I am showered with love and affection
I am gifted with wealth and beauty
I am bright like the stars that walk the Earth
Blessed by the heavens, like a demi-god, I'm also special.
I am that
I appear that way
They see me like that
They show me that way.
I feel all the love, all the concerns, all the worries, all the kindness, all the happiness, all the comforts most of us want and still continuing to want... to wish... to hope.
All of these, from family, from friends, from a lover, from fans and followers, from readers.
I have accepted everything
But absorbing everything is another matter.
When too much love and comfort becomes suffocating and you feel caged...
I feel caged!
How could I feel that way?
When I have so much of the "goodness" of life
When I have an almost perfect life, as most dubbed mine, as most claim to be as they see fit.
I am a star, shining bright like I aforementioned I am
But when the lights goes off, I wither
I wither from the forced smiles and laughter.
I am like a demi-god, special I am
Yet scorned by the gods,
I am given a chance to die, they were given an eternity to live
I am showered with love and affection
Yet it chokes me with too much sweetness, not bitterness
The wealth, the beauty, I can't take with me when death comes to ferry me away.
I had too much of everything
I am leashed to too much
I am drowned to a deep trench of too much
I am asphyxiated from these
I am caged, not like a bird, but like the "Beautiful Bones" in a safebox lost in the acid pit of garbage.
I have everything but then I have also nothing.
Too little is not good as much as too much is not good as enough.
©️ 06.25.2018