3 weeks later

3 weeks later

I have slept for 20 hours this whole week. I have gotten used to Leona's presence around the dorm. And such today is the last day before our mission starts. I finally stopped staring at the ceiling. I got dressed in some casual clothes. A long-sleeve shirt with a sweater over it to cover my scars. It was getting cold outside, so it wasn't too strange. I put on some regular grey pants and left out. It was still very early in the morning we were to meet at the queen's luxury apartment.

After 20 minutes of walking, I was there I did a double check to make sure my scars were covered.

I knocked twice, took a pause twice again, then three times. Mina opened the door I hadn't seen her since she asked me those questions. Her eyebrows crouched. "Uh-huh, it's unpleasant to see you too." She shook her head and let me in.

Apparently, Brian wasn't there yet. Since the queen didn't greet me first, I decided to for once address her formally since I would be on a mission today. I kneeled

"Your majesty it's a pleasure to see you today." I practically broke out in laughs.

Just saying it. "Pft." The queen seemed to have found it funny, too. "Please stand, this is not the castle." She said, on the brink of laughs as well. I stood, "We are just waiting on Brian to brief you two on the information we have found these past 3 weeks."

"Also, you are terrible at formal greetings."

"Yes, I know I just couldn't say it with a straight face."

I literally just couldn't I should get more practice in mannerism. Brian eventually came in with bags just as deep as mine under his eyes. But alas we were fully healed after going back to nurse joy for weekly checkups. No crutches or anything. He also decided to wear a sweater.

"What's going on is everybody wearing sweaters this early into the 3rd quarter?"

(The equivalent to fall.) Brian shrugged and sat down. Mina sat down after him the previously light atmosphere turned serious. Mina started first. "As you know, we will be tak3 weeks later...

taking down the criminal organization known as Evil."

I nodded. She put out what looked to be a holographic map this must be state secret level technology because most technology here is 30 to 35 years behind earth when I was there. It looks like she can't actively move it around.

"We have found multiple groups of mid to high-ranking nobles torturing or harassing commoner or barons children."

"So why didn't you stop them?" Brian asked. That question was also on the tip of my tongue.

"We are only here to deal with the 3rd years 4th years and teachers that is what you two will be for."

That's kinda fucked up.

"We will provide the details and such lethal force is only to be used in emergencies and if you come in contact with second years, don't even think about not going full strength," Mina said emphasizing full strength. But why? "You may be wondering why it's because they have learned Hacht." I raised my hand "You may speak."

"What is Hacht?" "Hacht is life force but life force can be focused in other places besides just your power core." "Hacht is different as it is what is created once one freely moves their life force rather than just for their power."

I had a general idea of what it is now. With all the power core refinement, I had been doing so far I could try to awaken my Hacht. "Are you going to teach it to us?" "Do you want to die?" She immediately shot back with another question. Die? Wait back up, back up.

Hacht is the act of moving your life force away from just your power core to enhance other parts of your body. So naturally, it would drain your life force. The whole reason your power core can get stronger is that you're making the quality of your life force higher and gaining more at the same time.

So if you wanted to use Hacht you could die just from using it once if you don't have a high enough PR. That was easy enough to understand. I have a realization. We are not actually refining a power core but making more life force and as we make more life force we are making it a higher quality.

Making people who have a massive PR live for ridiculous amounts of time! I'm assuming that with a PR of zero you can live for 60 or 80 years. Around the average on earth. But I'm stuck how long do you live for each level of PR.

So if I'm correct earth humans can't live as long as here because they don't have power cores.

So if you separated your life force and it is to much, you could get 50 years taken off or more. But you could always gain more life force. So you could technically be immortal.

"Uh no, I don't want to die." "Good." "Now your main job is to go after the lackeys climb up the food chain and find their meeting place." "Oh, that's convenient because we already tracked down somebody who can tell us the primary base." Brin said with a smirk Mina's eyes widened, "So you've already worked on trying to take them down before, correct?" The queen said. "Yeah,

before our… injuries we were about to go through with the operation, but you know injuries." "Yes but how did you get these injuries again?" Mina asked once again, knowing full well neither of us was going to answer with the truth. "A fight with some people don't worry about it." Brian waved her question off.

"But why were you going after this organization?" "A month ago I was stabbed, to turned out to be the doing of a lackey in evil," I told a half-truth. "Is that true?"

"I can show you the scar."

"I'll pass."

