Protection from the future

Ova, Princess Yuuma, and Princess Sasori approached the office door where Jarvis was located. Two Royal Guards standing guard in front of the door stepped aside to let them through.

The door was opened and the three of them walked in. Jarvis was sitting at his office desk currently on a video call with the Australian Prime Minister over a continued sea access for the Australian ships.

This was actually a common thing for Jarvis to deal with since the appearance of the Arcadian Continent affected a lot of trade in that region of the world.

Access to the Panama Canal used to be just a straight shot, but now the Arcadian Continent was in the way of most shipping lanes causing ships to have to stop at their ports to refuel and be checked for banned cargo.

The ocean around the Continent was also constantly patrolled by the Arcadian Navy making it crucial for Major and Regional powers who traded through that region to gain special access and rights.

It was the same for Major Companies and Corporations who used those shipping lanes. Special access was granted to a lot of third party nations, companies, and corporation.

Third party basically meant that they were not direct allies of the Arcadian Empire but neutral parties who operated near or on Arcadian land.

Jarvis looked at the three people who just entered his office and then back at the screen "Well Prime Minister, it was nice to continue our cooperation over the shipping lanes, Now if you will excuse me i have other business to take care of" Said Jarvis

"Until next time, Your Majesty" Said the Australian Prime Minister as he ended the video call.

Jarvis now focused his attention on the three people who entered his office.

"Your Majesty, i present to you Princess Yuuma, and Princess Sasori of the Japanese Empire" Announced Ova as both Princesses performed performed a bow.

Jarvis was aware that it was customary in their culture to bow as a sign of respect, particularly to those in positions of power or royalty from other nations.

So he returned the bow before he motioned for them to sit down. They both sat down in the seats directly in front of Jarvis's desk while Ova stood beside him.

"Now, It's a pleasure to see you again Princess Yuuma, and you as well Princess Sasori, It has been a few years since we have seen each other" Said Jarvis.

"Yes, Your Majesty. The last time we met, our countries were at war. And now, my country is in turmoil," replied Princess Yuuma.

Jarvis nodded his head understanding that the direct result of their defeat in the war was what led to the current turmoil in the country.

Princess Yuuma continued, "The war had been on the brink of eruption for decades. It was only a matter of time before it escalated into a full-blown conflict. Still my father had learned the era of his ways. After he came into power after my grandfather he should have tried to fix the issues with the Chinese states but instead he hoped to maintain control over the vast resources and massive population"

Jarvis acknowledged the statement with a nod. "Yes, but it's important to note that I only intervened because of the cry for help from the Chinese people. Without their request, I may not have gotten involved in the conflict as early or at all."

Princess Yuuma nodded since she had these last few years to analyze everything and determine that what her father did was questionable, and that the Arcadian Empire only helped the Chinese people and even ushered in a new era for hundreds of Millions of people.

Her father had also overtime thought back on his previous actions and came to a similar conclusion. Which is why he sent his only daughters to the Arcadian Empire for asylum from the conflict brewing in the Japanese Empire.

"Let's put history aside and concentrate on the present," stated Jarvis. "What's the reason for your unexpected visit?" Jarvis asked, his tone more curious than angry.

Princess Yuuma took a deep breathe before she began to speak "My Father sent me here to seek your protection from what is happening on the Japanese Mainland right now" Said Princess Yuuma as she looked down at the floor.

"And my father has been poisoned" Added Princess Yuuma.

At this Jarvis eyes grew wider shocked by the news. Then suddenly a shadow agent appeared next to him surprising the two princesses.

The Shadow agent's words were grim as he addressed the king: "Your Majesty, it is true. The Japanese Emperor has been poisoned by the Prince, who is backed by the nobles. These nobles have been swayed by foreign nations."

"Were you aware of this?" Asked Jarvis to Princess Yuuma

"Yes, I was actually just about to tell you about it" Replied Princess Yuuma.

"I see, well this is certainly an interesting development but why are you two at risk" Asked Jarvis.

Princess Yuuma pulled out a document and handed it to Jarvis. On the Document it was a message between the Princes and some Nobles which established their plans for when the Prince take power.

Princess Yuuma and Princes Sasori was to be married to two powerful Noble families to secure the new Emperor's authority and to make sure that they don't conspire against him.

"Well considering these event's I don't see any problem with you seeking protection here. You and your attendants will be allowed to stay in the Guest rooms of the Palace and will be given certain permissions and protection to ensure that your brother or the nobles don't try anything" Announced Jarvis as he looked at Ova.

"Ova can you see that they are taken care of" Asked Jarvis.

"Of course, your Majesty. I will take care of the rest" Said Ova as she left the room followed by the two Princesses.

Once they left Princess Yuuma blushed since there was one more important thing that she forgot to mention to Jarvis regarding something that her father requested. But it was too late now and she figured she would tell him another time.