Work in process
Hope woke up right at the sun peaked over the mountain edge. The large window faced the morning sun. The rays would steam in over the room and kissed her gently till she a woke. The warmth was a lovely feeling that she partook of daily. Every morning she laid in bed soaking up the day. She would close her eyes thanking the universe, for another day was given to her.
Ann took in the last few moments of the morning looking at her husband. A small smile filled her face. She was pleased to be by his side for over thirty years. Russel was snoring next to her and by the sound of it he had been up all night. She loved the man, but she had suspicions that he was half vampire. He seamed to come alive at night much more then he did during the day. Despite all her valiant effort, he rarely went to bed before dawn. Since he operated his own business he was lucky to pick his own hours. She tip toed out of the room to allow him his few hours before he woke. Vampire or not the man needed his sleep and she had a busy morning with a full house of children.
Hope poked her head in Jane's room. Hope was happy and disappointed that she was resting on her pillow peacefully. Hope wished that is was all a made up dream. She wished that she would have woken up and she was expanding her to come visit. Hope knew their time together was coming closer and closer to an end. As much as she wished to blame it on Ann and her boys, she knew all along that her daughter would outgrow her mother. one way or another Jane would be on her own path. Jane had so much to give the world and keeping her locked up could only last so long.
Hope still hadn't talked to Russel yet and she was concocting a plan for later that afternoon. She needed to usher them away from the house so no one would over hear. She wished with all her heart that her subconscious wasn't picking up on something. Hope had this nagging feeling, that Jane was growing more powerful. Hope feared that Jane was regaining some of her lost memories. Hope feared that she would remember the day she healed Troy and feared she would remember them falling.
Jane thrashed in her dreams for weeks to awake almost empty. She lost something that day and Hope prayed that it would never come back. This is why she was so against ever letting them play or be next to each other. Hope feared Ann would take her precious Jane from her. She told Jane to stay away from Troy and Reese. She told her that they where bad boys when she was young. When Jane was young she always tested to see if Hope was right. This died away when the nightmare finally disappeared. Hope feared that Jane would start to question thing. She hated lying but all good mother have to do it sometimes.
Hope started her day like any other caring for those closest to her and enjoying the mornings conversation. With a large plate of pancakes Hope entered Jane's room. They talked about school and the friends she made. They talked about her favorite teacher and the annoying teacher who seamed to give her the same grade no mater how hard she studied. She looked over her stitches and grounded her to bed till the redness was gone. Hope knew Jane only had a couple more days till she would be up walking around she was a super fast healer but until then she wanted to keep a super close eye on her.
Hope gave Jane the meds that would do absolutely nothing. She gave Jane a kiss on the top of her head, Before she left her to her siblings. How she grew to become a full grown woman. She resembled her mother and had a hint of her father. It was hard seeing someone else in your own child. It only reminded her that she was in fact only barrow to her. Dispose all the years they spent together her DNA would never change. Hope had the front seat in Jane life and watched her blossom in what felt like only seconds. She was a woman now she barely resembled the child from years past.
Hope was going to hold on to the one thing that all living things never have enough of, time simply time. Every second they spend together brought them closer together and every hour they grow father apart. Hope convinced herself Jane needed to stay home. They where going to find an answer or not but she was going to protect her no mater what.