Arrive In Town!

Arthur returned with three cups of coffee in his hand.

Along the way, he was stared at by many people because the steam of his coffee emitted a very strong smell. Some people who were sleeping even woke up immediately because of the smell of the coffee he brought.

After he returned, Lancelot also showed a surprised expression as he stared at the three coffee cups in his hands.

Arthur smiled faintly. "Your background must be amazing, right? But I'm sure you've never had coffee as good as mine!"

He then handed one of the coffee cups to Lancelot.

Lancelot didn't ask much, he just took the coffee cup. His nose sniffed the aroma of the coffee and it caused his eyes to shine brightly. Immediately after that he drank the coffee.


A hissing sound came from his mouth as he sipped the coffee.

He then looked at Arthur with a surprised expression. "Is this coffee really made by you?" He asked with an expression of disbelief.

Qin Tian only responded with a mysterious smile.

He then handed Bella another cup of coffee before sitting down by her side.

"I'm sure this cup of coffee can take away the gloom in your heart!" Arthur said.

Bella's reaction was still flat, but her eyes blinked a few times.

Even though she looked doubtful, she still took the coffee cup.

She then drank the coffee and it actually caused her eyes to get a little brighter. Her expression also became a little more relaxed.

"Looks like I have to give you delicious coffee more often!" Arthur smiled faintly after seeing the reaction on her face.

"Stop joking, do you think I lost my spirit?" She suddenly spoke.


"I'm fine, I just need a little time to recover."

"But you've been like that for 2 weeks. Heh, to think you want to be my big sister."


"You two are really very close." Lancelot suddenly joined in on the conversation.

He then looked at Arthur with an envious expression. "If I chose a little sister like yours, I believe my life would be more colorful."


"Huh, unfortunately it's not what you think, he never respected me before!" Arthur replied.

Of course, he said all that just to tease Bella.

Women sometimes need to be teased to restore their mood.

His words made Bella's mouth pout.

"I said stop joking!" She said as she reached out her hand to pinch his waist.


The journey lasted two hours before the train arrived in town.

Even though it was only a small town, Arthur couldn't help but admire the town. It didn't look any different from the cities of the steam era on earth.

Many cyclists crossed the town streets, some people rode horses, and each side of the town streets had wide sidewalks. The sidewalks were also filled with pedestrians. It might only be a small town, but it was really very lively.

The train then stopped at the train station which was quite far in the town.