Attack 3

"Alright, all of you our main task is to find the headmaster," I said in a hushed voice. We split up all going in different areas. I used my power to get some of them to make their brain's electrical signals invalid.

Very useful. I was starting to get exhausted. They helped out too. Kaly turned invisible chacking if the coast was clear. The other groups were rounding up as many students as possible killing the terrorists and finding a way out.

We snuck behind a group of five terrorists patrolling the hallways. Pulling my dagger out I killed all of them after rendering them immobile. After twenty minutes of looking for the headmaster's office, we found it. I felt four very powerful auras.

My breathing became heavy but I could feel it the presences knew we were here. "RUN!!!" I shouted. I ran at full speed but it was too late I would have to fight the person. "Looks like I found some rats!" He shouted menacingly. He suddenly grew claws I wasn't prepared for a moment and stepped back but not in enough time as he had grazed my chest.

But for some reason it hurt a lot. "WAAAG!!" I yelled quickly in pain and dashed towards him. "My name is Von!" "I don't CARE!" I yelled. The rest of my teammates backed me up Kyla got smacked when she went invisible. This is bad.

Josefa and I ran up fast. A silver sheen covered him. His long sword was less than an inch away from touching Von before Von punched him. But strangely Von's punch slipped on Josefa. Losing all of his momentum, I tried hitting Von with my swords. I hit him right in the back. It was like hitting steel my swords were quickly bounced off.

Stumbling back Von punched me into a wall. I barfed up blood. My vision is blurring in and out.….

Leona's group tasked with looking for the students…

We busted into every classroom finding 5 sometimes. every room stank of death, blood, and vomit. We entered another room to see every student dead. "BANG!!!" I heard a loud thump. That sounds bad. I pointed in the direction I heard the loud thump from.

We ran around clearing all of the Lokust terrorists. Turned a corner and saw a 7-foot man with very long… Claws? The group responsible for finding the headmaster with Brian was fighting the man.

Brian looked almost dead. He was fighting at high speeds with a great injury. It looked like his eyes were glowing red. Was he even conscious? The tall man hadn't even had an injury on him. He was smiling amused at the kids trying to defeat him.

He was a monster. "I know you're there!" AGHHHHHAGSHGAHGAHGAHAGH It's the same voice!! Them man WHO TOOK MY ABILITY TO SPEAK! YOU *@$!@&$ I'LL KILL HIM!


This isn't fair! I said. I rushed towards the man. "Oh, it's the energetic girl!" He turned around and said. He slashed me across the chest. I groaned in pain. Angry tears fkowed from my eyes. "Oh, you are quite angry!"

He said while fighting all 27 of us off at the same time. How???? 'Everyone we are too messy I'll e taking control of all of you except Leona.' Suddenly everybody's eyes turned the same shade of glowing red. They all ran in sync but Brian's body was completely limp.

Wait since he's controlling so many bodies at once what if the electrical charges the make his body react to his brain are all scattered so he can't move his body so if I just. I touched his neck I gave him a short spark of electricity allowing him to regain consciousness.

"That felt horrible.." He said everybody was attacking. They were getting some scratches in but nothing much. I swapped out my no weapon status for a rapier in honor of Maly. I stabbed at the man. I had hidden between all of the others he smirked and grabbed for me he missed.

I went for his neck. Getting a red mark. He likes to talk a lot. I'll break his mind! I hit ten slashes at a time. "Grr." He growled lowly. Yeah, how does it feel? I kept going in using the others as a distraction. I eventually got a clean stab in I retracted my Rapier. I can't get cocky.

"GRAAAHHHHH" He forced everybody off of his body. What kind of power? A person flew towards me making me fly over to the wall. Ahhh this hurts so much. I had such blurry vision I think I hurt my head really bad. "leona leona leona leona LEONA!!!" I could finally hear Brian calling out to me. It was still really dark good. It would hurt more if the light was on.

I "He left and we've got casualties." No, we need to make him a casualty.


We're in charge of the annihilation of their forces. So in conclusion I didn't have to be sneaky. After annihilating 25 Lokust terrorists, a powerful presence was closing down on us. The dash was quick but not quick enough. Using my new techniques I tried to make 6 different sword strikes at the same time. Only the slightest delay what do I have to do to get them to all happen at the same time?

The blur dashed away and got from all fours. "My name is Von!" "I don't care." The cuts I had just made were still fresh looked like he didn't notice what had happened. The injuries will keep piling up. "WHY DOESN'T ANYBODY CARE ABOUT MY NAME!!!!!???" I dashed forward slashing at the man's stomach. He grabbed my Katana and tried bending it. He was surprised as his eyes widened when he couldn't.

My team is completely useless they had been cowering in fear since he showed up. He was even injured and they were still cowards. I tried cutting through his claws it didn't work but his fingers were cut too.

This is irritating.