attack 5

I lifted my sword directly above him. "This is the end," I said striking down. I felt the familiar splatter of blood. He's dead but there are more. Looking down at the former headmaster's body I stepped on him to make sure he was dead.

Looking around I saw 70-80 people there U had fought him for a long time I guess they found us. "EVERYBODY SPREAD OUT!" I yelled at them. BOOM A loud noise sounded. A very very tall woman walked out around the same height as Von.

I don't know if I can handle her. She's stronger than me and way stronger than the late headmaster. "Leona, Brian, Raimy, Tenner!" We all ran towards the purple-themed lady. I got their first while Raimy threw his weapons. Once again Tenner and Brian Used their Powers to falter and distract works every time.

Leona and I went and appeared very close to her as soon as she bust out of the traitor's office. I was on her side and Leona was in front of her. She stabbed directly at her stomach and I used my snowflake slash but using only two slashes to save my already almost used up energy.

I successfully slit her face.

Leona was mysteriously blown back immediately by her. Wind power. That's troublesome. She can make a breeze a large attack. "You @#$@%! You cut my perfect face!" I got blown away. And suddenly all of my cuts got very bad. They turned into literal gashes.

Everything got really blurry I was suffering from blood loss. Brian came and softened my fall catching me and putting me down. "Thanks." "But you're covered in blood," Brian said worriedly.

The lady suddenly turned very angry. "You! IGNORING ME!!! YOU'LL DIE FOR THAT!"

I have a time limit on this. What a slow and dramatic woman she could've made us pass out from blood loss if she wasn't sitting there getting mad like an idiot. Putting some effort into my handiwork this time and being creative I went in with Leona again.

Funny thing I just cut my nails into makeshift blades with all of her drama. So stupid. I went in with my makeshift claws bared. She made one of the cuts on my shoulder worse. She's staying still another stupid move. What's going on here?

I tried slitting her stomach with my sword half hoping it worked. I immediately followed up with my claws stabbing her then using my power to enlarge the cuts way faster. "GRAHHH!!!!"

"YOU!!" I followed up again with my sword hitting her on the side of her face.

If she would use her power correctly, maybe she would win. Brian came up from my side with a smile. "Heh," He directly stabbed her in her heart. She was so stupid. But all the cuts she caused on us are making me very lightheaded. I can barely stand up right now.

Perfect timing. With all of the noise Nurse joy had just entered the area. I had been healing myself with Hacht and lightly reinforcing my body but it was nothing to those who were in there. Why had they been coming out one by one? This is very strange. Are they preparing for something? It should be the top of the leaders of the Lokust. So why are they doing this? I plopped on the ground. "She needs medical attention now!!!" A lot of screaming and yelling is going on currently. But with my broken bones and head traumas, I can't really hear anything.

Nurse Joy leaned over me. I felt warm drops of water on my face she was crying. Over me?

Suddenly I could hear again I was in a world of pain. The adrenaline had worn off. I saw some others laid on the floor some dead some unconcious.

Taking a big gasp I hurt myself badly. "Are you okay Sapphire?" Nurse Joy asked me. "There's more…" I said quietly. "What?" "There's one more general stronger than the others!"