The theory of death.

Once everyone finished sparring class ended and it was time to leave combat class, it was incredibly boring and awkward. I just stood alone the entire time. I guess that's how outsiders feel, feels horrible. I and Brian walked with each other on our way to our lockers to get our books for PR class, which was my favorite class by far. "I could feel your awkwardness pulsing just from that look you were giving me, like you were pleading for help."

"I was not!" I shoved him lightly. "Oh, you totally were. How about before the next class you go and ask for a sparring partner before you end up standing alone again?" He responded by refuting my claim and advising me in the same sentence. "But everyone was already paired up! Who was I going to ask?" I exclaimed in an angry tone.

"There were some other people who got the cold shoulder whenever they asked someone else to spar. You could spar with one of them." "Yeah right, then what would happen? I'd beat them so fast it wouldn't be fair." He nodded no and then made his case against my statement, which I thought was solidly based, in fact. "Well, one of those people who got the cold shoulder was Leona and the rest of the students either got the cold shoulder because they were either too strong or too weak, so I'd assume even if you don't choose Leona you should be fine with another one of them."

"I guess. So how's royalty? Any new perks yet?" I asked him, wondering if he gets any special treatment that I would enjoy having. "I got a much bigger room. It's gigantic. It's like a penthouse." "Wow, when are you planning on handing it over? Help a broke subject of yours out."

"First, you're not broke. Second, I'm not king yet, so I have no such obligations." "Do you understand the concept of a joke?" I asked him jokingly. He stayed silent at my remark. "How much have I missed of Mr. Clein's class?" "A lot. And when I say a lot, I mean insane amounts of information. I've gone through four notebooks of notes in his class in the past three months alone."

Maybe the military was a better choice. At least I wouldn't have to write down a bunch of notes. I grabbed my notebook and continued walking down the hallways with Brian. I nearly forgot how big and fancy this school is, every corner being lined with gold and every wall the most beautiful white marble in all of Fylar.

I still remember getting stabbed here and all the terrible memories. But I also have so many good memories here. I've made friends who I'd like to call family. I've had sleepovers and parties with them I'd never want to forget. I hate being here, yet love it so much.

"Earth to Sapphire, earth to Sapphire!" Brian was waving in front of my eyes. "You kind of drifted off there, are you okay?" "Yeah, I'm fine, just got lost in thought."

"Yeah, lost in thought about how good I look." He said arrogantly with a smirk. "Shut up!" I said, lightly shoving him, "Chill out, it was a joke!" He said, laughing in between words. "Now, who's the one who can't take a joke?" I groaned and just kept walking with a slightly flustered face.

We walked into the PR classroom. As usual, Professor Clein wasn't on the stage yet. We would have to wait another 15 minutes according to my calculations to see professor Clein. So it was free-time until he came out, which was always pretty cool. He makes a dramatic entrance every time class starts, but he always does it in a different way.

It's actually pretty cool that he makes an effort so that his class isn't boring. Fifteen minutes later, the lights dimmed, and he suddenly appeared on stage like a magician, even though magicians don't exist. "Today we will be thoroughly learning about the concept of death, and why it happens."

I flipped open my notebook and kept flipping and kept flipping. Just to find out, I grabbed the notebook that I had already filled. I'm the unluckiest person on this planet. Honestly, what did I do to deserve this? This just ruined my entire day. Feeling awkward without a combat partner already made me feel like an idiot without a clue as to what I was doing. Now I just feel stupid.

And this class is going to show up on a test too, the day I don't have my notes. Well, every class shows up on the test, but still. I swear if I get three or four questions wrong because I couldn't study just because I'm a special kind of stupid, I will be pissed.

Professor Clein started the lesson, but didn't start it the way I thought he would. "But today we will have a student speaker teach instead of me. Please welcome the head of immortality research at this institute, Leona!"

Woah, Woah. Pause. Is this what Brian meant by I had missed a lot? He could've warned me that Leona was the head of a study at Relix. That's a really really big deal. I stopped, looking dumbfounded, and glared at Brian. "Hey! I didn't know she was going to be teaching!"

He whispered in my ear hastily. I kept glaring at him. I don't believe him. I kept staring at him. "What? I'm being 100% honest here!"

"Mhm." I said with a sarcastic tone. "SO you see, as I've theorized in the class before, the reason why natural death occurs is that eventually the life force stops circulating and it keeps getting weaker until it just altogether stops. But how to extend this lifespan? And what the fatal flaw of humanity is that causes death is what we will be truly exploring in this class."

Okay, this class might be a lot more interesting than I thought it would be if I can get around the fact that my friend, if I can even call him that anymore. Is teaching a whole class like a professional teacher. Which, according to professor Clein, she is. I sighed, then focused on the class. Hopefully, I can get around the everlasting question of how the hell she even got respect from any of her new colleagues?