Ann was stocked and horrified. Troy was remembering things she thought was lost. Ann didn't understand how this was possible in patients before once a memory was lost it never returned. This complicated things. Ann had known for years that she was watched and listened too, her walls had ears. She needed to quit him now.
This wasn't the place to have a mini melt down. Ann didn't know if it was everything pulling up or just everything coming back. Cameron or Kyle where more suited for this. This wasn't a place to have this conversation. She knew that this was a possibility, she was forewarned. Ann was sure she had made things clear with Troy just a couple days before. Then again she knew a lot more of the details then he did. It was her hope to fill him in enough and send him back to his internship. Under the watchful eye of Cameron.
Ann knew she needed to make a cover for the topic fast. If it was believable enough they would miss it. She never thought her heart could stop this fast. She had been careful all these years. Here he is sabotaging himself and everyone else. Russel was right he couldn't deal with everything. His whole design was to cure and save others. His greatest potential was to save those that would be lost. He was programmed to fight the evil. Worst of all he would see all this as a way to hurt him. His own family would become criminals. He couldn't understand the sacrifice or the fight itself. He couldn't understand the greater good.
Ann looked Troy in the eyes. She desperately tried to make a connection between them. Trusted and hoped he remembered. Oh i remember this day she said it slightly louder and with joy in her voice. Do you remember the story i used to tell you when you where young about the fox and the hen. She prayed with all her might. she didn't want to do something she would regret. All the way to his point every person chose this path. She never forced it upon a single person. Here she was asking her son to jump and she would catch him. She had given him the bitter pill of knowledge.
Someway they would all be together again. Ann wouldn't ever give up believing that. There was only one more file she needed to corrupt. She had slowly climbed the ladder and she was finally getting closer. It was classified and under strong lock and key. The keys where at fingers reach. Once she located it Cameron could destroy it. Then she could disappear into the horizon. Everyone could live their life and the virus that could destroy everything would be lost forever.
Troy looked at his mother in a confused and stunned sort of way. When he was young his mother told him that the safe word was fox or hen. She had just used both in the same sentence. It was a story about a fox that tricked the hen to poke her head out of her window to see the sky. When the hen poked out its head, the fox grabbed the hen the neck. The fox brought the hen to his home for dinner. The hen was tricked but didn't allow her to be his dinner. The hen always kept a small hairpin under her wing. When the fox made his preparations for dinner, the hen escaped. She used the same lock and she trapped the fox inside its own house.
Troy sat still, he knew the story by heart. He also remembered her telling him that it meant they where in danger. That sometimes we poke our heads out and don't know the danger. Our true inner power is knowing how to get out of a bad situation. Troy had been so angry that he lost his composure, only to find himself not knowing what to do. Did that story mean anything or was she just changing the subject. So much of his childhood made since now. She had been preparing him for this moment. She had taught him without him knowing. He kept his eyes on her stunned
Ann was relieved that he stopped talking. She quickly made a cover. That is because in that picture, it is your Uncle your dads brother. Kyle didn't have a brother. Your dad is in this picture she pointed at the same person both times. She kept eye contact and watched his breathing. His eyes where still fixated on her. This was a good sign. She would know shortly if it worked. She grabbed the book placing it in a bag.
Ann knew he needed to talk. Now was not the time. Do you want to go to town with me? We are short on toast. Another clue, toast comes out of the toaster, bread goes in. She knew that he would get it. It was a common joke among the brothers. She got up and grabbed her keys. Ann continued to the door in hopes that they would have enough time. Hoping that they had all the time in the world. She hoped it was just her nurses that where making her feel uncomfortable.
She got in the car and started the engine. She waited impatiently. She needed to get him to a safe house quick. She could handle herself but Troy was always unaware to the evils of the world. He believed he could talk himself out of anything. That no solution needed violence. Ann knew a different life.
Troy emerged from the house holding his backpack. All his important information and a change of cloths. His mother always told him to take his backpack and run if she heard her talk about a hen or a fox. With everything that was going on he fallowed aimlessly.
The car spread away. No one talked for quite a while. Finally Ann turned on the radio but only a odd tone came out. Then it disappeared leaving silence again. Ann looked at Troy with a angry face. Didn't i tell you not to speak about any of this. I don't know who is listening. I thought i cleared that up with you. Are you trying to get us all killed?
Troy was speechless, his mother never talked down to him like this. She was clearly mad. He didn't knew what was going on in his head. He wanted to understand why his world made no since. Why faces and memories kept attacking his conscious mind. Why people still are only shadows. How shadows from before suddenly shown brightly and filled in the missing parts of the painting.
She was angry and the car demonstrated that simple fact to pure perfection. She was going faster then she had ever driven with Troy in the car. She dropped her mother act and secret Agent Ann come shining through in brilliant light. We are in this together Troy. They won't hesitate to kill you after they get all the information. That i guess you now have.
Your father is dead he had to leave. Kyle is alive and is your father but can't play that role. You have to understand that. you have to keep to the cover, or we will all be in trouble. This whole world could easily be destroyed if i don't get my hands on that folder. Or if they find out about her, she has to remain a secret.
Your father may be the same person but to them he isn't. He is like you he doesn't think. If you give them even the smallest reason to come looking they will find him. Your father loves you all and that is his weakness. The only reason he can hide is because they believe him to be dead. Please don't give them a reason to come looking for him.
The car made a right turn and then a left. They turned onto a dirt road but still the car flew down the road. Dust flew in the air making a wake behind them. Troy looked stunned for the second time in less then a week.
Ann made a phone call as the car continued at alarming speed. The man on the other end listened as Ann talked in code. Soon she pulled up to a old hunting lodge. This is goodbye Troy. I don't have long I love you. For the first time ever Troy saw that his mother looked like completely scared.
Troy stood on a dirt driveway as his mother drove away leaving nothing but confusion, frustration and dust behind her. He stayed in the same spot watching the dust fall. His mind took a long time to catch up. Now what was he going to do. How was it that he was so lost.
When he left his apartment four days ago he didn't expect anything close to this. He was scheduled to fly home tomorrow. Troy looked at the shack and quickly turned around. He was going to have to walk.
Troy had meet the end of his ball of yarn. He didn't know how much of this he could take. Was there anything more that could shake his world. A super healing person that he apparently loved in a previous life. Remembering a previous life. His dead father was alive and his brother was magical healed. His mother was a secret agent that was trying to save the world. Troy knew he prayed for a miracle and decided that this was going to be the last time he did.
A car pulled up next to Troy. When the person exited the car he lost all the wind in his chest. The person was definitely Cameron. He was dead….. again….. how was he even surprised.
Cameron exited the car and welcomed Troy with a big hay roommate. Let's get going or we are going to miss our flight.