The New African Organization

It has been a few months since the UK and US call between the two leaders, and during this time the UK and US have implanted their agents within many of the African countries and spied on what the Arcadian Empire was doing.

But what shocked them the most was the announcement by the Arcadian Empire and over half of the African nations.

They announced the creation of a new Organization to help modernize the African nations and to stop the Europeans from exploiting them. 

The Unified African Nations or UAN for short.

And while the Arcadian Empire was technically the founder of the Organization it was not the Leader of it. 

Jarvis left that up to the African Nations to chose and they chose the Ethiopian Empire as the leader of the Organization.

Mostly because it was the Ethiopian Empire that had the better relationship with the Arcadian Empire. As such the Ethiopian Empire held the most influence as of now where as the Democratic Republic of Congo is right behind them.

This new Organization shocked the entire world since with the creation of this Organization/ Alliance a new power had been established in Africa.

The UK and US agents were scrambling to gather more information about this new Organization and its potential threats to their countries. They feared that this new power could challenge their economic and political dominance in Africa.

As the Ethiopian Empire took charge of the Organization, they began to lay out their plan for modernizing the African nations. They called for a unified effort to build infrastructure, improve education systems, and create job opportunities. They also focused on protecting African resources and preventing exploitation by foreign powers.

Meanwhile, the Arcadian Empire continued to expand their influence and strengthen their ties with the African nations. They provided support and resources to the Organization to help it achieve its goals.

One of the things they provided was the creating a massive building for the UAN located in the Center of Africa in the Capital city of the Central African Republic Kaga-Bandoro.

Of course the Central African Republic was a part of the UAN. The location of the building was not meant to be strategic but to be somewhat centrally located on the Continent.

The building itself would be built by Arcadian Engineers and the it would be built with technology that is far ahead of the current world's technology.

But the surrounding area of where the building was going to be built was not able to support the high power cost that the building would take up.

So more engineers were sent to build an Arcadian Power Plant that would provide 10x more power than what the city actually needs.

And to maintain security while the building is under construction the Central African Republic allowed Arcadian forces to enter the city and protect the workers.

The Building would have over 100 floors and will be the main Organization building for the UAN where meetings, and other operations can be carried out.

But a problem had arisen with the Distance of the headquarters since some African Nations weren't friends with their neighbors so they couldn't fly such a long distance to get their.

Of course Jarvis solved this problem by sending them a medium sized civilian jet that was retrofitted for each member to be able to fly from anywhere on the Continent and make it to the Central African Republic.

Each jet had the Nation's flag on it and came with a pilot that was fluid in their language so that they can communicate. These were military pilots so they were disciplined and well trained.

And these jobs were volunteer jobs that Jarvis didn't think would get that many pilot's volunteering to go.

But he had gotten at least 300 applicants that volunteered because they wanted to be able to travel to a new continent.

Unfortunately less than 30% of those applicants were chosen leaving the other's to wait for another chance.

Anyway once the jet's were delivered to the UAN member nations a Month had already passed. 

The construction of the building was complete and the first meeting was about to be held by the UAN in their new Organization building.

Jarvis was invited to attend but he had other matters to attend to in Europe so he sent Kingsley in his place to represent the Arcadian Empire.

This would be the first of many historical events to come in the future which could effect the world in both a good way or a bad way.