India Meeting

Jarvis was en route to New Delhi in his Royal Jet, accompanied by six SFJ-10 Imperial Fighters. He had been granted special permission for his escort jets to fly within Indian airspace.

As the Royal Jet flew over the Indian land, Jarvis looked at the expanse below. The landscape was a patchwork quilt of various hues; the vibrant green of lush fields, the earthy browns of the sprawling towns, and the sparkling blue veins of rivers ribboning their way through it all.

Just then, a sharp crackle over the communication line snapped Jarvis out of his reverie. The voice of Captain Reynolds, leader of his SFJ-10 escort, echoed in the cockpit. "Your Majesty, we are entering New Delhi airspace."

Jarvis nodded at his pilot who acknowledged the transmission with a curt response. The jet began to descend, circling over New Delhi's glittering skyline before lining up for final approach.

The Royal Jet had touched down on Indian soil with a gentle thud and came to a stop shortly after touching the ground. It didn't take long for the Jet to move towards the taxi spot in which it was assigned.

Once the Jet taxied the Indian Prime Minister had greeted Jarvis. Prime Minister Sharma, a tall man with graying hair, stood waiting on the tarmac. He wore a simple white kurta, an ensemble symbolic of his humility and dedication to his nation. As Jarvis disembarked from the jet, Sharma approached with a broad smile on his face.

"Welcome to India, Emperor Jarvis," he said warmly, extending his hand. Jarvis took it gratefully, shaking it firmly.

"Thank you, Prime Minister Sharma," Jarvis replied, appreciating the warmth radiating from the Indian Prime Minister.

"This is my Chancellor Kingsley who handles most of the diplomatic affairs of the Arcadian Empire and the other one is Ova who is my personal assistant of sorts." Said Jarvis introducing Kingsley and Ova.

After initial greetings, they walked towards a string of black cars lined up on the tarmac. Sharma gestured for Jarvis to take the lead, informing him they were to meet other cabinet members at Rashtrapati Bhavan, the Presidential residence.

As they drove past the vibrant cityscape of New Delhi towards their destination, Jarvis was amazed by the buzzing energy of the city- a blend of antiquity and modernity. Street vendors hawking their wares coexisted with skyscrapers reaching for the skies.

Upon arriving at Rashtrapati Bhavan, they were greeted by an array of dignitaries. The President of India stepped forward first, her saree a vibrant red symbolic of power and courage.

She extended her hand and smiled warmly at Jarvis. "Welcome to India," she said in clear English, echoing Prime Minister Sharma's earlier sentiment.

"Thank you, Madame President," Jarvis responded in kind, shaking her offered hand. He couldn't help but appreciate the intricate design woven into her saree.

After appropriately greeting and exchanging pleasantries with the array of dignitaries, they proceeded to a grand banquet hall for a state dinner. The hall was astonishing—a striking blend of Indian traditional architecture and modern design. Giant chandeliers hanging from the high ceiling shone down on beautifully set tables laden with gold-rimmed plates and vivid blooms arranged impeccably in crystal vases.

As the dinner commenced, an assortment of Indian culinary delights was served along with a selection of Arcadian wines, the perfect blending of both cultures. Prime Minister Sharma had began to ask about the benefits to joining the Pact of intercontinental security(PIS) Alliance.

Jarvis carefully considered his words. "The PIS Alliance is a comprehensive approach to international security," he began, "Arcadia and the other members are committed to maintaining a stable, secure environment where economic development and cultural exchange can flourish while also ensuring the protection and development of each member."

Prime Minister Sharma nodded thoughtfully, "And what of sovereignty? One concern is that joining such an alliance might compromise India's independence."

Jarvis acknowledged the concern with a nod. "I understand the sentiment. It's a valid concern for any nation. However, the PIS Alliance highly values national sovereignty and independent decision-making. Our objective is not to supersede, but to supplement each member nation's efforts at ensuring their security. Our united front ensures we're better prepared against any unforeseen adversities."

The Prime Minister seemed appeased by this response, and the conversation shifted towards lighter topics as they enjoyed the delicious spread laid out before them. Jarvis found himself particularly fond of the spicy curry dishes, his palette enjoying the burst of flavours.

After dinner was over, Jarvis was escorted around Rashtrapati Bhavan. The mansion impressed him with its grandeur and elegance - marble staircases, priceless artifacts, and stunning murals depicting India's rich history.

From there on they moved to a more secluded part of the residence where formal discussions were held. Jarvis presented his case for India's inclusion in the PIS Alliance, talking about economic benefits, access to advanced technology and mutual defense agreements.

By the time Jarvis left Rashtrapati Bhavan it was well past midnight. As he rode back to his Jet under the star-strewn Indian sky, he felt hopeful. The meeting had gone well, and he was optimistic about the prospects of India joining the PIS Alliance. Back in the Royal Jet, Jarvis stared out at the glittering cityscape of New Delhi, contemplating the potential alliance that stretched before them.

The following day was spent touring various parts of India, understanding its rich cultural heritage and social fabric. Jarvis visited ancient monuments, bustling markets, and even a few rural villages. The diversity and resilience of the Indian people left him amazed. It also strengthened his resolve to ensure that their partnership was mutually beneficial, fostering growth and development for both nations.

In the days that followed, intensive discussions and negotiations took place. Some were rife with disagreements while others showed promising accord. Jarvis, along with Chancellor Kingsley and Ova, worked diligently, presenting counter-arguments, addressing concerns and bolstering their proposition for the alliance.

On his last day in India, Jarvis met Prime Minister Sharma one final time at the iconic India Gate. It was here that Sharma revealed his decision. He looked at Jarvis with a steady gaze and said, "After much deliberation and consultation with my cabinet, we have decided to accept your proposal and join the PIS Alliance."

Jarvis felt a wave of satisfaction wash over him. His trip had been successful. After exchanging formalities, they ended their meeting on a positive note.

As he boarded his Royal Jet to return home, Jarvis looked back at the Indian landscape one last time - a vast tapestry now interwoven with Arcadia's future. The Royal Jet ascended into the sky under the watchful gaze of the SFJ-10 Imperial Fighters, its engines humming in harmony as they returned back to Arcadia.