Case Closed

After figuring out the meta's power it was easy enough learning how to stop him…light that opposite of dark that's how hehe, now we just have to figure where he is gonna be.

{Alarm Blaring}

" Hey guys Mist just got spotted on traffic cams heading towards fifth and Broadway!" Cisco says over the comms.

"Got It!" Me and Barry said simultaneously.

After getting to the street where shadow was spotted we caught it attacking so we used the tech made Cisco made to counteract the metas ability over shadows….and it worked it actually worked not that I was doubting Cisco or anything hehe.

After licking the meta up in the pipeline and closing the case I find myself in the Star labs lounge overlooking the city before taking out my wallet showing myself a picture of my mom(future Iris)and my sister Nora smiling excited like at the picture which causes me to tear up until i fall to the floor crying continuously until I felt someone wrap me in a tight hug only to turn and see it was iris who was hugging me.

"It's okay Bart you can let it out!" Iris says comforting me.

'Sob' 'Sob' " I just miss them so much and after what happened I know I'll never be able to see them again I watched you die and I felt it at my core and I just kept running 'Sob' " I said as I continued crying in her arms.

" it's okay Bart I'm here okay I'm here!" Iris says which makes me think back to iris from the future how she used to do the same thing when I was sad.

{3rd Person POV}

Unknown to iris and Bart everyone was outside the lounge listening to Bart as he cried and couldn't help but tear up themselves knowing that Bart watched them all die and seeing how much pain Bart is really in, which causes all of them to walk in and all wrap their arms around Bart in a supportive way while he continued to cry while Barry only had one thought.

" I won't let him suffer like this anymore I have to better…I have to be faster!" Barry thinks seriously while hugging his son tightly.

{Back to MC}

After crying for what seemed like hours I felt a lot better honestly and we all finally got up off the floor and decided to have a family dinner at the west house which is awesome.

After dinner was made and the table was set like I was taught we all sat down and said prayers before digging in to our food which was delicious ' Chef Boyardè got nothing on Papa joe.'

After dinner was finished and everyone was just relaxing around the living room I decided to talk Joe about a question I had.

" Hey joe"

"Yeah son?" Joes ask me questionably.

" is it okay that I move in here…I just don't like staying alone." I asks hopeful.

" of course you can Bart you can stay here as long as you like!" joe says as he wraps me in a hug which I reciprocate.

" Thanks Joe!" I say with gratitude.

After all that I sped off to grab my stuff and then sped clean and organize my room the way I like it before rejoining everyone in the room for a relaxing night.

After everyone leaves for the night I find myself just laying in my bed lying awake because I know soon Zoom will be sending metas here to fight my dad and me most likely and I have to be ready I won't let him terrorize my family not again never again but I also can't wait to meet grandpa allen.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter everyone just want to get into the zoom storyline but I hope you guys like the story.