The start of the 30 Day War

Jarvis had arrived in the capital of the Chinese Empire Beijing to meet with the Chinese Emperor Zhao Shui who has claimed his rightful place on the Dragon Throne in Beijing.

The arrival of Jarvis was met with a large crowd of Chinese people cheering for him and thanking him for all of the support that he has given.

Jarvis liked how humble the Chinese People were even in a time like this were their country was split up into two nations.

After making it through the crowd of people Jarvis had arrived at the Jade Palace where Zhao Shui was waiting on him.

Zhao Shu didn't wait sitting on his throne as he would any other leader of a nation because the person in front of him is the biggest reason for his return to power and for the unification and freedom of the Chinese People from the Japanese Empire.

"Your Highness it is a pleasure to meet with you on this beautiful day" Said Chinese Emperor Zhao Shui. It had been a while since he had seen the Emperor in person and the last time they met he felt that he couldn't hold a candle to him.

"Stop with the formality and just call me Jarvis" Jarvis felt that Emperor Zhao Shui could become his friend since they both are around the same age, Even though Jarvis was mentally older.

"Alright then Jarvis, I welcome you to the Jade Palace" Said Emperor Zhao Shui as he started to walk with Jarvis next to him "This place has great historical importance and is the place of many historical event's in Chinese History"

Jarvis looked around the Jade Palace as they walked "I have to say, that the Jade Palace has this type of majestic aura to it"

In his previous life Jarvis had seen the Palace in London where the King of Great Britain resided and he thought that was the best Palace in the world.

Until he came to the Jade Palace which had all types of historical pictures, paintings, and other things of value that was worth million's.

Zhao Shui gave Jarvis a quick tour of the Palace before they headed to the Palace Hall. Once inside the Palace Hall Jarvis had started his meeting with Zhao Shui.

"Zhao Shui I believe you know why I am here" Said Jarvis since he wasn't oblivious to the news stories covering his visit to the Chinese Empire with an army of 100k powerful soldier's and a Heli-Carrier.

"Well From what I have heard from my advisor's and from what your Chancellor told me then you are here to reinforce the frontline and to finish this war within this year" Responded Zhao Shui.

"Yes that is partially correct" Said Jarvis "But the what I am here to do is to end this war within 30 days or less"

This statement shocked the Chinese Emperor since they had been struggling with the support of the Arcadian soldier's for a couple of months but now he says he can end the war within 30 days. Any person who heard this will obviously think that it is impossible.

"I can see the look on your face but the world leave's me no choice, as with the intervention of the other Major power's the war will only drag on causing more casualties to both civilian and military personnel" Explained Jarvis as he continued

"I want to end this war within a month as the longer the war drag's out the more powerful the support from other world powers will get and I don't want to drag this war out so I will end it in 30 days or less" Said Jarvis

While it sounded a little far fetched Zhao Shui's entire success on the Frontlines was thanks to the Equipment that the Arcadian Empire was sending them and they were in a military alliance with them.

"Okay your Majesty but what do you need from me" Asked Zhao Shui

"I don't need anything, all I want is for you to just continued to carry out what you are doing just when my army advances I want you to occupy the cities that we take and be prepared as it will be quick battle" Explained Jarvis

Zhao Shui seen this as an acceptable requests "Okay Jarvis, I will direct you to the Highest Ranked General's on the Frontlines and you can coordinate with them" Said Zhao Shui

"Good, Now if you will excuse me I will head there immediately to start my plan" Said Jarvis as he shook Zhao Shui's hand and left the Jade Palace.

Once he left all the cameras started flashing as soon as he exited the Palace until he boarded the Pelican and headed toward the Frontlines.

The flight took 1 hour, and once he arrived he meet with the Chinese Highest Military Generals and told them about his plan.

Once he informed them he headed to the Front Line with his army of 100k Soldier's who were all proficient in Magic, specifically magic that enhances their abilities as a soldier.

Ova had accompanied him while he was on the frontlines as the Captain of his Personal Guards. And once the army had arrived directly near the Frontlines Jarvis had made a small speech.

Jarvis was walking out of his Pelican as the Officers of the army had called the men to attention.

"MEN ATTENTION!" All 100k soldiers snapped to attention 

Once Jarvis was outside of the Pelican he began his speech.

"Soldiers, Today we will begin our long and tireless battle to end the Republic of China and unite the Chinese's People under the Banner of Emperor Zhao Shui. The enemy is being supported by the other major power's of the world preventing the people from being united thus I have to step in andput an end to this war within 30 days or less.

I need each and every one of you to give it your all and fight with everything that you have. We are not only fighting for the Chinese people, but for the Arcadian Empire as well. We must show the world that we are a force to be reckoned with and that our power is unmatched.

So, let us fight with honor and let us bring an end to this war once and for all!" Jarvis finished his speech with his fist raised in the air and the soldiers cheering.

Ova stood beside him, nodding her head in agreement with his words. She knew that Jarvis was a good leader and that he would lead them to victory.

As the soldiers prepared for battle, they could feel the magic coursing through their veins, enhancing their abilities. They were ready for whatever the enemy threw at them.