Vampire or Human


They were even more mysterious than mages. Two things that are famous about them are their longevity and their habit of drinking human blood.

"Vampires are very hard to kill, but they can still die. And the deaths of Vampires are the most painful deaths."

"If they are killed to death, they must receive a thousand stabs of the light sword before they can die." "If they died for any other reason, they would be just like me right now, waiting dozens to tens of years before really dying."

"You two are human, but you were born from my womb. You were born as a human, but you can also become a vampire."

"I'm not going to talk about your choices, whether you choose to become vampires or remain human, you will still be my children!"

"About that, you can ask your father. Now I just want to be a mother talking to her children."

"Wu, wu, wu," Bella started to cry. "Mom, please, please stay alive, I still want to see you."

"Sigh," she sighed. She then stroked Bella's hair.

"We sentient beings have many desires at our disposal, but in this world, there are many more things that we cannot escape. Even vampires that are synonymous with immortality will still die. Maybe even the gods will have to struggle to stay alive."

"Mother," Arthur also began to speak. "Is there a way to keep you alive?"

If he was the old Arthur, he might just be able to cry. But now he had something to rely on.

He has no family on earth. Here he has a father and a younger sister, now he even has a mother. Unfortunately his mother was on the verge of death.

But he didn't want to lose any of them.

His question took his mother and even his father who was watching on the side shocked.

Perhaps none of them expected that Arthur would ask such a question.

After hearing Arthur's question, Bella began to look at their mother expectantly.

"That's for sure, there must be something that can keep you alive."

Seeing the hopeful expression on Bella's face, the woman sighed softly.

"If I want to heal, I have to eat the dragon's heart. But dragons are very powerful living beings. Your father and his friend Joe were once very powerful Sky Knights, but they both ended up losing their knight cultivation."


They are creatures of legend, their existence is also as rare as vampires. Arthur had no idea his father and uncle Joe had ever fought dragons.

And they turned out to be the legendary Sky Knights.

Above the rank three great knights are the Sky Knights, it is said that they can fly through the air and make a city tremble.

The two pieces of information he had just received left him at a loss for what to say. Bella's expression became desperate. They are so weak, how can they get the dragon heart.

"Mom, how long can you last?" In the end, he could only ask.

"This might be the last time I can open my eyes, after this, I will continue to sleep until I really die." "I'm not sure how long I can last, maybe a year if it's fast or even five years if it's slow." She answered.

"One year! Five years!" Arthur clenched his fists.

"Bro," Blue suddenly spoke. "You may still have hope as long as you can grow strong quickly. Besides, there must be something that can make him survive longer."

"I'll definitely try hard," he replied.

"But Mom, how did you come out as a Dark Angel all this time?" He then asked.

"She can get a bit of her power when the moon disappears, but it won't work anymore if she can't wake up," his father replied.

"Mmm," he trailed off.

"Alright, stop talking about it, this is just death, everyone will die eventually. Now what matters is your future!"

"Arthur, I don't have many words for you, I just hope that you always look after and protect your sister," she said while looking into Arthur's eyes.

Her gaze then turned to Bella's eyes.

"Bella, you are an adult, you must also learn to take care of yourself, and above all, you must respect your sister." "You and your sister still have a long way to go, I hope you guys continue to be together and rely on each other."

"Maybe in the future your life will be full of obstacles, but I'm sure the two of you will be able to overcome all obstacles that stand in your way as long as you go through them together." Her mouth trembled as she said that and her eyelids began to slowly close.

Seeing the red eyes that were already closed, Arthur finally shed a tear.

That night, their house was filled with sadness. They also couldn't stay there for long because turning on the light only made their mother's body suffer more.


The days passed quietly. Bella spent most of her time shutting herself in her room.

Even though Arthur didn't do that, he spent most of his time at home. He pondered many things.

His father also told him and Bella about how to become a Vampire. If they wanted to become Vampires, all they needed to do was drink a cup of human blood.

There are advantages and disadvantages to being a vampire.

Vampires have a very long life and any vampire can also become a mage. In addition to those two things, Vampires also have a very strong endurance so they are difficult to kill. Even if their hands or even their heads were cut off, they could regenerate again in no time.

As for the disadvantages, they cannot be exposed to sunlight and every light also makes them weaker. But that doesn't mean there isn't a way around it. With a cup of human blood, vampires can live in the sun for 12 hours. But the stronger the vampires, the more blood they need.

To hide their vampire features such as white hair, red eyes, and fangs, the vampires also had to drink an extra cup of blood.

The most dangerous thing for the vampires was that if their identity was discovered, they would be hunted by many people. Their longevity and their endurance is something those seeking immortality are eager to research.

Vampires also have some innate abilities. They can erase the memories of ordinary humans and their bodies can release a pair of wings so that they can fly. Their red eyes have the ability to see at night as clearly as during the day.

In these few days, Arthur kept thinking whether he should become a vampire.

Half of him was from another world and he didn't have a conservative mind. If he could grow strong, he didn't mind even if he had to become a vampire.

The only thing that made him doubt was the way his life would change. He still has a hard time accepting the fact that he has to drink human blood every time even though his father says that human blood is the most delicious drink for vampires.

In fact, his father had even prepared two cups of blood that were put in a blood bag and ready to be used by him and Bella.

If they wanted to become vampires, they just needed to drink the blood.

Arthur sat in his room looking at his index finger. A silver storage ring was wrapped around his index finger.

It was his mother's storage ring which was later given to him. Bella also gets one. These two were their mother's last treasure that she had left for them.

Other than the two rings, she had only left them a book for each of them. The book chronicled how vampires lived, their cultivation methods, the way they lived, and the things that might make them stronger.

As extremely powerful existences, their father and mother used to have a lot of treasures, but all of their treasures had been exhausted from being exchanged for potions.

Their father lost his strength after fighting the dragon. With so many elixirs, he could in the end only maintain the strength of a rank two true knight. Sometimes he can increase his strength with some side effects.

Unfortunately his father did not want to tell him about his past. Nor did he say what caused his mother to be so badly injured that she could only wait for death.


Two weeks later, Arthur, Bella, and their father leave the village in a horse-drawn carriage. They went to the only train station around the villages.

In the carriage, Arthur and Bella were both wearing black coats in the style of the steam engine era. Bella even wore a brown round hat.

Bella looked beautiful, but now she seemed more reserved.

Did the death of the mother she never met make her sad? That's for sure, but only she knows how sad she feels!

What is clear, the facts of that day must have influenced her mind until now. Maybe even her personality.