Return 3

He still didn't laugh, "C'mon, it was funny, you just have no sense of humor." "Okay, that kind of hurt my feelings." He responded with a playful smile. This feels amazing. I have an actual friend now. This reminds me of the olden days when it was just me and Brian with no one else.

Just Us two, together with being friends. We entered the classroom still talking, then sat down in the back like we always do. This was. Easy; we picked up right where we left off from the last time we had a positive, friendly relationship. But would it really be this easy with Raimy and Tenner?

I don't know, it probably won't be. I turned sideways in my seat. "So why aren't you mad at me?" I asked Brian if anything I expected him to be the angriest at me. "I was a little salty that you had left like, in fact, I was downright. Depressed, then Great-ma called me that said "Sapphire didn't leave because she wanted to." In short terms then she said, "we're trying our best to get her out of there. She left like that because she knew you'd care too much to just let her leave normally."

So no, I'm not mad at you. I'm grateful." "Oh," I didn't know what else to respond with. It was just such an unexpected answer. What do I even respond to? Luckily, I didn't have to as the lights dimmed and class started. I forgot the teacher's name. Haha, I guess I'll figure it out later, hopefully.

Focusing on the class, I expected us to just sit down the entire class. But suddenly everyone started moving down to the platform that was new. The light down on the theater-like stage dimmed, and what showed when the lights came back up was exactly like the B-block sparring squares.

"Sparring, no lethal force, or any attacks of a 14 PR threshold for the safety of your classmates." The teacher said with a sigh, did I miss something? There was never any limit to the amount of power we could use when sparring before. It must've been pretty serious to make a completely new rule. That the professor wasn't happy about either.

Must've been something the headmaster employed. The bustling of the students walking down to the sparring platform was loud and unruly. I walked down to one of the squares and it was clear that everyone already had designated sparring partners and I didn't that suck. I stood there all alone in a square. I had decided to stand in.

Still, no one would come over and try sparring with me, which I kind of felt offended about. It was as if no one knew me anymore or had even seen me before. I felt like an outsider. Like someone who didn't belong, someone who never came here in the first place. As everyone started fighting each other, the feeling of being an outsider continued seeping into my mind.

I kept looking around. This environment is so much more different from what I've been in.

I don't belong here,

I can feel it in my heart, or maybe I do. I just need some time to adjust, right? Just a little bit of adjustment time and I can get right on track with where I used to be. But right now I feel awkward. I want to leave; I want to leave. But I can't. No one's going to spar with me.

I could be the second most powerful person in this room and still feel out of place, huh? That's funny.

Instead of worrying about having anxiety and looking clueless, I decided to watch what Brian was doing and come to find out that he's fighting Love right now. So they became sparring partners? Interesting, I saw that they were around the same amount of power.

Recently, I felt like I had been getting some of my visual prowess back, finally after all this time. Brian was using his two long knives (Brian is using wakizashi's but since there are no Japanese in this world, I had to just call them long knives.)

He was wielding them with the back of the blade towards his forearm and he was great at it. He kept attacking, and Love kept dodging them with her… Are those freaking metal claws? She wasn't using her power either. Does she have a power like mine? One that's absolutely lethal? That's the only reason I can think of to explain why she's not using her power.

Especially if she's got a bloodline power. When an ancestor is especially strong in PR, their children inherit their PRs and can even get a mutated version of it that can either be specialized, stronger, or weaker. But weaker only in very rare cases.

Neither of them was even close to finishing the fight, and that was obvious to their PR's limited to only what a 14 PR can do. It might stay at a stalemate for a while. Which sounds boring, but what can you do? But then Brian activated his power. His eyes glowed green with traces of a purple galaxy in them.

It stopped Love in her tracks for around half a second, just enough for him to get too close to her, causing her to stumble. She looked surprised, and Brian looked exasperated at the fact that he hadn't won. Then he kept going without issue.

Brian was getting closer, and closer to winning, then got it. He finally pinned her down, and she lost. They exchanged some words and departed from each other. I still had no sparring partner and I'm feeling awkward.