Blind side

Troy awake from a horrible dream, it left a sweaty sticky residue all over his half naked body. His muscles still flexed uncontrollably. As he panted, he tried to make since of the visions in his dreams. He rubbed his face that continued into his hair settling on the crown of his head. He took a deep breath before he dropped his hand to his side.

In his dream he was losing his brother again and again. He watched as his tiny body was thrown off the edge of a bridge. A young girl stood on the other side in pure horror. His small body tumbled down like the rocks, just like the rocks he had thrown earlier. Then she ran from his dream leaving him alone. Leaving him to the mercy of the demand as he was hurled from the side of the bridge waking up moments from when his body reached the rocks.

Troy had never dreamed this before. in years past his dreams faded as he woke. Lately he found himself in a constant loop. This was his forth night in a row he replayed the same seen. Each time he gained more of the vision. It seamed so real, the images toyed with his mind, leaving a feeling of a lost memory behind. He knew it was because his brother died from his life, that he couldn't save him. Troy knew he needed to get his shit together. He had to let it go before he tumbled to his emotional demise.

Troy pulled himself from his bed and put on a shirt. Covering his naturally fit body, his tone muscles flexed and contorted as they slipped under cover. His shoes where soon bond to his feet and he went downstairs to grab a drink of water. There had been many visitors in his childhood home. Many wanted to pay their respects. Troy had to always be appropriate before he entered the common living area.

Troy strapped on his running shoes and let the pavement take him for a run. He breathed in with two footsteps and out on the third allowing the pain to seep from his body. The lines guided him up the trail, they winded up to the tip of their reach and finally give him an option, to venture into the woods, or continue to a small park with a turn around. Troy chose the woods. He hadn't been down this trail for as long as he could remember and his shoes where now leading him somewhere forgotten.

Troy paced his breath to his footsteps disappearing into his calm place. Once again he filled his lungs with two small breaths and released it all on the third. The nature undertook him leading him to a forgotten world. The trees showed their colors and for the first time since he was home he enjoyed them. As he entered the forest he could almost hear his childhood echoing through the trees. He could feel his younger self guiding him. Visions of him and his little brother rushed from the back of his forgotten memories. He was home if it was only for a moment.

Troy had been having more and more of these memories come back to him. Memories of Christmases that he had only remembered through photos, they seamed to come to life. He could remember the excitement of a simple trinket. Trees that seamed to be in adamant objects now seamed alive. Toys that where forgot in a toy bind found their mystery again. A voice that was silent echoed once again in his mind.

Troy came across an old tree fort at the end of his journey. He climbed through the branches looking for one more last memory that hunted him. When he found it his heart that sank. Three names where carved next to each other Troy, Reese and Jane. The figure that danced through his mind all these year nameless come alive. He knew the answer to his question who was she to him. She was someone forgotten. Someone worth remembering. She was his first love and puppy love is the strongest it will challenge the sands of time.