Chest: Give

You woke up one morning and found blood on your sheets. Confused, you jumped from the bed to check upon yourself. Your legs, stomach, everything seemed okay until a drop of blood fell on your forehead. As you slowly turned your face to look up...

Her face stared at you. Without blinking, you stood frozen at the spot you're standing on. She still stares at you with blood-shot eyes and a closed mouth with blood dripping from its right end.

A knock made you look away from her yet you immediately look up again but saw no one there. You turn to your bed and saw no trace or proof of blood on it.

Knock! Knock!

"Get up, son!" you heard your mother's voice "You'll be late for school again."

"I'm up!" you answered and you heard her retreating footsteps.

You turned around to check the whole room.

Have you imagined it, then?

Have you just had an extended nightmare from the night a while back?

You calmed yourself down and you went on about your day. Like normal days you've been having except this day it happened, when you saw her on the ceiling. The world around you just goes on the way it used to but you know, somewhere or maybe just here, something unknown, a mystery you don't really want to know, is seeping in.

A few months passed.

You suddenly woke up at 2 a.m. with fear creeping inside you. Your room was really dark, no tinge of light just hollow darkness. And you feel like you're not in your bed but you still feel the sheet and the pillow with your body.

A sticky feeling on your back made you think of sweat. You feel it dripping from your face and you feel hot but cold, at the same time. You closed your eyes again and tried to go back to sleep but you heard a breathing sound besides you. It's near you. So close to your ear.

Someone whispered and you lose your consciousness.

The next day, when you opened your eyes, her face was the first you saw. She smiled, revealing a pair of fangs among her teeth streaked with blood, her cadaverous face and blood-shot eyes were full of delight. You were frozen again, lying their on your back.

What would you do, now?

"Give me your soul, my love" she said in a hissing voice.

You wanted to scream but no words came out. Her face came nearer and you tasted her mouth.

Not of iron-tasting blood but sweet strawberries. As she kisses you, you feel nauseated but then the sweet savoring of her lips made you guilty... and for a moment, the fear inside intensified, as you feel like something inside you is being sucked out.

She moves her hands and clasp each of yours. The room's temperature drops to zero degree and you feel her cold hands again. Then the smell of a decaying corpse. Then she raises her face to look at you again.

Her face glowed, as smooth as silk and fair as heaven's light. Her eyes are of the color of newly grown grasses and her lips, slightly parted are pinkish-red. Her hair, flowed from her shoulders like a crystal waters.

She gets up from your bed and gave you a mirror.

Now you realized what happened. Do you deserve what you just happened? Did you forget an awful thing you did to be in this state?

As she gave off a maniacal laugh, contradicting her angelic features now.

The room had now been reduced to dilapidated walls and grey colour, the only one glowing is her.

The only dead is...

you know who.

©️ 10.21.2018