Chapter Thirteen: Sex Among the Dead

Upon finding out the worst news of my life, Gaea is my mother, and I started to feel conflicting emotions.

The day was gloomy and uneventful, and I thought I couldn't get any more bad news, wishing I had never picked up the phone.

"Hello?" I asked into the receiver, hearing chattering and periodic beeping. "Hai, can I please speak to Ms. Shekmi?" The women on the other line asked, which made me wonder who would be trying to communicate with me.

" This is she. Is something going on? I don't usually get calls unless it's important." I blinked, bending down to throw some glass into the garbage bin.

"I'm sorry to inform you, but your mother has passed away. You were listed as her only emergency contact." The voice sounded solemn on the other end, and my eyes prickled at the news. My throat felt like it had a lump in it and my lips trembled staring at my cracked wall.

"I-.. What happened? I just saw her last night?!" I started to hyperventilate, sinking to my room floor, directly on the broken shards of glass.

I didn't care or feel the pain; I just sat there waiting to hear what I already knew. "There was a massive earthquake last night. The apartment building she was living in was completely flattened. We're calling to see if you would like to identify---" I immediately cut her off, snarling. " NO, I DO NOT!"

The woman went silent on the other end, clearing her throat. "My deepest condolences." Without much as a goodbye, the line clicked, and I sat there struggling to breathe.

I stared at my wall, my eyes blurring until unruly tears flooded, running down my cheeks. Snot ran from my nose as I sniffled, and my lips opened to release a choking sob-like scream.

"Not, no, no!" My chest heaved as I sobbed louder until my chest constricted painfully, another sob escaping.

Lugh, who had been downstairs cleaning up, came rushing up the stairs to find me sitting curled inward on myself with my hands clawed up where my heart felt like it was breaking.

"Oh God...not my mother..." As soon as I spotted Sweeney, I got up and ran to him, tripping until I face-planted into his chest, sobbing in pain. He clutched me tightly to his chest as I wailed and screamed, crushing the phone in my hand to dust.

His hands seemed to rub up and down my back in a gentle manner which was somewhat surprising, telling me that everything would be okay.

"Breathe, Lassie... I need ya to breathe, yer scaring me." I made myself choke, made myself so sick that I threw up all over him, but still, he didn't let me go.

She was the reason I didn't leave, I wanted her to come with me, but it seemed that wasn't fate's design.


I had chosen to have her cremated, and I wanted to spread her ashes when I got the chance. At this moment, I held her in the palms of my hands, not wanting the wind to carry all of her away; I wanted to bring her with me somehow.

I sat in the field of flowers, staring at nothing with a spliff burning slowly at my lips. Sweeney had made his way to my side, sitting next to me.

He didn't say anything; he just grabbed my hand and squeezed it between his own. "Do you have a container? I want to put some of her ashes into something." I had finally broken my silence, looking over at the love of my life.

He glanced at me, taking the spliff from my lips and placing it between his. He took a pull, exhaling shortly afterward. "Not on me, lass." He glanced at me again, bringing my knuckles to his lips.

I smiled softly at the gesture, getting up watching the sun slowly set, painting the sky in red.

"I think she would be happy here; at least she'd come back as the flowers do. " I whispered and began to spread some of her throughout the area watching as the breeze carried her the rest of the way.

Whatever I had left of her, I sealed tightly before placing her back into the small box she was given to me in.

"Lugh....what names did you know me by before?" I questioned, turning to face his form, still relaxed in the field of flowers. He looked up at me with a somber expression, looking up in thought. "Yer name was originally, Na-nun. Then it was Enevie, Then Laila, Aaksu, So many others..." He trailed off, lost in thought. He then sat forward and started up at me, watching as I made my way towards him.

Upon hearing the names came the memory flashbacks, though they weren't as strong as the dreams I've been getting. I found myself remembering something he had said when we traveled within his mind. "You said something about bounding yourself to me; how?" I tilted my head, curious as to what the process. His face immediately grew dark, and he growled, looking away. "Why haven't you done it before?" I whispered, sinking to the ground, crawling towards him at an even slower pace.

