
"By the way, you are currently still at level 0, as long as you advance to level 1, you will get formulas that explain how to make items from the earth." "Like, you know, I bet you don't know the ingredients for making items like smartphones for example, ha-ha."

"Anything like that?" Arthur was surprised. "How much formula will I get?"

"All items on earth. If you advance to level 2, you will get formulas from other more advanced civilizations."

"Do I have to collect EXP to level up?"

"That's right, every item you make, you will gain one EXP." "But that's only for items made with complete materials. For items that require a design, you must provide your own design. Without a design, it will be considered incomplete."

"Like the previous bracelet, it was made without a design."

"Besides, items containing one ingredient don't gain any EXP either. Every item you make must contain at least two ingredients."


"I'll give it a try." Arthur then walked towards the kitchen. He plans to make food.

His father was currently in the farm while his younger sister was in his room. Apart from them, there was no one else in the house. Usually he would be given the task of cooking in the house.

Just like himself on earth, Arthur in this world was also good at cooking. In that village, he could be said to be the number two chef.

Of course, since he was just a young man living on the border of the country, his cooking skills were also limited to the cuisine of rural people.

After arriving in the kitchen, he saw some bread and meat and vegetables.

The border area was very poor, even as the village head, his father had to farm himself to get food.

"Alright, I'll make them burgers," Arthur said to himself.

He then took the ingredients to make burgers.

The virtual screen in front of him could disappear and appear according to his mind.

Arthur stared at the cauldron on the screen for a few moments before throwing the ingredients in his hands into the cauldron.

"I want to make three burgers," Arthur said.

"Okay," Blue replied.

"Burgers number one and two are equivalent to burgers made by ordinary people. Three to six are equivalent to those made by professional chefs. Seven to ten, well you can try them to see how good they taste." Blue explained.

Arthur thought for a moment before choosing the number 4. If the burger he made was too tasty, his father and sister might think it was weird.

After that, it was still the same as before, the cauldron suddenly rotated, a moment later, three burgers that looked very luxurious and delicious came out of the cauldron.

At the same time, the EXP in his stats also increased by one point.

Name: Arthur Van Dyk

Level: 0

EXP: 1/10


"Amazing!" Arthur had only one word he could say.

He then took the burgers and placed each of them on a plate.

"Mm, maybe I'll make some juice too."

There were some fruit in the kitchen, so he thought of juicing for their lunch.

He then took two apples, three oranges, and five strawberries. After that, he threw them all into the cauldron. He still chose number 4 for the juices.

Immediately after that thick red juice came out of the cauldron.

Arthur then took three cups and put the juice into them.

His EXP increased by one more point.

EXP: 2/10

"By the way, if I make a different juice, will I still get EXP."

"As long as they are completely different, you will still gain EXP."

"Um, I see!" Arthur nodded.

He then brought the burgers and juices to the table.

It's 12 noon now, his father will be back soon.


Moments later, Bella Van Dyk, who is his sister, came out of her room.

She was only one year younger than him. She is over 170cm tall. She has long legs, a pointed chin, arched eyebrows, a sharp nose, and piercing blue eyes. Her long hair was slightly curly and they were dark brown in color.

Currently she was wearing a long black dress which made her look even more mature and mysterious.

In that village and the surrounding villages, she could be said to be the most beautiful young woman.

Even though the Van Dyk family was only a small family on the border, but they had good looks. Arthur himself was a very handsome man. Only, he was rather thin and his skin was actually so pale that he looked like a sick person who was about to die. It was strange because he often practiced under the sun, but his father said that his skin was similar to that of his dead mother.

While he had little talent in the way of the Knight, his younger sister had talent in the way of magic. She started being able to sense the presence of spiritual energy since she was 15 years old. She had been training since long ago, but until now she still couldn't become an apprentice mage.

She couldn't be blamed for being a mage could be said to be a thousand times more difficult than being a knight. But the power of a mage is also much stronger than that of a knight. It was said that a rank one apprentice mage had strength equivalent to a rank three true knight.

Above the apprentice knights were the true knights, and above that were the great knights.

Rank two apprentice mages were already on par with rank one and two great knights. As for rank three apprentice mages, they can even kill rank three great knights.

Even their father was only a rank two true knight. If his sister could become an apprentice mage now, she would probably take over the boss position in their family.

In addition, the existence of mages is also very mysterious. In 18 years of his life, Arthur had never seen a mage, he had only heard legends about them.

In fact, in that border region there were also rumors about the existence of a Mage, but he had never seen it in person.

The reason Bella was able to practice magic was because their father had a cultivation method to become a mage. Arthur didn't know where his father got it.

He also studied the method almost every day, but until now he still couldn't sense the presence of spiritual energy.


Bella immediately walked towards the dining table after she came out of her room. She was a little surprised when she saw the three burgers and juice on the table. Even though Arthur of this world was also good at cooking, it still didn't reach the level of a grandmaster.

But those three burgers and juices. Even though Bella wasn't sure about the taste of the burgers and juices, it was only their neat and clean looks that made her think that they must have tasted really good.

She then looked at Arthur. "Arthur, did you make these burgers and juices?" She asked.

Even though he was her real brother, she never called him brother.

In his memory, Bella had never been a pure and submissive girl, on the contrary, she had always been dominant. Her dominant attitude had emerged since she was a child.

Seeing Bella's arrival, Arthur didn't feel the slightest bit of awkwardness. He would probably be worried if what happened was that he took over Arthur's body in this world.

But he was sure what happened to him wasn't a body takeover. He thought so because he had not only inherited Arthur's memories in this world, more than that, he had also inherited Arthur's emotions, feelings, traits, and all life experiences in this world.

He was sure that he had been reincarnated from the start. He was sure that what happened 24 hours ago was him who regained the memories of his past life.

"Of course," Arthur replied in a displeased tone.

Arthur in this world always felt displeased when his younger sister doubted him or acted dominant in front of him, and that trait didn't go away just because he now had memories from earth.

Of course, the experience of two lives made his mind more stable. He might be able to withstand Arthur's nature in this world, but for the time being he chose to act the same as Arthur in this world so that no one would feel strange about him.

"Hmph, I didn't think you could make something like this. But I'm not sure if these burgers and juices taste as good as they look."

"You could try them first, I bet you've never tasted food as good as these burgers."

"Hahahaha, you talk big, do you think your burger is tastier than Uncle Joe's."

Uncle Joe was a good friend of his father, and he was good at cooking. He opened a small restaurant in the village.

His burgers were so famous that many people from other villages and border soldiers came to his restaurant. Arthur sometimes helps him cook when the restaurant is very busy.

Uncle Joe's burger was delicious enough, but Arthur was sure that it still didn't reach level 4.

"Oh, what if it was more delicious? Or do you want us to bet?" Arthur asked.

"Bet? Okay, who's scared! What do you want?"

"Call me big brother if I win, how about it?"

It was a request that Arthur often asked his sister to do, but he never managed to get his sister to call him brother.

"Looks like you still haven't given up," Bella smiled playfully.

"But okay if that's what you want. However, if you lose, I want you to wash my clothes for a week."

Her request made Arthur grit his teeth, "You really are a cruel sister. I hope you really keep your promise," Arthur said in a displeased tone.

But even though his little sister was so annoying at times, Arthur in this world still loved her very much, and those feelings really went down to him.
