A memory.

A memory…

It was time for lunch again Kyla had gotten trapped in the bathroom and someone poured a black sticky goo on her that resembled tar. She tried to wipe it off but that just made it worse. So she had doubting thoughts like 'What if they don't want to sit with me?' 'What if Brian thinks I'm nasty?' 'What if they make fun of me?' And so the tar hardened around her uniform and made it hard for her to walk. When she finally arrived, the people at the lunch tables closest to her laughed and pointed she wanted to hide under her arms but that would get the tar in her eyes. So eventually she found the lunch table they usually sat at but they weren't there yet so she took this time to conjure up water from the air and rinse off her face it took some time but she could see more clearly now. At that moment Sapphire entered the lunchroom along with Brian still with their large weapons on their backs they looked menacing.

As soon as they caught sight of Kyla's dirtied state both of their faces went from the usually uncaring to grim really fast. Kyla started to panic. Most of the students couldn't handle Sapphire's pressure when angry but combined with Brians's even more angry state, they were only a step away from restricting breathing from people weaker than them. They stopped and sat down still looking menacing. They immediately lightened up at the sight of Kyla completely fine but still dirtied. Brian stared for a solid minute, then blushed from staring at her for so long while Sapphire was still looking around curiously at all the colors. But Sapphire, despite not looking directly at her broke the ice "You look like shit although I can guess what happened." Sapphire was sharp on what was happening. But every time something like this happened, Kyla never wanted them to go after the people responsible she always said, "Revenge is not the way to solve things." But of course, Sapphire, being a vengeful person, never agreed with her but held herself back from making a scene. That same sentiment didn't stop them from going after her physical abusers hence why they were nurse Joy's number one visitors, especially Sapphire, but those who never went that far were mostly safe.

"I can predict your next sentence you don't even have to say it," Brian said with a serious voice. They smiled and kept on eating "So why do you have your weapons with you?" Sapphire still not looking at her replied "Bree said something stupid like "the bell doesn't dismiss you I do." So we didn't have time to put our weapons in our dorms." Kyla's eyes widened. "Why did you just call out our teacher's name without a title do you have no respect!" Kyla whispered as heads turned to their table. "If he doesn't respect my time then I don't respect him simple." "Why must you make my life harder Sapphire?" Kyla put her head down and whined Sapphire flashed a wide smirk "I don't know what you're talking about?" She grinned evilly. Kyla groaned once again…

Sapphire's POV...: Suddenly, just when I go in a terrible mood even more terrible than today The girl was dragged away I heard some muffled talk then the girl came out with a look of fear I looked at her in curiosity and diverted my eyes. "What's got your panties stuck up your butt? If you want to say something, say it." My head was still turned the opposite way because it was to sore to turn again. But Brians's mouth was open and staring at me before she could respond, Brian said something "You're so rude before you start speaking at least tell her your name." He said with a sigh I groaned "Hello my name is Sapphire." I said it especially rudely, so I could piss him off the girl looked angry "My name is Leona and it's nothing." "Don't tell me it's nothing I can literally see you in fear." I said, "Now now don't be so pushy Sapphire." nurse joy came out of the curtain.

"You still look terrible I see." Leona gasped "Says the one who can't even move her head and has a permanent scowl on your face." She commented back, "good point." I replied honestly, "So when can I get out of here? I have some unfinished business." I asked, ready to go cripple the leftovers of the battle. I guess something on my face changed because they all looked at me strangely. "You are not getting out of here and fighting." She said with a deep frown, "I don't want either of you fighting." I finally let my scowl come back "I'll fight until I'm dead if I have to." I said while glaring at nurse Joy. I kept glaring a hole straight through her eyes "I can't stop you can I." She whispered under her breath "You will remain here for two days and you will not be able to freely move around for at least 3 weeks you will have permanent scarring around your neck and wrists." She read out my injuries one by one it took a while. She then turned to Brian "Your injuries are still terrible but not nearly as bad." She said with a smile. Brian's face twitched but stayed the same. "You have a large scar around your right arm you have 10 broken bones that will need time to heal although you have less wound and injuries,

you won't be able to move freely for 3 weeks." "Damn!" He said, fueled with anger. I could guess why. "This is a good thing! You can't get hurt anymore if you're out of the battle!" "It's not good! My revenge is unfinished!" He replied back. "But what are you doing this for? It will not bring her back! It won't!" This escalated quickly. Quickly.

I was waiting for Olivia's response, but she isn't talking to me right now. They argued back and forth with Nurse Joy trying to get him to stop for his own well-being and him full of hate and revenge. I slightly turned over to Leona "Holy fuck." I cursed. I could slightly sit up with my injured legs so that's exactly what I did. "Holy @#$! #$@%#$ #@!#$$." They stared at me after my cursing rampage and stopped fighting for a moment. Then they continued. I looked at Leona's strained face starting to twist in anger as she was trying to meditate I could tell she was going to blow so before that. "So Leona tell me a little about yourself," I asked curiously. She opened her eyes finally calmed down from her tense feeling. "Umm sure." "My name is Leona Raiton my PR is 11." She said her description was rather vague "So what about your power?" I asked, "My power is energy manipulation or more accurately the creation and manipulation of lightning." "Sounds strong but let me guess you're a late bloomer so you aren't as strong as the others." "Correct."

