attack 4

I slapped my sword the force traveled through and my hands were rattled. I looked at one of my hands. It was bruised. He really had been hitting my sword hard. Running up to him, I used a roundhouse kick knowing he would catch my leg I hung upside-down and cut at his shin. Light cuts showed up once again.

Many steps were coming down the hallway in urgency. It's definitely the other teams. He flung me away again. I got back up I spit out some iron-tasting blood. I came back to him again. The intense amount of steps finally were closing in. My vision was fading in and out.

This isn't good. He also has a height, weight, and speed advantage over me. "Sapphire!" Brian yelled out in a worried tone as he turned the corner. I almost avoided Von's punch, but he got my body directly. It felt as if I got punched away from my body. "NO!!!" Brian screamed at me.

I can't let this pain get to me. I have to fight for my family. Brian, Leona, Raimy, Tenner and even my new brother. I'll do it for them. "BLAARGH!" I threw up blood. "How? I was supposed to protect you." I heard Brian say angrily as I was slumped against the wall.

He walked over to me, slumped against the wall. "Hey babe I'm gonna be gone for a bit but I promise I'm coming back." Tears dripped from one of my eyes. "D- don't you're going to die!" I tried yelling. I feel so useless. I feel useless now. I felt useless when Maly died.

No… don't leave me…

I feel so tired. Am I going to die? What is this feeling? Is it utter despair? I feel utterly hopeless. "You'll die!"

I heard Brian yelling out among the screams and yells of the battle against Von. I need to stand up. I need to stand up!


I need to save her. No matter what happens to me, I will make sure she lives to see another day!

Amongst all the blood and screaming, I took out my swords. Going at the maximum speed I used my power to stop his mind from working partially.

I approached him, stabbing him with every ounce of the strength in my bones. "GURAAAAAHHHHHHH!" My arm's skin was tearing apart. The sheer amount of power coming from his body. "AAAGH!" I stabbed the man clear from his back to his heart.

I hung from both blades, tearing a line through his body. A loud thud was heard.

He fell onto his back driving my blades further into his body. "Kuh kuh kuh." he coughed how the hell is he even alive???

He is defeated. I stepped on his body. Hwarc too! I spat on his face. Leona came and walked over. She stepped onto his body. Step. I was quite literally horrified at what she had just done. "What the hell Leona!!???" She gave me the "What?" Look. "Don't what? Me that was horrible! That was so bad I felt it!"

She raised one of her eyebrows. I looked back over to Sapphire. I can't believe he did that to her. He almost killed Sapphire. I can't believe she almost died. Seeing her like this… It hurts me.

"Hey, you… are... Still… there… I… thought… everyone… I… tried… to… protect… di-"

It hurts me to see her in self-blame. Why can't she just love herself?

"Please, just don't blame yourself for everything… it's not healthy for you." I said knowing she was unconscious. Water dripped from one of my eyes. It makes me sad to see someone like her so unhappy.

Sure sometimes she has her rough patches and so do I but I think we can all get through them with some help and others.

Tenner first-person 2:45 pm right now.

None of my class survived. So weak. And I heard sounds of battle too so I finally turned the final corner. "What the hell happened here?" I said in surprise coming upon the battlefield. There I could see Sapphire beat to a pulp and slumped against a wall.

And a 7 foot tall man dead with a…. Grievous injury. Leona waved over to me. "Did you do that?" I said pointing towards him. She nodded. "That…" I have nothing to say. "Brian! Yo!"

He smiled at me. "It's been a while, Tenner!" I ran over to him and we did our handshake.

I whispered to him. "Got a girlfriend yet bro?" He smiled at me happily. "Nah bro, I've got a fiance." He said looking over to Sapphire. "For real!!??" "Sweet!" I said celebrating with him. "Yeah, I know."

"Hi Tenner…" Sapphire said waking up. She tried standing up. "Let me help you with that," I said as I decreased the gravity around her making the initial stand much easier. "Thanks." "Everybody!!! We've got more things to do!!! We must go and put an end to Lokust FOREVER!"

Sapphire yelled. I smiled nervously. She's changed I can't put my finger on what.

"Forget being sneaky! We'll come for all of them! The offense starts now!" I was getting sick of sneaking around.

I did a quick headcount. Ooh this is bad… only Kaly and 10 others including me Leona, Brian, Sapphire, and Raimy remain that 7-foot guy was really strong. Brian led us. There were so many people in Lokust.

