Chapter 20: Sister

-Kakashi POV-

Is she being serious, she insulted and provoked one of the legendary sanin, even though we came asking for her help, and now she wants a fight, she reminds me of father, father used to fight a lot... no she is nothing like father... right?

Tsunade-sama was silent for few seconds, then she started laughing, "Is this some kind of joke?"

At the same time Jishi-san run toward Tsunade-sama, but before she could do anything, the slug sanin punched her away making her pop to white smoke, the original flickered in front of Tsunade-sama and the both stood there we didn't know what was happening, this moment was broken by Jishi-san, who went to the restaurant and came back with a pencil, that she tried to place under Tsunade-sama's neck, that seemed strange because Jishi-san was a lot shorter than Tsunade-sama, out of the blue the later woke up from her from her semi sleeping state, she was clearly surprised, in a cold tone Jishi-san says "You really left your guard down, suppose I was a spy what would you have done in this situation?"

Kushina-san and I were startled by this statementI, and both rushed to her side not knowing what to do, "luckily for you I am not" she put the pencil away.

"H-how did you do that?", Tsunade-sama was as surprised as us but Jishi ignored her, she cut a wick of her hair and a another of mine.

She handed the strands of hair to Kushina-san, "This should suffice", she took a few seconds, "Tsunade teach me medical ninjutsu" we deadpanned at this 'request', she added, "Meet me at training ground number 9 at 1pm, don't be late, if you are I will find you and this time it won't be a pencil", did she just threaten one of the strongest shinobi in the village, who is also a student of the hogake, she turned and was about to leave not leaving any chance for Tsunade-sama to reply.

"D-d-don't you want to know the results?", this time it was me who stuttered, I don't understand why I did it.

"I already know that they will just confirm what I already told you... and I think you'll need time to accept", with a smile she continued "when you ready come find me"

She went away... Kushina-san looked pensive, then turned to Tsunade-sama, "what happened? Why couldn't you move?"

"I-I don't know... I am too drunk, that brat couldn't have won other wise", as much as I'd like to believe her, she doesn't seem convinced herself, she sighted, "I just want to drink sake for fucks sake", she took the hair from kushina-san, few minutes later, "the brat wasn't lying she is your sister"

-Kushina POV-

Jishi has somehow won, I don't get why she fought with Tsunade-nee, and in the end ordering her to teach her medical ninjutsu, am I in a genjutsu?

When I got out of my thoughts, I heard Tsunade-nee say, "she is your sister", and with a nonchalant tone, "see you later Kushina, also you should come drink with me tomorrow and bring your boyfriend too",

I that I was slightly blushing "MINATO ISN'T MY BOYFRIEND"

"But I didn't say his name...", she glanced at the tree where Minato was hiding, I could sense him because of the power of the kyubi, "we'll be waiting for you", even Kakashi who was silent chuckled.

"Well see you later Kushina-san I have... to go... home", I can sense emotions so I know he was sad, but I can't do anything to help him so I just went to him and hugged him.

"It's gonna be okay e are here for you"

"Thank you Kushina-san"

-3rd person POV-

--behind a tree near the commotion--

A yellow haired man who could be confused with a pikachu, while two kids who were hiding with him, looked in awe at the power displayed by a kid that was supposed to be younger than them, he didn't seem proud nor did he seem happy, he was more astonished than the two kids, especially by the discussion that could be heard.

At the mention of his name, the face of the man turned as red as the hair of the woman he was observing, he and the two kids came out rushing at the sight of the women hugging a white haired kid, they all gave him a hug and departed each on his way.