Guilt and sadness 2

I sat up on my arse, my hand on my knee feeling the pain as Brian also got up with a tired mind and body. I tried standing up. I fell down and got back up with weak legs. "We should go to the nurse's office." I said, trying to wipe the dried blood off of my pants I extended my hand to mourning, Brian. He took it. "Yeah let's go." We walked in severe pain for 20 minutes to the nurse's office. Every step made me and Brian curse more than sailors. Then I realized we forgot something. "We have to get out of these clothes." I said "Crap." We were already there, so we took off our black jackets, and underneath were our unscathed white uniforms. Not a single splotch of blood on it, I put away my blood-stained mask into the bag and shoved it to a corner. He looked at me with a face that said, are you stupid? "I'll run to the apartment. I'm less injured, anyway." "You're right." I was saddened at the thought of my dorm empty, without the cheerful mood of Kyla there. 5 minutes later and he was back panting with his eyes red from crying. "You went fast especially for a severely injured body." "U- U- uh yeah, I guess I did."

He scratched his cheek. We shared a look and walked in our adrenaline completely gone into the wind we wer sluggish. Nurse Joy opened her eyes wide in shock and horror, but I could tell she was waiting for us. "Good morning to you too, nurse Joy." I said with a fake smile on my face. Brian stumbled and nearly collapsed on the floor. "Good morning nurse Joy." Brian couldn't smile. I could tell it was nigh impossible he couldn't even manage a fake one. "You two look like shit as usual." nurse joy quickly covered her mouth after that "Hey? Is there any way to talk to your most frequent customer?" I said as if I was offended, but every word was hurting my damaged lungs. I coughed out a mouthful of blood. "Yeah, it's really bad this time." I said sitting down on the medical bed. I spat it out right on the floor it looked like a murder scene. I laid down and nurse joy stood beside me. "Is there any way you're going to tell me how this happened?" "Not even in hell." I said with a fake smirk. Nurse Joy put a needle in my and Brian's arms "sleep tight." She said with a soft voice…

Nurse Joy's worried perspective…: Sapphire spat out a mouthful of blood it wasn't the first time she had done it but it was much worse I was in a rush I had no time to worry about how it happened although I had a good idea revenge is what they wanted they sought blood. I put them under and started working. "They really did it this time," I whispered to myself. Sapphire had friction burns on her neck and around they burned her arms, her back to a crisp and there was plenty of internal damage from what looked to be explosive damage. Brian had huge purple shaded fist marks on him, one planted squarely on his face. They were barely even breathing by the time they came, not as bad as Kyla, who had gone down thinking of their friend that I had failed to save. Tears were dripping from my eyes. I wiped them off and kept working. Beads of sweat dripped off of my exhausted face, healing them while doing surgery. Whoever they were fighting was strong and from the two types of wounds on both bodies, they fought a group of people. "Sapphire's ring scars around her neck were permanent, sadly and Brian had his arm slashed deeply down the arm that would scar too after 3 hours I was finished.

They'd have to stay here for two days to make sure they were stable, but they would most likely be fine. 7 hours later… Sapphire finally woke up. She was ok and with the worst injuries, Brian would definitely be fine too. She turned to me, her eyes finally blue from the bright purple they were. She looked over to me with the most broken face I had ever seen in my life and shed a single tear down her right eye. She quickly wiped it and kept looking around when her eyes found Brian her face once again was broken. I still had Kyla's body out on the operating table, waiting for the funeral people to arrive. She looked at her limp body completely covered and broke out into large sobs Her heart looked shattered and her hope gone, I could tell. She finally accepted that her friend was dead the guilt was too much of letting their friend die I cried too…

Sapphire's POV…: I can't hold in my guilt anymore I just can't. My body was shaking as my outside finally broke seeing Kyla's limp body. Her hopes and dreams of what she wanted to do are all gone, all erased. My tears soaked my hands and wrists. My arms were too damaged from swinging my sword to even wipe my tears. I just sat there finally mourning my hopeless heart out. After an hour, I stopped my painful tears. My body and soul are tired. I looked up and saw nurse Joy, her eyes red, looking at me. I let out one least painful cry and fell asleep.