Combat class sparring.

I looked at my sword studying it. Then I got back to swinging. I felt calm, even a bit happy if my current mental state could be considered happy. I spun and swiped down vertically. I quickly brought my sword back up and swiped vertically while moving around causing a loud whoosh to go around the room as sweat dripped off my face.

A strand of hair fell from my messy bun to my face. I flowed with my sword pulling my body weight wherever I went. I used my footwork, basically shadow boxing, with a sword.

Leona came to the dorm from her stamina training.

I stopped my training and put my sword back in the scabbard strapped to my waist.

I was dressed in a white tank-top and some blue-shorts. I looked all over the room, wondering where she was. Then I saw a strand of hair poking from the couch.

It was Leona's. I walked to the couch only to see she was sleeping on the pale apple cider colored couch drooling with her hair slightly covering her face. I smirked. This is going to be funny. I got some black colored erasable markers. I steadied myself on the couch and started drawing on her eyelid.

I drew a stickman on one eyelid. Then a stick man girl on the other. Their hands were disconnected, showing they were holding hands.I grabbed the blanket I set there for Leona when she fell asleep on the couch.

I have a new schedule now. I had my daily workout then after that school then 4 hours of duels.

Since it's around 9:00 I guess I should get in bed and try to sleep. I got in my bed after changing. 'Hey!' Olivia said, finally waking up. She'll sleep more and more until she can never wake up and die.

"Hi" I said, entering the nothing realm. My outside body slept when I was in this realm. "So what did you learn today, anything interesting?" She said while smiling. "Well I…"

I spent the whole night talking to Olivia while my body slept. Once Olivia was forced into sleep to preserve herself I left. It was still night outside at 5 am. I silently cried letting out my feelings that I repressed the whole day.

After about ten minutes, I decided to get a drink of water. Only to hear Leona watching TV, I exited my room. She was just sitting there until she turned around to me with a flowing tear from only one eye. "What's wrong?" I said with a worried face. "No, no, what's wrong with you?" My eyes were still bloodshot from crying.

"Nothing is wrong with me!" I said, rubbing my eyes. I played my expression as groggy. I walked to the couch, wanting to be there for her. "What's going on?" I said, sitting on the couch with the tv as background. Suddenly, she broke out in tears.

"I- *hiccup I didn't know that my parents *hiccup created something so dangerous." She stuttered trying to get her words out. "And I j- j- just think it's my fault for keeping this from everyone for so long." I pulled her in for a hug. "It's not your fault." I said, rubbing her back.

I couldn't think of anything else to say. I'm still kind of socially awkward. I stayed there for a minute or two letting her cry on my shoulder. Eventually, when she lifted her head up she said "Thank you."

I left the living room. I never forgot why I came out here. My throat was drier than the Sahara Desert. I washed my face and drank some water. Looking at myself in the mirror, my skin had become a milky white and my eyes were even bluer than before.

I could guess why. Ever since Olivia told me she's dying, I have been getting stronger, faster. My reflexes were more precise, my power was more effective. Any blemish I had on my skin had magically disappeared. I looked like a kid model at this point.

If not for the depressed bags under my eyes I would probably be the talk of the school.

I traveled back to my room. To meditate. I meditated ramming against the wall of 14 PR. I could tell I needed more time.

I just sat there pondering my life for about 3 hours. The sun was up and it was time for school.

Combat class….

It was sparring day once again, this time with our weapons and powers. Today we went all out. We had special gear that supplied someone with life force at least enough for some healing.

So no one would die unless pierced straight through the lungs or the heart. Or maybe the intestines.

"Brian Ryhem!" "Katy tatem!" Our teacher called out the names of the two people that were going to fight first. Brian flipped his scythe, twirling it around fast enough that you couldn't see the blade. "Start!" He rushed towards her and suddenly she was engulfed in flames that were bending to her will.

