Reese was prepared for transport. His scans showed little clues into what was happening. Yet the pain medication wasn't take effect. They where transferring Reese because a specialist was there. One that was renowned he was one of the best of the best. He only took on extreme cases and all the scans where already sent to him.
Troy had heard of this doctor and if there was anyone that could help him, it was him. Reese counts had leveled off and little infection was found in his body. This was a sort of things that just doesn't happen. Troy looked Angela in the eyes and told her what he knew. He then looked at her and asked do you want to go with him or should I go.
Angela stood there stunned she was confused on what was going on. She remembered Reese clenching his mouth in pain. She didn't know what was wrong and Troy was a better fit. Finally she replied you go with him. I will go with mom. We will meet you there. Troy nodded and turned and left the room. Angela sat in an empty room in confusion and hope and worry. She knew Troy was with him, he was very knowledgeable, Reese would get the best care. She put all her remaining faith in him. She waited just minutes for her mother in law.
Troy entered the Ambulance, Reese was pushing against the belts. His arms,legs and head was strapped down to the bed. The color from his skin was turning white from the constant resistance. He was going to be busied in no time at all. It was important that he was held down even still, it was for his own good. His teeth where still clinching from the pain and is temperature was over 101, his cheeks where flushed from the fever. Troy knew all the medications he had received and it was alarming to see him still in this state. They had given him enough for a person almost twice his size.
A person entered the back and one more sat in the drivers seat. Soon the the four of them where in their way. The paramedic started to put something into the IV bag. Troy quickly asked what he was giving him. It is morphine he isn't reacting he must be resistant. Troy knew the amount he had already received and flexed his jaw. He knew he could be right or it could take a little longer to kick in. Don't give him anymore Troy informed the man. He received an answer that was trained and was extremely frustrating. I am doing what i am told to do. I got the clear from Dr. Thompson. I just want him to be comfortable. Troy knew he was right. He did look absolutely horrible in his state. He just hated that he gave him no respect. It was annoying to not be making all the decisions. He quickly cooled his ego in respect.
Troy looked out the window focusing his attention on the cars they passed. The lights lighting where they came from and where they where going. Troy wished the past would wash away in the rain. He wished that where they where going would be at least a chance for a better life. Troy closed his eyes and he reached over and placed A hand on Reese's arm. His arm was still flexed and his hand was in a fist. He wanted his little brother to know he was there. Troy bowed his head and closed his eyes.
A small pain ran through Troy's leg. Like a pinching or a bee sting. Ouch what the heck? Troy looked at his leg. There was a small dart sticking out of his leg. He had no time to react before his whole body went numb. Troy's eyes closed and his body went limp. He slumped against the side of the cab. He was forced into a deep sleep and would remain that was for hours.
Shortly after Troy lost conciseness, Reese's body relaxed and the new meds where working. He relaxed his face his body was in recovery and now he could do it without the pain. Reese had a long recovery ahead of him. In the same return so did Jane. Now they would heal side by side.
The switch off was easy now that the fight risk was taken care of. The brothers laid side by side on matching beds. They where both going to become new people. Troy was still a flight risk. He was dead after all. One panic move and the whole operation could come tumbling down like a house of cards. Troy would be the first to be forced underground and that was something that made everyone uneasy. Reese was going to be in recovery for months. He would have time to adjust and wasn't at such a high risk he already knew his life was coming to an end. Troy on the other hand He was going to need to watched closely.
Two men talked he is going to be mad when he wakes up.
Well he should be, his life was full of potential and here he is a nobody. We where already nobodies. Nothing to go back too.
He took the wrong ride. If his wife would have been in the rig things would have gone more smoothly. Sometimes things don't go as planned.
A third voice entered the conversation. You know he is her first. They all looked at him in amazement. How did he still stay in his original situation. All of them knew they would have to relinquish their lives in advance. They all had to give up all that they had built. They all said goodbye to those they loved. They all rebuild their lives. Now he was going to have to as well. They all shook their heads in light of the situation, as they loaded up in the ambulance. Ready to make their little seen. The cover up was underway.