However, the 2nd Imperial fleet was already deployed in response to the growing tension. In the icy waters of the Pacific, the sleek and state-of-the-art Arcadian submarines lay in wait. They had been fitted with cutting-edge sonar systems and armed with torpedoes capable of piercing even the toughest steel hulls.
As dawn broke over the Pacific, a murmuring filled the Submarines command deck. A Young ensign had spotted something unusual on his sonar display. Running his fingers over the readings, the Admirals eyes focused on the tactical display in front the ensign to see what he had found.
It was a Russian submarine—one that had strayed too close to Arcadian waters, most likely sent to cause some problems and halt the deployment of Arcadian forces to the East of Russia.
The Admiral sounded the alarm alerting all the crew to get to their battle stations "All right everybody this is the real deal, we got Russian subs approaching our waters, we will not let them pass. By order of his majesty, we are free to engage all enemy ships," said the Admiral. At his words, a flurry of activity erupted on deck as sailors hustled to their positions.
"Lieutenant, send out this message. As of 0721 the first sightings of Russian submarines were spotted heading south towards the mainland bearing 180 degrees" Ordered the Admiral as the Lieutenant repeated the message back to confirm he heard it.
Once he sent the message out the Admiral watched as the Russian subs grew closer on the sonar screen. "Fire torpedoes one and two," he commanded.
Two torpedoes shot out of the submarine "Torpedoes away!" yelled the weapons officer.
On the Sonar screen the officer watched as two blips separated from their submarine and raced towards the Russian submarines. For a few seconds there was silence, then an explosion was heard in the distance and on the sonar the Russian blips had disappeared.
"Target destroyed," confirmed the sonar technician amidst the cheers of the crew. The Admiral, however, did not join in their celebration. He knew this was just the beginning of the war which would see many navy battles.
Moments later, another blip appeared on the screen—a second Russian submarine had appeared on their sonar and had fired two torpedoes. The Russian submarine had gotten their location from when they fired their Torpedoes at the first Russian submarine.
"Launch countermeasures" Ordered the Admiral as the weapons officer launched the anti-torpedo countermeasure that every Arcadia sub had. It was basically a smaller torpedo that would lock on to the enemy torpedo and destroy it before it hit its target.
The countermeasures hit the two incoming torpedoes, destroying them before they reached their target. "Fire torpedoes tree and four," he commanded.
Two torpedoes were fired towards the new Russian ship and had hit it's target destroying yet another Russian submarine. With these two Submarines being sunk, the war had officially begun.
In response to this, Jarvis ordered the 3rd Imperial Fleet to be deployed to the Sea of Japan near Vladivostok to initiate a blockade and prepare for an amphibious invasion of the city.
Additionally, the 5th Imperial Fleet was deployed to the Mediterranean to halt any Russian naval vessels from being deployed from the Black Sea.
4 Hours later:
The Mediterranean, known for its tranquil turquoise waters and picturesque landscapes, was now the stage for the highly advanced and superior Arcadian Fleet and the Russian fleet which was comparably weaker. The 5th Imperial Fleet set course for the Dardanelles Strait, aiming to cut off any Russian vessels from exiting the Black Sea. The Republic of Turkey had already denied the Russians access through the strait, but Intelligence had hinted at the possibility of the Russian Federation forcing their way through the strait.
Turkey wasn't allied with any nation so the Russian could attack them without worrying about another nation joining. However, the diplomatic repercussions would be immense.
The Arcadian carriers, battleships and destroyers sliced through the calm Mediterranean waters, accompanied by an escort of submarines lurking beneath the surface. Each ship bristled with weaponry - from anti-aircraft guns and missile launchers on the decks to torpedo tubes and depth charges below the waterline. The fleet was prepared for any eventuality.
On board the flagship, Admiral Lancaster stared at the tactical display. "Sir," Lieutenant Stevens approached Lancaster, a telegram clutched in his hand. "We have intelligence of a Russian battle group heading our way. They are heading towards the Bosporus strait and intend to break through to the Mediterranean."
"All right. Let's prepare to meet our guests." Replied Admiral Lancaster.
Alarms sounded throughout the fleet as each ship powered up its weapon systems, sailors sprinting into action like clockwork machinery in response to their orders.
A Major battle between two fleets was about to take place. Meanwhile back in the Pacific, the 3rd Imperial Fleet had destroyed all Russian Naval vessels in the Sea of Japan and had taken control of the sea. Carriers had deployed fighters to take control of air over the city.
Transport ships carrying 50k troops, vehicles, tanks, etc, were waiting for the skies to be cleared before they made their landing.
In just shy of 48 hours, the first troops were about to land on Russian soil which would prove to be an embarrassment for the Russian armed forces to allow an enemy to destroy an entire fleet and land troops within a time span of 48 hours.