The imposter...

I was the one who was going to capture Luka. Brian was to make sure that happened. I landed right next to a boy with dirty blonde hair. I pulled out the knife I had strapped to my body and shanked him.

He looked at me in surprise as did the others. He activated his power it was strange weak telekinesis? Soon he pulled the knife out. I could see strange green energy flowing from his hand to his wound.

Damn, so that's Hacht it can heal injuries too, I guess. I quickly dashed, trying to go towards our target my recent attack only to distract him.

I felt an invisible force slowing me down. His power is more like making movements slower I see. He kept moving his arms with a strained look on his face.

Brian had three people he was fighting at once. "Hey! Get off your ass and help me!" The kid who was slowing me down yelled at Luka.

I smiled under my mask. It was even better that Luka was getting close to me. He was a chubby kid that looks like he ate too many burgers. I snickered His last name is Gurdenburg.

Like a hamburger. Suddenly strange green goo started coming from Luka's palms. A ball formed and was coming towards me at a semi-fast rate. "Damn, might be fucked."

I moved with all of my force, slightly hurting my legs once again. But it was to late the green ball grazed my hands.

My hand hurts like hell. "Damn!" It was going numb quickly, and the feeling of burning pain was spreading throughout my entire arm. The kid finally let me go and was halfway to falling.

Ever since he healed that wound, he was looking more and more sickly it was only a matter of time before he couldn't even stand anymore.

I dashed towards him. I couldn't let him slow me down again I quickly delivered a punch to his gut. Spit came flying out of him as he flew a few feet and landed on the ground.

He was knocked out but my right arm was out of condition at least it wasn't my dominant arm. I had spent to much time on him. I looked around to see Luka but couldn't find him then I saw him.

His chubby figure running to the strongest guy there. I wasn't going to call him a coward if I were him I retreat too.

He didn't stand a chance in hell. I flashed forward as fast as I could. Avoiding 1 person in the process they weren't the target. Then, right when I was about to speed past the other guy suddenly.

The guy protecting Luka sped up at a speed he shouldn't be capable of. His stats increased for a split second, but it took a lot out of him I could tell.

They had just learned Hacht and weren't good at it at all. But in the end, he grabbed my collar. He was very all and brought me up to his face.

I waved at him "Hello!" I kicked him in the face "Fuck!" he said in a baritone voice I fell back down hard. My hand was still limp it was throwing off my balance.

I fell back down again and was caught again. "Damn again?!!" I got punched straight in the gut and was sent flying I threw up blood and whatever was for lunch.

I wiped my mouth but didn't go back for the tall guy again and kept going for the target.

Brian was being cornered, although he had defeated one already.

My blood was pumping so fast I could hear it in my ears. I ran as fast as I could nearly breaking my legs in the process I went faster than ever before.

It was the poison it was spreading to my other arm, too. While my other arm was still in commission, I grabbed my knife with my teeth. I was finally there.

It was less than half a second, but it felt like hours of looking at everything in slow motion.

My legs were in a pain I had never felt before.

I was in front of his face we were at least 50 meters from everyone else. He was clearly startled, so I played with him a bit "BOO." He fell straight on his ass and winced.

"You'll be coming with me," I said with a fake smile that he clearly couldn't see. I was severely resisting killing the bastard right now, but I held it in.

I was halfway thinking about slitting his neck and saying it was an accident, but I decided against it. I kicked him at least 20 meters into the forest since my hands were out of commission.

I and Brian had earphones to contact each other. "The target has been acquired." "Copy that." I was watching Brian finish them both up it had taken 15 minutes just to do this all I wanted was to take some leftovers out of the fridge, eat it lie down, and sleep.

He finished them up one by one, spending more energy to finish them. He knocked them out and erased every one of their memories of the entire night.

Eventually, he came over to me with a large, sickly purple bruise on his face. He looked sore to the very bone. I cringed thinking how painful that felt "Can we just get this over with." He shouted in pain. I walked to Luka. I grabbed his hair.

"Wake your fat ass up." I slapped him another time and another. Suddenly he took a large gasp when he woke up.

I took his tablet and handed it to Brian. I stuck a large stick in his throat he couldn't scream now.

I made sure it was the perfect distance in so he could breathe.

"Now, now tell us where Evil meets up and where." He started shedding tears I didn't care. I took the stick out. He started whining and being hysterical.

I punched him to knock him back into his senses knocking a few teeth out in the process.

"Okay okay, I'll talk." He said while breathing loudly.

"Th- the the." "Spit it out!" "Okay! The Hacht teachers hotel."