Recovery time

I smelled copper in the air, no. I knew better than that that was blood, and of course, it was my own blood. I felt a warm liquid drip down my face and onto my lips. I stuck out my tongue and tasted it more blood. It didn't taste salty; it tasted like caramel with a very light taste of salt in it. But I didn't want to taste it anymore if it somehow gave me a chilling feeling to taste it.

I tried to lift my arm to wipe off the blood that was dripping from my face. But I could feel it. The arm I had caught the lightning bolt with was complete. Fried, the nerves in it were repairing, could feel my body restlessly working to repair all the damage done to my nerves.

But in the meantime, I just want to find out how my power came back if it was permanent and how long until I unlock it again. If I do unlock it again, hopefully, all will be solved. I'll be stronger again. Nothing will be wrong and out of place the mystery of why my power went away in the beginning. I tried meditating and accessing my core but I was suddenly bashed with bright lights as soon as I tried to access my core.

The bright lights cast me out of my core and very intense and sharp pain was in my heart after being cast out that impaired my breathing heavily. I was hyperventilating intensely and everything was spinning around. I faded in and out of the darkness that was my mind. I regained my steadiness and kept resting my head on the pillow. I felt comfortable but numb. Everything was just a little weird as some of my body had feelings and some like my arm and shoulder and my collar bone did it.

Wait, a minute... Am I going to be partially paralyzed? I started panicking intensely. A pair of feet walked to my room. I directed my eyes as close as I could to the person walking in from the looks of the white coat. It looked to be a doctor. "I see that you're awake." I nodded, and he continued, "So you see you were hit by not just any normal lightning bolt a super bolt, it lasted for around twenty seconds and for what we know insane amounts of electricity. Much larger than the average lightning bolt, from what we're seeing on your record, your ability is to break down things atom by atom? You're very lucky your power saved you."

Maybe it's not so bad that I mysteriously swapped powers. "Your recovery time won't be that long, especially for someone of your case, only around a 4 and a half months but that's on average, judging from your records your PR is around nineteen and higher, which speeds up your healing by amazing measures. What I'm trying to say is that it won't be that bad. But you will have some scarring on your arm all the way up to your deltoid."

"Is there anyone you can call?" "Yeah, my little brother and guardians," I spoke raspily. I gave him the home number, and he handed me my phone. Someone brought my stuff to this hospital, clueing me in that this hospital wasn't anywhere near the military base. As soon as I called the phone was immediately picked up. It was Olivia. "Sapphire! I heard what happened. Will you be alright?"

I smiled hearing her voice. "Yeah, I'll be fine. I just need to rest for a while." My voice was still raspy and my throat was extremely dry, "Good! Are you going to be coming back anytime soon?" I felt guilty. Does she even know I broke up with Brian?

I had gone silent, and she had obviously picked up on what I was thinking. "Oh, honey, don't worry about all that. I was one of the first people he called when you two broke up. It's all fine. Our relationship stems further than just your relationship with Brian. You're like a second child to us! With all that time we spent together, I thought you'd have more faith in us that we wouldn't ever abandon you. Especially with all you've done for Brian before and after you broke up as we could ever stop being kind to you."

I teared up, but I was biting my lip to make sure I didn't cry. Then great-pa goes on the phone. "You've given us countless days of happiness through sad and good times throughout the years. We could never, ever turn our backs on you for such a little thing." "Thank you. Thank you so much, thank you. Thank you, thank you." I said, breaking down into tears.

"You're the best people I've ever known." I didn't know what else to say except the truth. "Haha, you don't need to thank us. This is what family does for each other." Olivia said with pride. I heard a little voice in the background, "Yeah!" It was Ether. I smiled hearing his tiny voice. "See? Even the little one agrees with us."

"Now come on, I want to hear about all the things that have happened since you've been at that military school they forced you to go to." She said the last part with a little anger in her voice, "It's been pretty painful and my insomnia has come back in full force since I've been there." "Oh, I wish we could pull you out of that stupid camp, but we can't interfere. The queen herself wants you there, and so does the entire advisory council. You must've made quite the impression."

Great-Pa said in a saddened tone. "Well, I've got two friends there, so it's not all bad, but it's still really intense. Also, I'm in this weird thing called B-block that's filled with only eighteen and above PR's and I've been getting way stronger way faster since I've been there."

"Wait, Wait, YOU'RE IN WHAT!"