attack 6

"What? How?" Nurse Joy questioned me. They had been preparing for something. Blood bubbled up and some of it got into my lungs. "Blerch ach!" I went into a coughing fit. Suddenly a very very very loud sound rangout between all of us. I wanted to cover my ears but I was too late. My eardrums were completely busted.

A warm sensation was trickling down my ears. All the people inside of our group of survivors were blown away. And they all died except for my friends. Who were near the others that died. I felt very loud vibrations.

I was out of the way of everybody who got blown away. Standing up I shook my head and felt a menacing headache and blood come out of my ear.

It hurt to stand and breathe how am I going to get out of this one?

Picking up my sword I ignored the pain. I couldn't even use my most powerful attack. The man who stood in front of me was at least 8 feet tall. Why was everybody so tall? I'm having such a bad day right now. Trying to stand up is really hard. He dashed so fast towards me I barely had time to react this is really bad. Blocking with my sword to his sword, there was an immense amount of sparks.

I eventually got flown back and my arms were very bruised. He said something but I have no idea what it could be. Still reeling from the last attack I groaned. I reinforced my body with the most Hacht I could. I could see hairs rapidly turning white from the stress on my body. C'mon I just need to hang out long enough for the teachers to come back wherever they are.

Taking another hit I tried to counter by pushing my sword against his with all of my strength. In the end, I just got reeled back again. Where are those stealth people that were always hanging around the school? Were they on lunch break?

Those stealth people right now…

"Captain! Stop eating so fast! There's no rush!" Yes, they were literally on lunch break. That's why the bell didn't go off. They had to turn it off so these people wouldn't come and turn them into history.

"There is a rush!!! What if they're attacking right now! And we don't know because we're eating slowly! Freidrick a 6 foot tall man with bright ginger hair and chiseled features yelled at them impatiently. It was a team of five. "That's unlikely!" Captain Tracy 5'9 woman of muscular stature long hair that had been tied up into a messy bun yelled back laughing.

Freidrick didn't slow down and ate very fast and the rest of the team checked the time. "?" squad member Nolan a man that stood 5'11 with bark brown hair and more chill and relaxed features had a look of intense confusion on his face. "It's well over 30 minutes since our lunch break ended. Why didn't the bell ring? And second, Why didn't we notice?" They didn't notice because they had never taken their lunch break and their time management is in fact horrible.

Nolan, Tracy, Freidrick, Liam, and Lotrem quickly flashed back to the building. They busted into the school with their bare fists. "What the !@#$% @#$%@$% Happened here?" Freidrick cursed excessively at the absolutely wretched smell. They spread throughout the school running and looking for survivors. They all regrouped after finding roughly 400 survivors and directing them towards a safe spot. After turning a corner knowing all the survivors were in one spot they ran around. "Where the hell are all of the teachers?" They all said in unison.

They turned a single corner. To see a pretty girl with white and black hair being flown across the room to a wall and hitting her head is slumped against a wall. Not all of them were dead but they looked like it.

"NO!!!!" The air magic man said. "This is disgusting!" Tracy yelled in disgust. Tracy has a PR of 35 to put that into perspective. The air guy only has a PR of 28 there was no way Sapphire was even going to damage him with her PR of 17.

Tracy made him submit with just her presence. "You don't deserve a trial." She spit on him in disgust. "Please I have a family!" He yelled at her. She had a soft spot for people with family's. "Either I can kill you now or… You can get a trial and your family will be killed for the next 3 generations after you. And on top of that, you'll die."

"You like that choice?" Tracy said kicking him in the face making him bite his tongue and fly back to the nearest wall. Walking back to him she pulled out her sword. And stabbed him in the heart. He couldn't even put up a fight. Tracy having a conscience unlike our (former reincarnated. main character) felt sick ending the life of somebody. But she steeled herself. Knowing that never the less no matter what path she chose to take he would've died. And was a horrible person that needed to die.

Freidreck watching from the back started to try to slip away. Whenever Tracy killed somebody, she made everybody feel as miserable as she does. Being a complete and utter wet blanket even when they win a battle everybody tried slipping away.

"Ah, ah, ah, You guys come back here right now and help me carry all 120 of these students contact the Royal court get a clean-up crew in here and get ready because I really really need a drink."

They all groaned. "They quickly took every student to not the infirmary but the school hospital where all of the doctors had locked themselves in with no one there having any battle nor combat experience or powers they had no choice.

