Diplomacy works

At the Main Airport in Syria, A small place had just touched down at the airport carrying the diplomat from the Arcadian Empire.

Waiting for them at the Airport was an escort from the Syrian Government. Since they are in a civil war the President of Syria has had to use the Syrian armed forces to escort the diplomats safely from the airport.

This was because the Rebels have in their hands advanced missiles which can somehow jam the missile defense system that Syria has.

Syrian Intelligence has small evidence that it could be a Russian weapon but they have no concrete evidence or anything to accuse the Russian's with.

Once the Arcadian Diplomat made it to Presidential building He was taken to the President to talk with him immediately.

Once the diplomat and the President was in the room together the meeting had begun.

"Good Afternoon President Ismad al-Kassem, My name is Oscar Anderson here to represent the Arcadian Government in these negotiations and the wishes of his Majesty" Stated Diplomat Oscar Anderson.

President Ismad al-Kassem extended the same respect that the diplomat did and because of the nation that he was dealing had great benefits if he could get them on his side and encourage them to help him.

"Mr. Anderson it's a pleasure to meet with you in these dire circumstances" Said President Ismad al-Kassem referring to the religious civil war which was going on.

"I hope that this meeting could begin to be the start of a good relationship between our two nations" Said President Ismad al-Kassem

"His Majesty wishes the same as unlike the other major powers he doesn't wish to exploit your nation for expansion into the middle east instead he just want's to help those nation's to defend themselves against threats like the terrorist organization which has started this civil war" Said Oscar Anderson

President Ismad al-Kassem was looking at Oscar with a confused face since he had not heard about something like this "My Minister's have informed me that this civil war was a result of religious' tremendous amount of religious unrest not a terrorists' organization"

Oscar pulled out a document from his brief case that he had and handed it over to President Ismad al-Kassem.

"Our Intelligence has acquired information about this Organization calling themselves the MFF or the Muslim Freedom Fighter's, looking to convert all nation's in the Middle East to a Religious nation that serves god. We have gathered that they are supported by and funded by Iran who hoped to add some of the smaller countries of the Middle East to it's sphere of influence in hopes of stopping the Western advance into the Middle East" Explained Oscar

President Ismad al-Kassem continued to look over the documents looking at the numerous evidence that showed everything that Oscar was explaining.

It had evidence on various meetings between the Terrorist group MFF and Important military leaders of Iran, pictures of Iran giving the group weapons and money, and even secret messages sent between the two.

President Ismad al-Kassem looked up from the paper at Oscar since if he is giving him this information that means that Arcadia either wants something important from them or is just showing off their intelligence capability to further spread their influence.

"By showing me this information what does the Arcadian Empire want since I am sure that this information must have been difficult to get" Asked President Ismad al-Kassem

Oscar pulled our yet another Document which was only a sheet of paper of all the things that the Arcadian Empire wants.

"We don't want much, in fact we don't want anything other than to establish a Embassy in Syria to better improve our relations and we will also send 4 Imperial knights to help with the Civil war, All we ask is for Syria to remain a Ally in the Middle East" Oscar explained the Demands that the Arcadian Empire wanted.

President Ismad al-Kassem didn't even hesitate hearing this amazing deal that he just heard. As for the Imperial Knights well videos about them were already circulating on the Internet from their war in China.

Those video showed them using magic and fighting off hundreds of soldiers at once using what the world describes as magical powers.

And getting 4 of them would mean a lot for him since that would mean that the Civil war would not be a problem for them with this support.

"I accept this deal" Said President Ismad al-Kassem

"If that's the case let's formally sign the documents and once that happens we hope to hear about a good location to build our embassy and the 4 Imperial knights will be sent to you by tomorrow" Said Oscar

"That's fast, I expected at least a few month wait time before we see them, not this soon" Said President Ismad al-Kassem

"We waste no time in the Arcadian Empire, Once we sign documents making it a formal agreement, we waste no time coming through on our end of the deal" Explained Oscar

"I can see, well then let me talk to my Minister's about a location for the Embassy and I will get back with you shortly" Said President Ismad al-Kassem as he got up and left.

By the end of that day he had come back and told Oscar of a good location for Embassy in which Oscar informed the Arcadian Government who sent a team to reconstruct the building which they were given for their Embassy.

The next day, the Arcadian Empire's Imperial Knights arrived in Syria. Their arrival was met with great fanfare and excitement, as the people of Syria had heard stories of their incredible magical abilities and their exploits in the Chinese Civil War. The Knights were escorted to a lavish reception at the Presidential Palace, where they were formally introduced to President Ismad al-Kassem and his Cabinet.

The Knights, all dressed in shining armor and carrying magical swords, greeted the Syrian officials with courtesy and respect. The expressed their desire to help the Syrian Government end this Civil War as soon as possible, and to help the Syrian people defend themselves against the terrorist group known as the MFF.

Over the next few weeks, the Knights proved their worth many times over. They fought alongside the Syrian army to reclaim lost territory, using their magical powers to strike fear into the hearts of the enemy. They healed the wounded, provided food and shelter to the homeless, and worked tirelessly to bring peace to the region.