A Major Conflict in the making

At Paris, the Capital of The French Republic, President Vincent Delisle was at an emergency meeting with his Minister's over a major incident that has just happened.

A French Military Naval Vessel has just been attacked while they were refueling at a Port in Morocco. 50 people were killed and about 80 were injured from the attack.

The Morocco government claims that it was a terrorist organization that has did it and they had no part in it. But the relationship between the French and Morocco has been declining to t due the rise of Imperialism in the world once again.

"Sir we have intelligence that this attack was conducted by a rebel group originating from the country Morocco and that the Legitimate Government indeed had nothing to do with this" Answered the Minister of the Armed Forces.

Hearing this the President put his hand on his head. Because while they have evidence that it wasn't the Morocco Government at the same time the people will probably want him to respond to this attack.

He can't go out and say that they don't know who did this attack because then the people will start to criticize the President and the Government.

"The people won't like this if we report it like this" Said the President Vincent of the French Republic.

"Sir how about we say that the Rebels were funded by the Morocco Government in an attempt to diminish French influence in the Region. This would give us justification to do something to deal with this problem" Said the French Minister of Intelligence

"The other world power's are already making moves on establishing puppet states in overseas region's, and now is our chance to acquire a good chunk of land in Africa which will also allow us to claim Gibraltar and control entrance of ship's into the Mediterranean" Explained the French Naval Minister.

President Vincent thought it over for a bit and agreed that controlling access to the Mediterranean would be nice because as of now Gibraltar was claimed by Morocco, Spain, and the United Kingdom. And it was also considered an independent city but was still under the influence of a major power and a minor power.

But if France take out the Morocco Government they could establish control over it themselves and control the strait which has half of the world's trade pass through it.

"I think moving on them now will only provoke thing further, let's first invite them to speak on the matter and negotiate a deal, and if they don't accept then we will point evidence that the Government of Morocco was behind the attack and we will declare war" Said President Vincent.

"I think that is a good idea Sir as we don't want to just declare an unjustified war against them, So while that is happening I will get the evidence ready just incase the negotiation's fail" Said the Minister of Intelligence.

"And I will gather the military official's and come up with a plan of invasion should we go through with the plan" Said the Minister of the Armed Forces

"Alright gentlemen let's restore the French Republic back to it's glory and prepare for the worst" Said President Vincent.

With that said the meeting ended and the various Minister's left to do their duties and come up with a plan for the Morocco situation. 

While President Vincent Prepared for a Press Conference with the media about the recent attack on their military.

While that was going in France, the Arcadian Navy was about to conduct it's first worldwide deployment. This deployment was a very important thing since by showing that the Arcadian Navy can conduct Naval mission's worldwide it will make some of their enemies nervous and debunk some claims about their Navy to the world.

The ship's going on this deployment would be two destroyer's, a cruiser, and two Hospital ship's. The two Hospital ship's carried the state of the art Medical system's of the Arcadian Empire which far surpassed the Medical ability of any country in the world.

The purpose for their participation in the deployment was to one show off the Medical ability of the Arcadian Empire and to two spread the influence of the Arcadian Empire in Africa, South America, and Asia.

The Deployment will start by hitting many port's in South America, then heading to Africa for about a year and then to Asia hitting many of the Port's in that region of the world until coming to it's final stop in the Arcadian controlled city of Yingkou.

Yingkou which was ceded to Jarvis for joining the Manchukuo in their war against the Japanese Empire has undergone a lot of development. The infrastructure was upgraded significantly and the building's were rebuilt to better fit the standard of an Arcadian city.

Jarvis utilized every inch of land that he was given outside of the city by building creating farm's, and more houses.

The progress of the city was announced on the news every month as the development of the city has brought many job's to the people.

Many program's were implemented to help those who didn't have a job or was without a home. The number one choice for people was military service which similar to the U.S. offered many benefits to people apart of the military.

But for Jarvis he made it better for the people who joined the military since for the U.S. you were getting good pay but it was only slightly above lowest American yearly income.

Jarvis made it to where the Military member's would be well taken care of and would not have to worry about anything concerned with money.

All Military member's were guaranteed a high salary, housing, and a stable future for family member's.

This attracted a lot of the local population of Yingkou which out of the 2.2 million resident's, 20,000 joined the Military.

Immediately no matter their race or culture they were given the benefit's of being in the Military. If they were homeless they were given a house which depended on the number of their dependent's.

Dependents are people who relied on the service member for housing, and food and other daily necessities.

 Also immigration from other cities was a nig thing as the population of 2.2 million was increasing everyday as thousands of people came into the city seeking a better life.

For the Chinese Empire this was not a problem at all, in fact it was a good thing since the number one problem they were dealing with right now is the high number of unemployed which was about 35% of the population.

Of course they were working to bring that down by creating more job's, but that required time and money and the latter required time as well.

The Chinese Empire maintained a strong Military as it numbered 1.2 Million Active Service member's deployed on all of it's border's.

Life for the Chinese People was better since they were united as a single nation now, no longer separated by the various warlord's who were controlled by the Japanese Empire.

And a strong sense of Nationalism was built within the people to protect the Empire from all threat's. And to do that they must first endure the effect's of fighting a war against themselves.

People knew that the way of life would be affected greatly because of the previous war so blaming the Government would do nothing, instead what they did was stand together to face the challenge as one people.

In response to the Chinese peoples strong resolve Jarvis and the Chinese Emperor worked closely together to help the other build up their nation.

Multiple Hospital's built by Jarvis was established and operated by people summoned from the system.

The Transportation system was drastically improved to help people traverse the massive land faster.

All these project's had brought the Chinese people and the Arcadian people close together. This was the first of many step's to a long lasting relationship between the two.