Super Creation System

As a student who often reads novels, Arthur really didn't expect that he would actually experience what happened to the protagonists of his favorite novels.

It is true! He had transmigrated to a foreign world.

The world he was in right now was very similar to the era of the steam engine on earth. It was an era where cowboys shot at each other on horseback.

However, unlike the cowboy era on earth, in this world, mages and knights really did exist.

It had been almost 24 hours since he had been transmigrated to this world.

He was reincarnated as a young man who had the same name as him, and he had also inherited that youth's memories. In fact he wasn't sure if he and the young man were different beings.

Rather than saying that he took over the young man's body, it was more correct that the young man was himself. He might have arrived in this world 18 years ago, but only now did he awaken his memories on earth.


For nearly 24 hours in this new world, he spent most of his time adapting and understanding the world.

It was now almost 12 noon and he had returned to his room.

System was the most popular genre before he was sent to this world.

He wasn't sure if he would get hold of a system, but ever since he appeared in this world, he had seen some sort of virtual screen appear before his eyes. He was the only person who could see the screen.

The virtual screen displays nothing but a countdown time. It counts down from the number 86,400, every one second one number will decrease.

There are now 600 more seconds left before the countdown ends. He really wanted to know what would appear on the virtual screen after the countdown ended.

He wasn't sure why it took 24 hours, but it probably wanted him to understand the structure of this world first or it was still in the process of integrating with his body.

His hands trembled as he watched the countdown.

He already understood this world quite well. If he really wanted to stand out in this world, who knew how difficult it would be.

On earth, he didn't have many skills. The only skill that he is quite good at is cooking because he has to work to make a living.

Of course, with the recipes he knew in the modern world, he might be able to gain some reputation if he became a chef, but who would want to hear the story if he only became a chef in a foreign world.

Actually he has talent in the way of the Knight. His father in this world was a fairly strong Knight. With his father training him, he managed to become a Rank Two Apprentice Knight at the age of 18.

There were three ranks of Apprentice Knights, and rank two was enough for one to defeat ten strong men.

His father said that he was very talented. Slightly more talented than he was when he was younger.

But even if he truly surpassed his father in the future, he would still only be a small figure in that world.

His father was a village chief of Van which is a remote village on the border of the country. If he was only slightly better than him, he would at most be just a sheriff guarding his village and the villages around it. It was much worse than his life on earth. On earth, he could at least be a student in a big city.

In addition, living in the country's borders is also not so safe because sometimes the neighboring kingdom (Silver Wolf Kingdom) will attack their country. If the soldiers at the border were defeated, they would be the first victims.








"System successfully integrated with host."

He suddenly heard a robotic voice in his head.

After that, the virtual screen in front of him suddenly changed.

Name: Arthur Van Dyk

Level: 0

EXP: 0/10


Rank Two Apprentice Knight.


After he read the stats, the virtual screen suddenly changed once again. The stats menu got small and it then shifted to the side.

A robotic voice that sounded childish suddenly sounded from the virtual screen. Of course, the voice immediately entered his head.

"Congratulations Arthur Van Dyk for hosting the Super Creation System!"

"Now you can ask any questions you want to ask," the voice continued.

After that, he saw a blue sci-fi robot that looked like a toy appeared on the virtual screen.

What caught his attention was something behind the robot.

It was a very large cauldron. But the cauldron didn't look like the traditional cauldrons on earth, instead, it looked more like a futuristic advanced machine.

"What exactly are you?" Arthur finally asked the robot.

"Hehehehe..." The robot opened its mouth to laugh.

It then looked at the cauldron behind it.

"I'm called the Super Creation System. In essence, I can help you create anything you want." "All you need to do is two things; you have to know the materials needed to create the item you want to create, and you have to provide them."

"As long as you have them all, this machine behind me will turn them into any item you want, and it will only take an instant."

"Wow." Even though he was a quiet man, Arthur still opened his mouth after he heard the robot's words.

"You want to make swords, just provide the iron. You want to make firearms, just provide the materials to make firearms. You want to make pizza, just provide the ingredients to make pizza. The system will make them with the best results." "Even if you want to make a nuclear weapon, the system can make one for you."

Even though the robot's voice sounded very stiff, Arthur could still hear the pride in its words.

"With my help, you will become the master of everything."

"Would you like to try?"

After hearing its offer, Arthur then took out ten copper coins from his clothes pocket.

"Can you turn them into a bracelet?"

"Sure," replied the robot. "Throw them into this cauldron, but since you don't have a design, it will only make the simplest!"

"Does not matter."

Arthur then followed the robot's instructions. He threw the copper coins into the cauldron.

The virtual screen might not exist in other people's eyes, but the coins actually entered the screen after he threw them into it.

They then landed inside that sci-fi cauldron.

But after that, a list of options suddenly appeared on that virtual screen.

It's a list of numbers from 1 to 10.

At the top of the list, he saw the words "the level of quality you want."

"1 is the lowest quality, it's like it was made by an inexperienced person, and 10 is like it was made by a carving god," the robot explained.

"Alright, let's try the best."

"Well, let's get started."

The cauldron suddenly spun after the robot spoke. Arthur also saw electricity flowing from under the cauldron.

Crack... Crack... Crack...

The cauldron emitted Crack sounds.

After three sounds, it then stopped spinning. A moment later, a bracelet jumped out of the cauldron and flew towards Arthur.

It was indeed the bracelet Arthur had requested.

Arthur then took the bracelet. Upon taking a closer look at the bracelet, his eyes immediately shone brightly.

The shape of the bracelet was very ordinary, and there was no engraving on it, but it looked so perfect that he couldn't think of any flaws. Even though it was copper yellow in color, it gave off a feeling as if it was bright gold.

"Hehehe, what do you think?" The robot spoke as he looked at the bracelet.

He then looked at the robot, "what exactly are you?"

Even though he was no stranger to the so-called system, still he wanted to know more about it.

"Of course, as you know, I am a system."

"You may want to know more about me, but I can honestly tell you, I also only know that I am a system, I don't know more than that."

"I don't even have a name yet."


It turned out that just like in the novels he read, no one knew clearly the origin of the system that helped them.

"Alright, how about I call you Blue from now on."

"That is good."
