Troy had gotten lost in his reading. Troy was distracting himself from the harsh reality. He was studying with great consideration. Troy found himself in his world of zen. The movie had just started so the noise level on the plane hit a nice low volume. This was ideal and the material seamed to flood his mind. He made it through three chapters. He had set a goal to read them before he arrived. He felt a small amount of relief spread throughout his body.
He just started on the next 3 when he heard her giggle under her blanket. He gave a small smirk and went back to his highlighter. Somehow she made him calm sitting there. Well sleeping like a sloth. He knew she was asleep by the way her body molded to the seat. If not the odd giggle would have made him wonder what she was doing under that blanket. He had a urge to peak anyways. Troy hesitated at that sudden urge. Why was it that she made him feel thirteen again.
Troy was aware of the child in the seat in front of her. It was hard to not notice the four year old with an attitude. He had brown hair and large brown eyes. He was cute and he knew it. He saw the boy a few times in the airport. He had pity for his mother. Raising a child is not always easy. Bringing them on a plane, while managing your items, plus trying to keep him amused. So many other things and people to grab the boys attention. That was a task Troy was glad he hadn't crossed yet. Not that he didn't look forward to the day he held his own child. There was no rush he was only twenty- seven.
Troy was bothered by the kids actions as were most people. This was a hard subject because this boy was not in his environment. Nor was he in his routine. The staff would bring him small things to help calm him down. Everyone around them was trying to help the situation. Smiles and random gifts mostly.
He was a child that would seek attention as do most children. His mother was doing her part by not feeding into his actions and placing small consanguineous. The only problem was everyone else around them was feeding his fire. All for except for Jane. The boy would yell hi at people and they would respond back. A smile would spread across his face. He then would go onto greeting the next person. This simple action didn't seam to bother him mother. It clearly bothered the people around her.
Jane would not answer him no mater how many times he would yell at her. This made the boy want it more so he set his attention on her. She did it to herself. He was going to do whatever he could think of to get a response. He tried grabbing her book. He made faces at her. His best one didn't even budge her. She put her book away and started to look at the clouds. He decided to try and figure out what was so wonderful out there. When he saw nothing but clouds he became sad that she didn't like him. He started to chew on a crayon. He didn't like the taste so he spit it into his hand. Looking at the mulch he turned around and through it at her. She responded and he finally won. She would have to do something. She would have to acknowledge him. She looked at him. She saw him and still didn't say hi back. So he did it again. When she hid under her blanket he became giddy. He did it more and more she couldn't hide from him now. She finally noticed him. She had retreated he was giggling in his victory. When his mom grabbed him. She scolded him and he hid his face in her side. He closed his eyes and fell asleep to never see her again.
Troy was trying to decide if she was good with kids. Was she trying to third party parent because if so she was failing. Was it simply because she was bothered by them. Probably the second option. He didn't blame her. It was a rare trait to be able love other people's kids. Even more so when they are being a menus.
Jane sat back out of reach of the child's realm and was reading for a few minutes. The boys arms where trying to reach her book. She didn't lead on that she even noticed, then she put it away. Looked out the window to change her view. Probably trying to get the child to stop his flaring arms.
Troy had finally pressed firmly on the mothers chair to draw her attention; when the crayons started to fly over the seat. The mother gave him a frustrated look. he looked at the boy chewing on his crayon. slobbery crayons was where he would get involved. There was a line of being obnoxious and bing a in person personal space. Clearly something this young child didn't understand yet.
His test on Jane was abruptly postponed when a large piece hit her in the face. He did notice the shade of green on her bracelet and knew she was frustrated. Although he did enjoy her reaction turning herself into a burrito. That was a decision he could respect.
He didn't really like her but she had given him no reason to hate her. If anything she was kind to him. He could at least respect her actions. Her repour of retreating and hiding under her blanket was classic. She had enough and his mother trained him to stick up for others. enough was enough despite his personal opinion of her. The lady took the crayons away and offered him a new distraction. Not allowing him to turn around on the seat again.
Soon after the plane began to hum. It was a beautiful afternoon if Troy would stop distracting himself to notice. The only thing he did notice was the small partial sentences she was making. Troy had decided that she must be dreaming of food. All he could make out was. Smells good, i don't want any, thank you. He also thought she had said something about desert.
Troy was amused as he always was. It was funny to him that our bodies produced hormones to stop us from acting out our dream. Yet he found it that most people talk in their dreams. Not only that but normally they are doing something in dream land very similar to real life. He had concluded from his own experience that it commonly was almost backwards with little to no control. He hated that most about his own dreams. He always seamed to not be able to help people. This might be why Troy slept just as much was needed. He wished he could be eating desert in his dreams too. Instead he saw his brother over and over that day in the creek.
Why his brother was injured and he wasn't was a mystery to him. A miracle to his mother. Sometimes it is harder to be the person who watches. For years he wished Reese and him could switch places. He was still proud of him and all he had accomplished. He never let it hold him back.
Troy wondered if it was because Reese didn't want to let his brother to feel bad. Reese was very good at reading people. He just knew within minutes of meeting them. A trait that Troy didn't possess. Troy on the other hand did small tests. He would never be friends with a person without seeing them mad first. Jane had passed the first test. He probably wouldn't make it as far as friends. He could at least put his guard down a little. She wasn't as bad as he made her out to be. Maybe when she wakes up he will strike up a small conversation. They still had an hour and half left on the plane. He was getting tired of studying for a minute anyhow.