Dragged along

"Uh, yeahh have you been doing something of much greater importance?" Leona asked I felt like I was about to be guilt-tripped and stepped on for forgetting.

N- no I could never forget." "Good! Now get dressed." She said with a creepy smile on her face.

"Y- Yes ma'am." I rushed to get my clothes.

I put on a bland blue sweater and some grey pants. I came out of my room. She took one look at me and shook her head in disappointment.

"What?" "Please please tell me you're not going out like that." She is now confusing me. "I don't understand."What's going on?"

She flicked my head I could've easily dodged but decided not to so she could get her point across. "You need to pay attention to your clothes more!"

She had blue pants with blue flowers embroidered into them with a navy blue sweater on. "To me, clothes don't matter as long as they cover my skin and are not too revealing then I'm fine."

"Who set your standard for clothes so low?" My shitty living situation on earth. But I will not tell her that.

And this continent just doesn't have a name apparently somebody said "Everybody in different countries is going to say it differently or have an unfamiliar name for it so what's the point?"

"Um I did?" She hung her head and suddenly brightened up. "We are going clothes shopping today!" "Why? It's almost the 11th month it's too cold for that." "2nd quarter shopping okay!"

"But I'll grow out of it," I replied with simple logic. "Stop using logic on me and let's go!"

"I haven't eaten!" I said as she dragged me out with my wrist.

"Oh please, I've seen you pull consecutive all-nighters with your eyes closed you can handle missing a meal."

She was right, I just enjoyed eating chocolate-flavored cereal.

What a fiery individual. The total opposite of me unless it came to chocolate-flavored cereal Olivia, my parents, and Brian.

I sighed and let myself be led out of the door. Eventually, after reminding Leona that we needed to remind Brian where we would meet up, she finally stopped dragging me along.

Eventually, after thirty minutes, we were met up with Brian in front of a large mall store outside of the school campus. He looked Leona up and down with a bored face.

"What do I look beautiful, stunning?" She said joking. He rolled his eyes. "You look bland."

She took another look at him and said. "And uh you look." She could say nothing. Not to brag but my friend Brian is probably the prettiest boy a twelve-year-old could be.

"You look depressed!" She finally came up with the right answer. "Yes… I know." She quickly flipped around. She looked at me squinting her eyes. "And you look depressed too."

I guess one half-decent 5 hours of sleep couldn't get rid of the bags under my eyes. And talking to Leona alone and her bright personality is tiring me a lot.

But she is decent to be around. Very loud, but decent. "Let's go!" She said with a smile she activated her power for no specific reason. Blue spazzes of lightning surrounded her legs.

"Here we go!!!" Seeing this I thought with speed. Normal elemental lightning users can't do this. So she must be a unique lightning user. Or other words, she has an original power based on lightning.

So, as she said, her power is to manipulate energy. It may look like she is creating energy. But energy cannot be created nor destroyed but changed and transferred.

I now wish I finished high school on earth… Just kidding, no regrets here. The lights quickly flickered as she moved at a higher speed than my maximum.

Although it can't be considered my maximum since I never go fast enough to the point where my legs actually break.

The wind flew in my face as my mouth opened forcefully.

"Why did you do this!!!!??" Brian yelled with his face in a ridiculous expression.

Suddenly we stopped.

The recoil made me go sliding face-first into the floor, of course, I saw this coming, so I put my arms out to keep myself from taking a trip to the infirmary.

My sleeves rolled up slightly I quickly rolled them down. "What were those?" Leona asked me as she immediately stopped laughing.

"Some cuts I got from fights don't worry about it." The scars still had a red tinge to them it was obviously a semi lie, but I was hoping she didn't delve too deep.

She looked at me in suspicion, but looked the other way. Brian got up from the floor. "What the fuck?" "Payback for calling me bland." She made a haughty humph sound then Brian smiled an evil smile.

"Your still bland." Her hands started crackling with electricity. "What did you say?"

I think Brian wants to die. Her PR may not be very high, but her Power is overpowered.

His eyes started glowing green. "I said-" I quickly dashed in front of the two. "What are you two doing? This is a public mall."

I had half a mind to just pretend I didn't know them but I didn't want them to embarrass themselves, so… "She started it." Brain said. "Now now children now is not the time to fight."

I said with the voice of a mother talking to her children. Letting my maturity that I constantly hold back come out.

"Whatever." Brian said as his eyes stopped glowing.

"Ugh!" Leona turned it off.

I shot both of them glares "Behave."

I walked in front of both of them "She's scary, is she always like this?"

Leona whispered in Brians's ear.

"Only when she's mad."

"Now, now children, I'm glad you're getting along, but change the topic, would you?"

"Yes, mom… I mean Sapphire."

Leona directed us over to a girl's clothes-only shop.

"Hey!" "This isn't a mixed-gender clothes shop!" Brian exclaimed.

"Ladies first!" Leona said proudly.

"I am an advocate for true gender equality." He gave the exact speech I said after some random dude hit me when I was working a counter job.

The people around made a big deal of it but we were supposedly all equal, right? That's a load of bullshit. I just wanted to keep my job not hit someone back for a moment of bliss.

"You see, some women want gender equality but want to keep the same things like women first or giving your seat up for a woman. That's not true gender equality that's biased."

He was hitting every great point he didn't miss.

Leona looked back at me for support. "Sorry, you can't argue with him he's completely in the right." "And he made some great points," I said with a shrug.

"Alright." We walked some more until we found a perfect place. We walked in. "The clothes are on me." He said pulling out a platinum card.

I practically forgot that Brian was from an influential and rich family. "Cool!" Once again I was to be dragged along with Leona.

Brian was getting dragged with me, so it was all good.

We found a section with suits. That is my kind of place for clothes.

"Girl, I can practically see the stars in your eyes," Leona said with a sigh. Brian's eyes lit up lika fireworks. "I guess I can drop him off here for a bit."

She dragged me some more until we found a bunch of frilly dresses. I guess my face was showing unpleasantly. "You really don't like dresses, do you?"

"No." "Fuck that you're getting some." She picked out a blue day dress and a straw hat. She also found a crimson red skirt that kind of caught my eyes. She picked out at least a thousand dresses.

After that we found Brian with 5 suits. Man is he lucky. "No! No! NOOOOOOOOO!" I yelled as I was dragged off to the dressing room.

2 hours later… Mentally exhausted. I finally picked out 3 sweaters and two dresses because that was the only way I was leaving here.

We found some things to eat luckily. I found gigantic twisted sweet bread with cinnamon and loads of chocolate on it. "You two have a sweet tooth, don't you?"

Leona made a weird face as I ate my twisted sweet bread. Brian got loads of gummy candy. "I just like chocolate," I replied mid-bite. She had decided to get some actual food.

Why get proper food? We can just get that at school. "So what's your family like?" Brian asked suddenly.

"What makes you ask this question?" I asked him. "Nothing much just a thought." He replied blandly. Leona looked at me expecting me to answer the question. "I'm an only child I have two beautiful parents."

"That's it?" Leona said not impressed. "I could tell you my whole childhood but that's a very long story and I'm living it right now so it'd be incomplete."

"So what about your family?" I asked Brian curiously. "As you know I have a sister Mina more widely known as advisor Ryhem." "I have an older brother who's the middle child and I have a mom there are a lot more but that's my main family."

"What about your dad?" Leona said right after putting her soft drink down. "We don't talk about people like him," Brian said with an aloof look on his face.

Interesting. I could try to pry deep, but that doesn't sound like a good idea.

I turned to Leona. "I guess since we're all sharing… I have a brother." "Anyone else?"

I asked curiously. "No."