Making Coffee

The train began to travel. It was slow at first and got faster with time.

The scenery in the world is still very beautiful and natural. Small hills with cypress trees can be found along the railroad tracks.

Arthur enjoyed the sight while listening to music through the headset, but he quickly grew bored.

After a while, he then stood up from his chair.

"Wait here!" He said to Lancelot and Bella.

Unlike trains in the modern world, there is no distribution of free food on the train.

But in the last carriage of the train there was a canteen. Passengers can buy food and drinks there.

Food and drinks on the train were sold at a higher price, therefore, not many people were shopping on the train.

Arthur didn't intend to spend too much either. If it weren't for him having to return the favor to Lancelot, he wouldn't be shopping in that carriage.

He bought two packets of ground coffee and a bottle of hot water and borrowed three cups. For all that, he had to pay 50 copper coins. According to his estimates, 50 copper coins might be equivalent to 5 dollars.

In the modern world, 5 dollars might seem like a small amount, but in this world, it was enough to buy five burgers and five cups of tea.

He then went into the deserted carriage. Sitting in the very back seat, he then made the system's virtual screen appear.

Name: Arthur Van Dyk

Level: 0

EXP: 7/10


Rank Two Apprentice Knight.


In the past few days he had made several items so that his EXP increased.

But he already made coffee, so his EXP won't increase anymore after this.

Arthur then threw the ground coffees and hot water he had just bought into the sci-fi cauldron on the virtual screen.

Immediately after that a list of numbers appeared.

Arthur thought for a while before choosing the number 7.

"That should be enough for them to enjoy this trip." He thought.

He wanted to thank Lancelot, and of course, he wanted his sister to enjoy the ride on the train more. He wished she could lessen the gloom in her heart.


A ding sound that was a sign that the coffee brewing was finished resounded in his head.

Arthur immediately arranged the cup in front of the virtual screen. He then pressed the button to dispense the coffee.

Coffee emitting a sweet aroma then flowed out of the cauldron on the virtual screen.