False Claims by the Pope

In China the War between the Republic of China and the Chinese Empire which claimed it's righteousness over the entire Chinese Land had been escalated into a massive conflict that involved hundreds of thousands of people.

Not only that but almost every major power was involved in the war in some type of way, whether that was through sending military equipment, advisors, volunteers, or through economic or political means.

The US while they didn't show it publicly but they were working against the Arcadian Empire to undermine their influence in the Asian area of the world.

While the recently defeated Japanese Empire has been trying to divert their influence to other Asian countries to gain a better foothold and prevent a total take over by the Arcadian Empire.

But it was also during this time that the Pope of the Christian Church had suddenly came out and claimed that the Arcadian Empire was a nation influenced by the Devil.

This of course was wrong as the Arcadian Empire was not influenced by the devil at all. This claim was just an excuse because in this version of Earth there was a religious battle between the Christian Religion's and the Asian Religion's.

This battle was well known throughout the world as sometimes the different religion's clash against each other violently.

Unlike his previous life this Earth and it's religion's are openly violent against each other. Especially in nations where Religion is has a hand in politics.

The US was one of the few nations where Religion did not have a hand in politics and the people had the freedom to believe what they wanted to.

But in places like Russia and Turkey Religion was a very strong thing among the people.

Nonetheless the announcement of the Arcadian Empire being influenced by the Devil was something that was not taken seriously by other Religion's.

Some of Christians didn't even believe it either as the timing of the announcement was during the Chinese Civil war in which the Arcadian Empire was helping out the Chinese Whose religion was the number one adversary of Christianity.

Jarvis wasn't worried in the slightest about the affects of this announcement since he doesn't need the support of outside countries to survive in this world.

But in the Chinese Civil war it was different as the Republic of China used this to improve their standing with the people by claiming that the Chinese Empire were being controlled by Demon's and wanted to take away their children to feed to those demons.

This propaganda was being spread through the Republic of China by the Government. It improved their armies Morale motivated more people to join.

In addition, the Republic of China army fought harder due to the Propaganda. This halted the advancement of the Chinese Imperial army by a little since the Republic army was fighting even harder than before.

Not that the Chinese Imperial army wasn't fighting hard but they weren't being influenced by Propaganda that claimed the enemy to be influenced by unholy creatures.

Anyway the whole situation was just taken and turned into motivator's for other major power's to take action against the Arcadian Empire.

One such country was Italy which was strongly influenced by the Pope since the Pope was in Rome. Italy had sanctioned the Arcadian Empire followed by a few other smaller European countries.

Other countries were yet to take action or at least do anything public towards the Arcadian Empire but in the background something was brewing.


A few months after the announcement the Civil War had turned into a massive stalemate as the Republic of China soldier's were equipped with other countries weapons and equipment.

Jarvis wanted this war to be over already so he had Armorra plan a naval invasion of Port City Hong Kong. The reason was because it was one of the world's most significant financial center and also it was the main port used to import guns from other countries by the Republic of China.

In addition to planning a naval invasion Jarvis was also going to pay a visit to Beijing the Capital of the Chinese Empire. Following behind him would be 100k more troops equipped with the most advanced technology of the Arcadian Empire.

He would personally command these troops to try and in this war within 30 days or less. Because the longer the war drags on the more people will die and the more people will fall victim to the false propaganda by the Republic of China.

The Trip started from Arcadia the Capital of the Arcadian Empire and would head directly to Beijing. With him the sky was filled with Pelicans and Fighter's. And for the first time since the end of the Japanese War a Heli-carrier would be arriving in China.

Jarvis originally brought the Heli-carrier back because he didn't want to risk the enemy gathering information on it or developing weapons just to destroy it.

But now the situation was different.

Of course news of this massive military movement was not a small thing as almost every news station in the world was covering this and wondering what it would mean for the Republic of China since the Emperor himself is coming to China.