She (8)/Chest:

I have been looking at your eyes for too long

I want to be mesmerized and forget all these thoughts killing me

I want to be imprisoned by your gaze, your smile and your smell

Like a drug, I want the drops I can use for my dry eyes

Like a drug, I don't want you to keep my eyes so lubricated it does not hurt like hell

I wanted to be freed from your gaze, your smile and never smell the air around you

I just want these thoughts to kill me and look away from your eyes

I have been staring at the blank space away from yours

Can you see the dilemma I am in?

Can you feel the feelings I cannot describe in a way that you could better understand?

Can you hear the silence of my enclosed being trying to be fine?

Can you let me be just like this and stay sane while you're with me?

I wonder

I don't

I cannot be just someone you can keep

Nor someone you can love

If you do, I beg you not to

I don't want to kill another personality from a person then never get that back

Never meet it and never feel

Everything about you is something I crave most times

Something I cannot also have

Something that you will also be

I still beg no more wants yet more wants

You see how it does not match at all?

I don't belong in your thoughts as you don't belong in mine

I'll look away now

I hope I can look away more

Cause if I ever look again, I'll be caged for life

©️ 03.04.2020