His eyes flickered towards me, darkening visibly as a hunger churned within them. "No lass, it's dangerous. Once we're tired, then that's it. Even if yer were to die and return, that bond will stay just as strong." He shook his head, staring into my eyes, seeing that I had my mind made up.

Crawling into his lap, I cradled his face between my hands and hungrily looked at his lips. "You sure it hasn't already happened?" I whispered in a hushed breathy voice, shuddering as I felt his hands rub up against my legs and ass, grasping my waist.

"Whos to say...." His husky voice was nothing but a breath, his eyes blazing like the setting sun.

"Asshole," I growled, molding my lips hungrily against his. Greedily, we ripped at each other clothing, lost within the lust as the fog began to fall over the meadow.

Like Deja Vu, the fog seemed to glow red in hue as we rolled around in the field, eager to see each other bare. He did not attempt to be gentle as he yanked my pants off, roughly pulling my shirt over my head.

I had already ripped his wife-beater tank into the shreds that littered the ground, my hands fumbling with the button on his pants, struggling to get them open.

His hands found my breast, grasping my nipples between his thumb and index finger.

I had no control over my body; it seemed to sing as his hands wandered as if something inside of me recognized this sensation.

"Lugh...please, don't tease." I was a flushed mess underneath his towering body, my legs shaking, itching to wap around his waist.

"Let me have my fun. It's been four hundred years since I've held yer body against mine." Upon saying that, his sewin arms snaked under my back, lifting me against him. Somehow he managed to get his pants open without catching my attention, his lips devouring my neck.

My fingers dug Into his arms as he kept one securely around my back, his other hand slowly sliding down my waist, reaching my centre, his ethereal aura blazing to life.

I felt as his fingers brushed against my clitoris, pinching nit firmly between his fingers to watch me unravel. I pushed my head into his neck, screaming out at the new sensation, my teeth latching onto his jugular. My hips moved on their own accord, my body craving the blissful friction his fingers gave, my hand reaching between us to grab his already raging member.

His hand moved from my sex to my hips as I began to rock myself, rubbing the swollen and rounded gland against his shaft, my eyes falling closed. "Fuck! " he growled, his lips wrapping around one of my taut nipples, grabbing a hand full of my red hair in one of his large hands.

my body can't take this...this is years and years of pleasure swarming me...I'm going to melt.

I could feel my walls clenching as I got close, my skin sweaty from the humid air. My voice rose an octave as I got closer and closer to my climax. He surprised me by lifting me with ease only to bring me down, his member entering painfully down at the hilt.

I squirmed, my body shook as the orgasm hit me like a fraite train, squealing.

"Don't go cumin without me, Lass!" His abdomen flexed as he rose his hips to impale me repeatedly, my hands grilling the back of his neck tightly.

"It hurts--" my eyes flooded and widened as I looked down between our bodies, watching as his hips moved back only to come back to bury himself deeper within me.

"The pain'll go; just focus on me. " he stared into my eyes, his teeth clenched together as he moved.

he's a fucking machine...

My head tilted back, and I screamed again, my hands grasping and pulling at his hair. My body twisted and rolled with his in unison, cradling his head in my hands. He kissed up and down my shoulder, mumbling against my skin, grunting as I felt him swell on the inside.

"Na-nun, Enevie, Laila, Aaksu...Nevina, Lazerith, Tia, Xeria, Talia..." his voice got louder, saying the very names he knew me by. "Nene, Haladis, Angel, Versai, T'nahi...craiceann russet álainn, súile álainn glowing, liopaí tiubh álainn, anam beoga álainn, táim ag fanacht le blianta fada chun tú mar seo a shealbhú I mo lámha." He was speaking in his harsh-sounding language, the very sound of it making my toes curl.

"Lugh!" I had dove headfirst off my cliff of passion into the ocean of our climax, my scream filling the meadow, tears glittering on my lashes.

I had let him in, enter a place I vowed never to touch or ever to be touched, my dream coming to reality.