Another strange version of the main powers. Brian looked at her and smirked. He ran towards her. You'd think he would use his scythe's distance, advantage but no. He stopped twirling his scythe; he used the leftover momentum to fling himself forward with his scythe's blade pointed towards her.

She tried blocking with her own long daggers but those quickly bent. But they slowed down the momentum just enough for him to miss. But "Kneel." Suddenly, it looked like she was fighting against one thousand pounds of weight.

But she eventually kneeled. "I give up." She forfeited. She didn't know that if she fought back harder she would've lasted longer.

"Raimy Kethart!!!" "Kaly Lockhem!!!" The girl Brian fought during combat class had stepped up again and the boy I had fought stepped up. He smirked with a calculated confidence. Good to know he doesn't go blushing at any girl he sees. That would be weird.

They started. It was almost like he learned a completely different style of fighting. Instead of using gauntlets he used the metal that manifested from his body to form 3 thin stakes. As soon as the girl tried to go invisible, the stake flew past her, cutting her cheek and leaving a trail of blood.

The stake soon came back to him in a liquid form. The girl stumbled a bit he threw the other two stakes at her leaving two gashes on her waist once again distracting her. The metal came back to him forming a long chain with spikes in it.

This time, she finally succeeded. He stood still waiting for her. She soon came to him with her daggers. I saw what actually happened. As soon as the wind blew from her attempted attack he lashed the chain.

It was almost sentient as it wrapped around her. The teacher came between him and stopped the fight. "Raimy Wins!" The metal seeped into his hand and disappeared. He walked back up to his seat on his way there and he winked at me.

The fuck! I looked over to Brian. he just had his left eyebrow up. Leona had a mischievous smile on her face. I was banned from sparring, So I didn't have to go.

"Tenner Atilit" "Maly Creim." A girl with strawberry blonde hair, light freckles and bright green eyes. She looked very calm and collected with the air of a serious person she stood at around 5'5. The boy had dark, almost black hair slid to the side with gel. He had a calm and charismatic smile on his face.With light amber-colored eyes.

He stood around 5'6. They stood at opposite sides, scouting each other out."Start!" They stood still. The boy's smile became wider. Soon the girl was pushing up against a lot of weight. A very strong and useful ability. Gravity manipulation. He grabbed his staff off his back but then…

Maly… I kind of smiled. "Acceleration." The ability to go to high speeds without any start up. The first step is at full speed and it enhances her speed very useful. When she reappeared in front of his face her shoes were burnt from the friction.

Tenner's eyes widened. As she pulled out a rapier. She slightly pierced him as he backed up, lowering the gravity around him making it easier for him to move away. I activated my power.

Just as I thought he can only activate his power in a 5x5x5x5 width and length and a 10x10x10x10 height.

She used acceleration once again, but he prepared to slow her down by placing a gravity trap in front of himself. Due to the enhanced gravity, his staff was heavier making his attack much more effective.

But he couldn't control his staff's movements correctly. He only ended up hitting her shoulder. Drops of sweat started coming off of his face. His gravity barrier turned off and Tenner backed away to not get stabbed once again. Maly backed up to regroup herself. She had just gotten her shoulder broken.

Tenner, being the one who took less damage in the whole exchanges smiled and used a gravity barrier making his first step lighter and faster. Maly used instant acceleration once again moving to a way that he couldn't change direction fast.

He was pierced in his hip but before she could get another stab in he stopped his movement and kicked her to the ground, causing her to fall to the ground. Her instant acceleration most likely only worked when she was standing, so she was defenseless; she could barely block with that rapier.

As soon as Tenner was about to perform a downward strike on Maly, her legs sped to a great speed and Maly kicked him, sending him flying and a little blood to be coughed up.

He activated his power making the gravity lighter around him. She was running out of stamina. I could tell this fight was concluding. She used instant acceleration for probably the last time. If you go over your limits too much your life force drains instead of what is stored inside your power core.

He smacked her in the face really hard on his way down. But instead of recoiling she tanked it and stabbed his kidney from the back… It was a tie… They were