"If we want to end this we must go to the headmaster's office." Brian said. "I felt other presences just as strong as Von."

This is bad if that Von guy could wipe out that many people with just him. What about others?

We arrived at the office. These intense pressures. I've felt them before. They had fun while hurting me.

Tears rolled down my cheeks. Sapphire too. I wiped them constantly I thought I had somewhat gotten over it but I guess things like that don't just leave. Especially when I see it in the mirror every day. Brian hugged Sapphire. "Hey, we'll all get over it one day."

I hope we will…


Why can't I stop hurting? What can I do to make it stop? "Hey, we'll all get over it one day."

I was being hugged. I am not all alone no matter how much I feel like it. Even if I can't love myself I have others to help me along.

I have no time for weakness. I marched forward. "Oh, so it's you. It's been quite a while my most troubled student… Sapphire."

THE HEADMASTER??? "@#$%#$ WHAT!" How did I not notice? The uncaring attitude the inactiveness? No headmaster should be doing that. He did nothing when we were notified of the Lokust attack.

"I rushed headfirst with Brian." "Headmaster or not you'll die for your crimes." I rushed towards him. 1 2 3 4 5 6 I executed all six cuts at the exact same time. YES! I immediately tore his clothes the shape I cut into him resembled a star.

Blood leaked from his torso. A combination of phantom slash and very very quick strikes. Brian tried controlling his mind making him falter I took a direct stab at him. Leona charged my sword and Tenner made him unable to move for some seconds.

A big poof of smoke was everywhere in the hallway. We used that smoke for cover. Rushing forward more. I saw he was no longer there. Illusion. "Here!" He punched me in the face. "NO HERE!" He kneed me in the back. Then he slapped me. I barfed blood and the chocolate cereal I ate this morning.

Suddenly I was in the white realm again. "You need me and you know that."

My voice rang in my head but it wasn't "my voice." "NO I DON'T NEED YOU!!! YOU'RE USELESS! ALL YOU EVER DID WAS FAIL! FAIL! FAIL! FAIL!

"You'll end up just like me eventually cold uncaring and dead on the inside. I love him as much as you do and have the same thoughts as you. You just don't know how bad the world actually is."

"YES, I DO ROSA!!! YOU KNOW WHAT I'VE BEEN THROUGH!" I screamed back at myself. "I've? I TOOK THAT TORTURE ALL OF THAT PAIN FOR YOU JUST FOR YOU TO FORGET ABOUT ME?!!!!" " "I met Brian to I loved him too."

"Of course I know you love him as much as I do but not in the same way… but you held yourself back and you're never coming back." "Ok since it's like that I curse you or bless you with everything. Every memory that's been suppressed because of how weak you are I won't corrupt you with mine though. You'll have to just take the brunt of it."

"Do you even know how much pain you've been through? It makes me sick for this to even have happened, but here. You won't remember me but I hope you stop hesitating to kill him he has no power over you."

"I'll omit everything that wasn't your choice YOURS"

A sudden flash of memories came over me every ounce of pain during the torture that Rosa had taken for me every glimpse of depression and sadness every moment of happiness within my household nothing was missing everything was here."

"Goodbye. Have children be a wonderful mom. Feel love, feel happiness. Don't die. Also, don't come back in contact with your dad, but get your brother. I don't want him experiencing the same thing as I. Don't try to commit suicide again."

"Also stop killing people and make it to at least 45 okay? Promise?" "Yeah promise…"

Rosa flew into dust…

I fell back on the ground once again. That felt like I was in the air for eternity my head hurts and I remember everything why was my head keeping those from me? All of these things. Every ounce of pain and suffering.

I looked for Brian. He wasn't anywhere. I got hit again. I could feel my senses getting better by the second. I always wondered where all of that energy I had right after waking up went. He was going to appear behind me next.

I turned around and slit his hand that was reaching out. He recoiled. "How?" He yelled. I shrugged snowflake slash.... BOOM! The sound barrier broke as my sword cut through the air making a high-pitched whistling sound. Two of his arms were cut off. He started running away with his arms flopping and flailing.

The weird-looking smoke disappeared in front of my eyes. "EEGH Please don't KILL ME!!! "I will." "I HAVE MORE SOCIAL POWER THAN YOU! You'll be PUT IN PRISON! YOUR FAMILY WILL BE EXECUTED!!!"

"That's a nice thought your having right now… Go To Hell" "What is hell?" "Good question I don't know either."

"But your heads going to roll."