
The next day…

I have to tell him it has waited long enough I have to leave. We were mid-conversation and as I wanted to tell him and the moment got closer and closer my heart beat faster and faster. "So in the end I hit him with an uppercut and he went flying like a cartoon!"

He said laughing. "Umm, Brian. I need to… tell you something…" "What is it beautiful?" I turned away. "We have to separate."

Brians POV:

What does she mean by separate? "Do you mean to break up?" "I mean, maybe I dunno kind well yes, but no," she said, grabbing her head. Her voice was breaking and cracking under her own words. Oh no, so she wants to break up?

"May I ask why?" I said in a shaky voice. I wanted to do this as well, but. It's still devastating. "I have to go for a long time… to fight in the war. And I don't know when or if I'll be back." "I've been wanting to tell you this for so long now. And I just didn't know when to say it."

"So… when do you have to leave?" "Tomorrow." She answered, turning her head even further. I could feel the sadness placed in her words. "I wanted to break up, too," I said, telling her what had weighed on my mind for so long.

She was obviously taken aback. "Alright then, as of that us, we're done now, right? Sapphire said carefully. "I guess so…" I walked out of the hospital room with a stone-cold look on my face I made it all the way to my dorm room. And dropped onto the floor. And cried, screamed and yelled.

I never thought it would hurt so much. Just this: it all hurts so much. I sat on my bed and cried until no more tears were left. My pillow was soaked in my tears. I lay sprawled out on my bed and decided to sit there quietly dreaming through all the laughs and cuddles, all the cries of joy and sadness.

Sapphire's POV

I started grabbing all of my things and packing them. I looked at the mask and put it on. Still fit perfectly, as ever. Those were the dark days. I'll tie up all of my loose ends, then I'll make sure that they won't worry about me. About where I'm going.

Tears dropped from my eyes as I packed up the shirt. I looked back at the amazing relationship I had been in. Oh yeah, I turn 15 in some hours. "What's going on?" "Why are you crying?" I whipped my head around Leona was talking. Fluently.

"Listen, Leona, I have to leave for a while." "Will you be back??" I kept packing I had to be there in a couple of hours where? I don't know. All I know is that I'm supposed to meet with Mina at the gates.

I picked up my stuff. It contained my mask, my sword, a stash of chocolate-flavored things some shirts, and armor. "Just tell all the rest of them, please. That I'm leaving." "Why are you leaving?" "Explain please!" She yelled. I just got my gym bag from the floor and started walking briskly towards the exit.

I heard a knock on the door as soon as I exited. It was Raimy. "Brian won't answer a single call neither will you, and when I knocked on Brian's door sounded so distraught I had to come to see what was wrong and since you're his girlfriend- "I'm his ex- now." I shoved past him.

Can't let myself have the luxury of feeling all the emotions I'm suppressing right now. Walking down the hallway, Raimy yelled after me. "What do you mean, ex?!" I saw a figure walking down the hallway towards me.

It was Tenner. He looked mad and sad. "What's going on?!" "nobody's communicating anymore?" "I'm leaving for a while. Just let me go." "What's going on?" He asked again with a saddened look on his face. "Just get out of my way."

I shoved past him. This is so hard. This feeling I hate it so much. I hung my head down and my outgrown hair had hidden all of my faces. I kept walking and I could feel their straightened face tracking me from behind as they watched me disappear around the corner.

I walked out to the gate, still holding back tears. There was a military bus that looked raggedy and broken down. I walked in with my stuff on the bus. They were partying mostly guys my age. I still had my head hung down and walked through the bus into the back.

"What's up with her?" I heard a voice. "She looks so sad." They sat around and talked about me for a solid ten minutes before a guy walked up to me. "Yo, depressed girl, why are you sad?" They have no idea the amount of people I just had to leave that were so important to me for a stupid war that I didn't want any part of.

I didn't respond. "Well if your going to be like that." He just walked back to his seat. They started yelling and partying I just sat with my head down. I punched the metal seat hard enough for my fists to bleed profusely. Then another kid walked on with his head down and walked straight to the back.

"Another sad one eh?" "Why'd they sign up for this if they were going to be such f****** chickens about it." I was sitting in a window seat so looked up with my hair still covering mos of my face we were passing by the sketchy parts where I originally grew up. And kept stopping.

It was nighttime by the time we didn't make any more stops. I was feeling too sick in the stomach to actually even talk or sleep. We arrived at the place. It looked like a big outdoorsy shabby kind of building.facility that was kind of shabby.

"Go inside the building and wait in line!" A man yelled as we were herded off of the bus. Tired I watched the boy beside me walk up first, then I got up at the very last. Walking out I still had my long hair and bangs on my face.

"Move it!" He screamed in my ear I slightly picked up my pace and entered the building. Walking to the line it was so utterly slow and irritating I stood straight and waited for the line to move it was two hours before I got to the front.

They scaled my PR to nineteen and I simply watch it as the man in the front assigned me to B-block. I trudged myself around the winding hallways until;l I found B-block and found bunk room 157. I opened the door, and it was small on the inside. I carried my stuff. It was cold inside the room and I saw my bunkmate, the boy that sat in the back with me.

I put on pink pajamas with ducks on it and slept with a t-shirt on top. I couldn't sleep at all, yet I was so tired. I couldn't have slept. Sleeping was impossible, but this time there was no birds chirping in the morning and no windows, just a six am alarm what a contrast.