Tort-I mean interrogation

"Are you going to tell us where that is or do I have to do more "convincing?" "I- I can't!"

"You can't?" "Well, then, I guess we'll start with your fingers first!"

"N- no! Please!" I looked over to Brian "Hand me the tablet please." He handed the tablet to me.

"Mm mm mm sorry I'm going to torture you, anyway." I looked through the tablet seeing human trafficking.

His family's business included rare slaves such as intelligent core beasts. And original power slaves.

He had gone and informed his friends of all the new slaves he owned. Such as children and women even toddlers. And as usual plenty of pictures and videos of actual torture outside of the school. e

"Oh yeah, I'm going to mess you up!"

I started to decide. Fingernails or fingers…


I pulled out my small knife and got to pul he tried screaming but I put the stick back in his throatl. One two three four five six seven eight nine ten.

"Hey, we're only supposed to be getting the information you can finish playing with him later."

"Aww man, I guess it can't be helped." I grabbed his hair once again and pulled out the stick.

"H- Harton brothel." "I told you what you wanted to know now leave me alone!!!" He said, blubbering. I handed the knife to Brian.

"You want a turn?"

He started genuinely thinking about it I wasn't going to give him a turn it was a joke but if he wanted too he could. "Why not." I handed him the knife. "Oh no, I won't be needing that." He turned down the knife as his eyes glowed green.

Suddenly Luka started to sweat and sweat more and more then his sweat turned to blood.

He started screaming more than when I pulled off his fingernails I put the stick back down his throat as he was trying to bite his own tongue.

After three minutes he was done and Lukas's eyes rolled back he was almost dead. I looked at Brian "Quick question. What did you do? And why did he sweat blood?" "That's two questions." "Whatever."

"I stretched his perception of time every second was 3 days to him." "Also, I stimulated his pain receptors to the equivalent of him burning alive in lava."

"He sweated blood because of stress and his hair is in the process of turning gray look." He was right, his hair was turning a sickly gray.

"Whoo, I would not want to be him," I said while still staring at him. Suddenly, Mina jumped out of the trees and looked at Luka. "What the hell!!! You were only supposed to get information from him!" She said in anger.

'Technically, you did get information from him.' 'My great divine and holy goddess Olivia! How great it is to hear your gracious voice!'

'Shut your mouth!' 'This servant of yours shall be silent, my great and holiness Olivia.' I said, barely holding in a snicker.

"Well, technically, we did get the information." "All you had to do was beat him up and get his tablet you did this for fun didn't you!" She was really mad.

"Aww man, they caught me," I said fake pouting with a smile on my face. "And you! Brian, how could you? You know that technique is forbidden, and you improved it!"

He looked her straight in the eyes and said, "And?"

He is treading on ice thinner than an atom.

"And? That technique is forbidden for a reason!!!" "It's inhumane!!!" "Do you think I give a flying pigs arse about someone as evil as that? Do you actually consider life like him has any value?" Brian said coldly.

"Do you believe anything goes as long as they are evil?" Mina said, seething with anger. "Yes, I quite do!"

"What happened?" "Where did I go wrong?" "Why are you like this?" She said it loudly this time. "Don't you have any morals?" He spat on Luka's face without a hint of hesitation. "Should I?"

He answered with a voice of sarcastic confusion. "You broke his mind!" "Ask if I care."

I widened my eyes in shock.

I agreed with what he was saying wholeheartedly but he shouldn't have said that to his sister.

She disappeared from my sight and was suddenly standing in front of Brian.

"I'm going to fix you!" Her eyes started glowing green as she looked into his mind.

Brian currently…

My sister is trying to enhance my consciousness? She is trying to make me feel guilty.

I felt something separate from me. Something important. Suddenly everything was fine.

My eyes widened as I started to feel guilty for what I had done suddenly I heard a voice in my mind.

'Leave woman!' (It was the so-called god messing with mortal affairs once again.)

Suddenly, I didn't feel guilty anymore. "You failed,"

I said out loud.

"How could that happen I could've sworn?"


. Their power is amazing… But apparently, it failed. And I could guess who made it fail. The so-called god. 'Righty o' Sapphire, it wouldn't be interesting if I didn't!' His voice rang loudly in my head.

"Is there an issue here?" Mina turned around and glared at me. She ran extremely fast. She caught me and held my cheeks, looking straight into my eyes, activating her power.


'Woman.' A loud and annoying voice rang in my head, distracting me. 'Who are you why are you in my head?' 'I am your god.' I felt a dreadful presence descend upon me, a presence I had only felt once when I had reached a PR of fifty.

He was telling the truth. 'Why are you messing in mortal affairs?' I asked him. 'First off, you don't get to question me. Second off that girl and that boy is my primary source of entertainment right now so I'd appreciate it if you stopped or else.'

'But.' 'No if and's or buts don't manipulate their minds, stupid mortal or else, I will demote your core back to the beginning!' 'Okay.'


Suddenly, Mina's eyes switched back in focus she looked at both of us and left the scene.

I turned and looked at him. I could tell. "The so-called god talked to you, didn't he." "So that's what it was!" He practically shouted

. "Yes that was him annoying isn't he?" "Did you just call god annoying?" He looked at me with a confused face. "Yes, I did."

"Dismissing that are you going to stop being an atheist now?" I asked him a question. "Of course!" He replied honestly.

"You've got the wrong way of thinking he isn't the only "god" just one of some so you can forget about worshipping him." (You can stop referring to him with a capital at the front, Brian.)

"Interesting... " He said with his hand on his chin. "Let's send him to the infirmary."

This time we visited with our masks on. After 20 minutes of chatting and walking with his disgusting body in hand, we arrived.

Ms. Joy turned and looked at us in horror. "Hello! We were sent on an official mission for the queen this is one criminal heal him."

"He is a vegetable now." "Also I'd appreciate it if you could remove the poison from my arms."

She nodded her head so I sat down on the bed. As she healed me she asked,

"What did you do to that boy?" "Some tort- ahem interrogation." Her eyes widened once again at my words.

After, about an hour, we left. I turned around before heading out quickly catching the door ith my shoe. "There are four more injured they will come here around tomorrow."

"Thanks for the heads up." I waved goodbye "I just want to go home and sleep." I whispered. I took off my mask, Brian followed suit.

"I agree tonight was agonizingly tiring." I waved him goodbye and left him.

I finally arrived at my dorm the inside of my mask had ventilation and self-cleaning a true masterpiece.

'Thanks!' 'You're welcome.' He responded I didn't expect that.

I entered my dorm tired. I quickly changed to some soft pajamas with pink ducks on them.

I closed my door lied on the bed and everything went dark as I slept fully for the first time in weeks.