Multi school tournament 5

I could feel my bones struggling to keep up with the ferociousness of each strike. She pounced on me again and was much closer to me, pinning me down. I turned my head away, and she licked the blood on my face. I formed my hands into knuckles.

And lifted my arm to throw her off of me and she pushed my arm further into the snow. I kicked her leg. She winced in pain and fell off of me. I got up and wiped my face. She dashed towards me so I kicked her in the side with my right leg.

She flew over to the next rock with a slight crash. She got back up and all the damage I did seemed to be closing up and healing as she wiped her mouth. "Your blood tastes good, nice and sweet like honey and vanilla mixed together."

She said as her face reddened psychopathically. "Sorry, I'm taken," I said calmly. "I can change your mind." She said in a sweet, alluring, almost siren-like tone. She had light blonde hair with streaks of blue in her hair. Pale skin, dark cherry red lips, and eyes a light gray eye color.

I rushed towards again and attempted a kick in the stomach. She grabbed my leg and flipped me over face first in the snow and sat on my back really close and licked my face again. "Careful, or you'll fall into my arms with that kind of clumsiness."

The snow was being dyed red by my face. "Uhrk!" I stretched my arms out and pushed myself up with her on my back. I enjoyed being warm for some, but I need to win. She fell down, and I pounced on her neck to stop her so she could only breathe shallowly.

But uhh, is she enjoying this? She looked even more euphoric than before. She tapped my leg twice, a sign of forfeit, but she grabbed my leg more than that getting a little touchy. I got off of her and she got back up.

"I'll see you somewhere soon." She got up in my face again, I could feel her shaky, excited breath on my face. She slid her hand from my hand on my back and almost started going down, then I stopped her. "I'm in a relationship."

I said sternly. "Okay, whatever" She rolled her eyes and was teleported out. I was teleported back to the stadium. It didn't look like anybody was watching the fight. A dark dome had been formed over the big coliseum and fireworks and loud music was playing.

Everyone saw that. I was getting hit on in the middle of a tournament, not to mention by a girl. Even Brian saw and that is going to be such an utterly uncomfortable situation that I can imagine turning around to explain or something like that.

I see that the majority of the people waiting for their turn to fight again were taking a nap. Making sure they had all the energy they could have for their fight, I see. I went to my seat and sat down and closed my eyes, trying to meditate.

I just ended up in a state between sleep and waking where I couldn't feel anything in the real world but could still think, an odd feeling.

I woke up and the half-time was over.

I sat up in my seat and realized that since only twenty people were here there is only two or so matches left inside of the hand-to-hand combat this has been such a long tournament fourteen days of waking up fighting then repeating it's finally nearing the end.

"DID YOU ALL ENJOY THE HALFTIME!!!" "YEAAAHHH!" "WOOOOOO!!!" Cheers from the crowd were loud and excited. I was transported via watch to my respective square. My opponent, Leona.

I smirked. 'It's been a while since we last sparred, hasn't it?' I asked her. She nodded. "About two and a half years, if I'm correct?" I asked. She nodded. "Alright then, let's try not to destroy the arena."

She nodded in agreement with a smile on her face. I got into my fighting position putting on my Hacht swooping my hair back again. This is going to be hard. "Go!"

I barely heard the announcer tell us to start. I was too focused. In one swift movement, she had moved so quickly my eyes were at a loss to see her. She started with a kick from the right to the left and grazed my cheek. Start.

I put my arm to her leg, knocked it away, and punched forwards. She blocked it quickly, as expected. I went for a leg sweep but just ended up kicking her leg, making her wince in pain. She punched me straight in the chest.

My heart was beating fast and irregularly. The exchange had left me at a loss for breath after being punched in the chest. In round two, I was going faster than I had expected.

I got the first hit in with a simple roundhouse aimed at the temple. We matched our kicks, cracking the ground. She then sent a spark of electricity into my legs. Shocking me and giving her an opening to sweep my leg as I started to fall completely over flat on my butt.

So I reached out to Leona and grabbed her arm to bring her down instead of I. Using her arm to grab I pulled her down with me to knock Leona off balance but she sent another electric pulse in my arm sending me into another light muscle spasm. That's so irritating.

And it's leaving my body parts numb. I have to end this quickly before she encases her entire body in electricity. My arm was protected by the armor that I'm glad I have. I have to somehow win.

The exchange wasn't over yet and I had responded with a punch directly to the stomach having her slide back in the ground and the tiles were simply being destroyed with each lightning-cast attack at each other. Leona wiped the blood off of her mouth and spat out the rest.

She encased her entire body in lightning. It hadn't turned red, so she obviously wasn't going to try to hurt me too badly. But I can barely keep up with her moves when she's in this state. She disappeared from my sight not as invisible but just too fast for my eyes to register.

She was right in my face and got a simple left hook off, sending me flying back. Then she appeared behind me and kicked me in the, back then in the front then punched me from side to side.

It was all a blur.

My face was getting bloodier and bloodier every single second. When she finally stopped, I was down on my hands and knees coughing up blood uncontrollably. I then lifted my head up to Leona clad in blue sparkling electricity.

I stood up. "Well, looks like I can't hold back that much against you." I cranked up my speed and got into a running position. Then I dashed off towards her. I could see that she was startled by the sudden speed boost I decided to give back what she gave. Kneeing her in the face into the air, I could feel her bones shifting after that blow.

I practically disappeared in her eyes, moving at a high speed and leaving a trail of heat in my wake. Moving behind her, I kicked her forward then back. I then jumped up in the air and kicked downwards at a decent amount of power and landed on her shoulder.

Cracking the concrete underneath her. She fell over and was panting incessantly. And spitting out thick chunks of blood. Leona stood back up just as bloodied, if not more than I. And the crowd gasped.

They all probably thought, "how could we both take so many heavy hits?" She stood up and re-clad herself in lightning, yet this time it was almost completely red.