She replied, "So what about you?" She asked curiously like it was on the tip of her tongue. "Umm, I guess I can see things?" "Be more specific," she responded. "I can accurately see what your feeling when I activate my power," I said. "That sounds…" "I know you think it's useless but I don't feel like telling you its full capabilities." "Okay." She responded satisfied. I was about to blow they were so irritating I was practically fuming out of my ears. Without turning back I yelled, "CAN YOU TWO PLEASE SHUT UP!!!" I was too irritated to reason with them. They looked at me with surprise and shock but it worked and they shut their mouths and glared at each other. I rarely shouted and even more rarely did I shout in anger. I was sick of their arguing and yelling after they stopped glaring at each other they both started to stare at me. "What?" I asked. "Nothing." Brian said with a sigh and he tried to sleep I could tell it was uncomfortable for him but yet he closed his eyes. A few minutes later he opened his eyes "I can't do it." I knew why he wanted revenge I wanted it too I wanted to sleep to know we could at least try to make amends with her death and forgive ourselves. "Can we break the silence its not like we can sleep?" He said turning his neck over to me. "Well we can't move so there's nothing we can do." So we sat and stared at the wall for two days...

I could finally start taking some steps but my wrists were still too damaged to move correctly I had nurse joy on my left to hold me up. I put my weight on my first foot my legs were very weak. Damn it, I need to stop going full speed it's going to kill my legs one day! "Cmon, you can do it!" Brian shouted. Leona was just sitting there doing nothing as expected. She was a frequent visitor she had come just 15 minutes before with some minor bruises and in need of cleanup, but she stayed. "Yeah!" "You got this!" I started with baby steps and kept going up. In an hour I could walk barely. I was about to leave when I remembered. "Uhh, nurse Joy, my uniform is kind of messed up," I said with a wince. She sighed "Yes, I know I got it washed and everything there were a lot of questions, but I got it done, anyway." I bowed "My savior nurse Joy!!!" I said over-enthusiastically.

She handed me my cleaned uniform, and I changed and headed out of the door along with Brian on crutches, of course. I had crutches too, ugh the side effects of the fighting. Every movement was painful the whole way through the school was just a symphony of creative curses. It was still early in the morning so we had decided to just go to our rooms and rest. It still saddened me at the very thought of a dorm without Kyla in it…

I tried to cheer myself up for a moment, then gave up. Do I even deserve to be happy? I stood at the door it seemed to be a monster in front of me. "Damn it, I'll have to enter someday," I whispered to myself quietly. I opened the empty room. It opened fresh wounds of depression in my mind that I tried to get rid of. I walked through the dark, hearing nothing but Kyla's voice. "You don't deserve to be happy why would you ever think that?" "You let me down you took revenge on something I never asked for!" "It's your fault! Your fault!" I cried, curling up into a ball, hoping they would go away. "You want your friend to go away? You should have thought about that before killing me!" "YOu should die. What are you living for? I mean, you didn't think about what I was living for." "SHUT UP SHUT UP!!!"

I screamed and cried. "Why should you live? You should die it's your fault! Your fault "It wasn't my fault, not my fault, right it wasn't it wasn't…" I looked up trying to ignore the voices in the dark. 'I was right.' I was suddenly in the nothing realm of myself. Ten-year-old earth me said while crying "I was right!!!." Olivia said once again "You were right okay." I said, admitting, I was wrong. "But what should I do about it??" "First try sleeping." She said as if I was a dumbass "Sleeping gives me shit dreams with even shittier nightmares." I said deadpan "I. Don't. Give. A. Fuck." She said, "But you know what happens when I close my eyes it's as if my mind replays what I don't want to remember on repeat." I said not understanding her reasoning she dismissed my worries "Next up go to the school therapist you need to do that." She said. "I can do the therapist thing but I will not sleep until my brain starts eating itself." She looked at me like I was crazy.

"Do you understand that your utter dread and sadness affect me too?" "Of course I'm aware of that you wouldn't have screamed at me if it didn't." "Then you understand why this is so important." "Yes, but you can't get rid of my depression that easily!" I argued back "Yeah, well just stop feeling sad!" "If I could I would." I said giving her the "Are you stupid?" Face, "Yeah you go and stop messing around and sleep!" "No!" I argued back and forth with Olivia for a while. "Get out of here!" I suddenly was expelled out of the nothing realm. Just to come back to the mental torture that persisted me, I weakly stood up in the empty dorm and turned the light on instead of being defeated. Time is relative in the nothing realm it can be slower or faster so right now it was just turning midnight and my bones are creaky. I stopped being followed by the voices if I concentrated really hard. So I just got on my baked and meditated all night I didn't meditate on my core I just sat there in complete and utter calmness slowly erasing what I feel outside. Slowly slowly slowly. I opened my eyes I was in a completely white room. "Hello!" A black squiggly mess in the shape of a person appeared before me I didn't know what else to do so "Hello, where am I?