There were only roughly 300 students in the second year. Before his incident, there were well over 1000 that including nobles from different countries and other transfers that were abroad that were from other countries.

This incident might put war tensions with Gryza at an all-time high giving less time to prepare.

The Royal castle…

The king was overworked, depressed, stressed, and has anxiety as per usual. He didn't need to hear about the attack on Relix right now. Advisor 1 suddenly burst through the king's doors where he was working with heavy bags under his bright blue eyes. "What is it, Lamia?"

He said in a very tired voice. The opposite of the king, who had bright blue eyes, jet-black hair, and very chiseled features. Lamia had bright silvery hair, Grey eyes and a body anybody would absolutely swoon over.

"The academy was attacked! Heavy casualties and damages!!!!!!" The kings eyes suddenly turned full of life and vigor. "NO!!!!"

"What is it babe?" The queen had finally gotten her off day and was currently sleeping throughout the entire day. Scratch that that's what she thought she would be doing. They quickly got dressed and were out of the castle no more than a minute after it was announced to them.

Flying as fast as they could they reach the island it was stationed at in thirty minutes. The clean-up crews took the teleportation pad to the island and were already cleaning up.

The queen went directly to the infirmary. "Mary, where are you going?" The king asked softly. "I have to check if someone is okay… I'll be with you soon." He shrugged, knowing he had never been able to even say anything about her actions and it wouldn't have changed now either.

Sighing, he took a look around the school. It still stank of blood and death and vomits. The king had a hard time not throwing up from the smell alone. Not to mention the blood-smeared classrooms and hallways.

He turned the corner to see the main battle place. It smelled so bad he held his breath. Looking at the scene of blood and death with horror, he realized that every person that helped Lokust must be completely and utterly annihilated.

The King first-person….

Checking every single room, I finally found a singular room where almost all the teachers were standing on guard around two teachers. Stumbling across it I killed all the traitors instantly. The two on the ground I remember them, second-year teachers.

Prof. Malick and Prof. Clein. They taught the second years for a while now if I remember correctly they had been teaching for 30 years Malick and 15 years on Clein. I untied them.

"Bunch of dumb idiot traitors" "I wondered why I got called to a meeting so fast."

Clein was bothered by the sight meanwhile Malick was cursing the traitors. They both were on their knees. I motioned for them to rise. What a bothersome day…

Mary, aka the queen of Fylar…

"How do you always get in so much trouble?" I asked Sapphire, knowing that she was completely unconscious. Looking at her hair, I remembered what these monsters did to her. Suddenly, I felt a great presence so intensely strong I was suffocating.

The only person that wasn't busy currently that could make me feel this way… Ryhem.

"Noooo my children!" Ryhem was genuinely worried, running very fast to Brian, hugging him, then hugging Sapphire. Is there a piece I'm missing here? After Ryhem checked if they were all fine his eyes darted over to me. Here we go again.

"Don't think I forgot about you marshmallow!" He ran over to me. "You're so tall now!" "I remember when you used to be squishy! Exactly like a marshmallow!"

"I'm not a marshmallow!" I said annoyed. "Uh-huh you still look like that squishy kid that used to grab onto my leg while I was walking arou

nd." He pinched my cheeks. "Ow!" "Yoo arb fib huded yees ol whe will yoo sto getti so eggsite ova everyting?" I asked, my words illegible.

"When will you stop being a sourpuss?" He said with a frown. "Also what connection do you have with my child?" He said, pointing at Sapphire. "Well, I met her a long time ago. It's kind of long story she's been through a lot…"

"Oh, that's really dark, edgy morbi-" "Yeah I get it you don't have to think up every word for a bad backstory," I said, interrupting him. "Also, I think we need to rework your definition of child laws and rights." I knew that was coming. "Because that's just not right you….."

He went on for about thirty minutes about everything wrong I did consider laws and rights. "And lastly no part of the monarchy should just be able to strip away child rights at the drop of a hat."

"THANK YOU!!!" Nurse Joy a nurse that had been at this school for so long I knew her when I was being taught here had been listening for a while. "I had this exact talk with Sapphire when you sent her out on that mission!"

I put my hand on my forehead. "Well since you have something to say then take your seat as an advisor back."

I said trying to defeat him in a battle of words. "First of all, as the legal guardian for both of these children, I-" "Wait, hold on, what happened to her parents? Well, her mom's been in a coma for a while and her dad disowned her two days ago, so yeah, she's not been having a good year since it started."