to contact the Head of the Intelligence Department.

"Hello President Ford, I'm assuming your calling about the short report that I have sent to your office" Said The Head of the Intelligence department.

"Yes Why is this the paper so small and the information that is on here is not even usefull" Said President Ford.

"Well Mr. President the Arcadian Empire has such a sophisticated network that nothing we do can get through their defenses, And that little information we have is what they allowed us to get and it's nothing useful" Reported the Head of the Intelligence Department

He was ashamed that the world's most powerful Nation couldn't even get into the Network of a nation that isn't even 10 years old yet.

"All this funding and we can't even crack their Network" Said President Ford as he sighed

"Okay continue to try and crack their networks and let me know of any change" Said President Ford as he ended the call.

After the call ended he sat their and pondered for a while before he picked up the phone to make another call.

"Hello Prime Minister Thomas this is President Ford" 

"How are you doing President Ford" Asked Prime Minister Thomas

"Well we are having problems over here concerning the Arcadian Empire. It seems that we can't even crack their Network at all" Said President Ford.

Prime Minister Thomas sighed "It's the same here as well, and in Africa we are seeing an increase in the popularity of the Arcadian Emperor and lot's of Arcadian support has been given to a few countries" 

"What type of support" Asked President Ford

"Not military support yet but anything related to civilian lives such as construction, food, water, and health care are all things that we see they are focusing on. From our agents we have picked up multiple construction sites of Arcadian Hospitals over more than a dozen countries" Explained Prime Minister Thomas.

"Perhaps we need to to look into this because if they spread too far then we risk our assets in Africa being exposed and we could lose the foothold we already have" Said President Ford

"I agree so let's instead offer some of those countries some of our own money so that we can get them on our side and stop the Arcadian Empire form expanding too far" Suggested Prime Minister Thomas

"That's a good idea I'll get with my team and have them contact your Government to coordinate a plan" President Ford was ready to put his plan into motion because right now the Arcadian Empire is a threat to the world balance.

"This was a very productive phone President Ford and I'll be looking forward to working to together to stop the Acadian Empire" Prime Minister Thomas ended the call

President Ford didn't wait around and had summoned the Minister of Defense and the Director of National Security in order to come up with a plan.