"Now who is this person who you were going to target?" Mina asked curiously "Luka Gurdenburg a low rank noble his parents are on the verge of climbing out of baron ship he has only climbed the ranks in Evil because of his parents' connection in the criminal underworld."

Brian said, "Looks like you have already tracked him down and have information on him good job." He nodded and continued "Since today is the fifth day of the week, he will be out with his friends." "We planned to get him a long time ago but today is just as good a day as any."

"Do you know what connections in the criminal underworld? Depending on their activities, we could get their entire family on trial." The queen asked with a look of frustration.

She was probably wondering "Why can't my advisors figure out something that a 12 year old accomplished?"

(Sapphire was correct that is exactly what she was thinking.)

"Meet at the front gates at 8 pm the queen will not be there only I." Both of us nodded.

8 pm that night…

I decided not to bring my sword I brought my mask, so did Brian. "You didn't bring your sword?" Mina asked me curiously. She had seen my large sheath before just not my sword.

"No, the goal isn't to kill but interrogate," I answered cooly. "Good point." I actually didn't bring my sword because it takes ridiculous time to clean it maybe I should just get an upgrade…

"Let's go." I activated my power and we started leaping through the trees silently.

Eventually, we found him along with some of his buddies they were all second years. But not nearly as strong as the ones we fought earlier their physical prowess was lackluster at best.

It was a group of five people. I recognized our target. He could run a maximum of 30 miles before collapsing he could pick up 100 pounds and his maximum speed was 20 mph.

This is definitely the shittiest stats I have ever seen. He didn't even balance it out with his power core being around 12.5. I counted to three. I and Brian jumped out of the trees jumped and attacked

4 days earlier Mina's perspective...

"What an irritating brat!" She didn't answer any of my questions. Just where to find the answers! But first I must go ask Brian why she was so important to him. I walked in silence to the boy's dorm on the other side of the large school. 30 minutes later…

I knocked three times. "What the hell do you want!" Brian sounded irritated why did I have to catch both of them in terrible moods? "It's Mina." "That makes me want to keep the door closed even more!" He shouted. "Open the damn door, Brian." I didn't want to use the key,. "Ugh okay." He opened the door. "Let me ask more politely what do you want." Brian's eyes were bloodshot with deep bags as well. He was just crying.

"I'll tell you when you let me in." "Damn." He cursed. My little brother, before coming to this school, would never curse at me or near me. I raised my eyebrow and walked in. The whole place was clean Brian had a roommate, so where is he?

"I barely see my roommate." He said. It was a clean modern-looking place We sat in the living room. "Let me put it more politely. What do you want?" I was ready to ask. "Why was the girl who died so important to you?"

"Go ask Sapphire." He replied, annoyed. I already had done that "I already did she said to go ask you." "I'm not telling you." "Damn it! Why can't you just trust me!??" He has a surprised look on his face. I rarely raise my voice in anger, yet I had done it twice today. "Because there are some things I don't want you to know."

I had never heard this from him before. My sweet little brother Brian would usually never hide things from me. I was his best friend…

Flashback 5 years ago… This was one of the few times I got to see my two little brothers. I looked at them with a smile. We were in a garden on a hill. Looking at the sunset over the water. Brian, my youngest brother, picked up a purple flower. He walked over to me with his face a slight red.

And gave the flower to me. He had his eyes closed. "Thank you for being the greatest sister ever! Even if I don't see you all the time, you take us to fun places like this when you can!" I accepted the flower. "Thank you!" I said smiling. "Your welcome!" He ran back to Ryan and kept playing…

"Okay." And leaned against the door. His crying started almost immediately after I left…

Sapphire's perspective…

"Yes, I am your new roommate, but that conversation can wait until you're dressed." "Good call." I got dressed in blue pants and a white shirt. I went back outside to understand why I had a new roommate.

She was watching tv when I got there. "So what happened to your other dorm?" She turned back and looked at me. "My roommate was not so kind to me and kicked me out of my own room I had to sleep on the floor of the living room. There she woke me up at strange times of the night to get her water and played loud music all the time." "Huh, now I get it." "Are there any ground rules?" She asked. "No loud, noise past 11 pm if my door is open you are free to talk to me or come in if it is not, I am sleeping or meditating, so don't come in."

She nodded and kept watching an old tv show. It was nice having someone I somewhat knew in the dorm. At least I didn't get assigned a noble with a stick stuck up their ass. I would've had to beat the sense into them.