How to make money

All along the way, Excalibur had a lot of fun and killed countless magical beasts and just when they finally got to the Fire mountain Gabin reminded them : "Remember that in this game my body is very vulnerable.

Then, Excalibur you continue to slaughter the magical beasts and Nemesis you will protect me from all the attacks that will be launched on me."

Gabin added quickly seeing that his swords were excited to go to fight : "Wait, let me check how many levels I have progressed first."

Gabin opened his interface and he was literally drowned out by the flood of messages that appeared, then he exclaimed : "Is there any function that allow you to summarize because this is really annoying."

As soon as he said that, the messages disappeared and a single message appeared.


[ You killed 54 magical beasts.

You gained 2 190 experience points.

You leveled up 5 times, you gained 50 Stats points to distribute. ]

That's all, Gabin thought, no gold coins, no other rewards of any kind, how tight-fisted !

It really should have a conversation with this creator because frankly he had played video games a lot more fun and a lot more challenging.

He opened his interface with his Stats and still thought seriously about what he was going to do.


Player name : Gabin

Class : Fighter

Level 6 : 2 190 / 3 000

Strength : 1

Agility : 1

Stamina : 1

Perception : 1

HP : 100 / 100

Mana : 350 / 350

Points available to distribute : 50

He then decided to put 15 points on Strength and Perception and 10 points on Agility and Stamina.

The mana that was probably there to represent the chakra reserve seemed to increase by itself depending on the player's level so, he wouldn't bother with it.

He chose to prioritize Strength and Perception because right now it was probably what served him the most, it was better to be strong and have keen senses rather than to be faster and tougher.

Once his points had been distributed, he closed his interface and said to his swords : "Here we go ! Don't forget my orders !"

Nemesis was still in its flying skateboard shape so he could progress faster, he didn't want to waste time unnecessarily because of the slowness of his avatar body.

As they sank deeper into the Fire Mountain territory, a message popped up right in front of his eyes.

[ Warning, you are entering the territory of the flaming lizards, your level is insufficient to face them, turn around and come back when you will be stronger. ]

No kidding, Gabin thought. He had no intention of turning back and he hadn't seen a flaming lizard yet, his curiosity had just been stung.

So he quietly continued to advance on Nemesis, and Excalibur was about a hundred meters ahead of them, they were finally going to be able to have a little fun.

This mountain that had been green at the beginning now looked like a land devastated by fire.

All the vegetation had been burnt and the ground had turned black, Gabin could feel the temperature rising dangerously and it was then that balls of fire flew in their direction.

Excalibur used the element of water and wind to freeze the fireballs that was now shattering after having met the ground, then it disappeared from his sight and he heard the usual sound of the System echoing in his head.

Kevin then said to Nemesis : "We're going, Excalibur have cleared the path for us."

Too bad he thought, he hadn't even been able to see what a flaming lizard looked like, he decided to whistle to call Excalibur back and when it appeared before his eyes he said to his sword : "Could you please me and bring one of them, I want to see what a flaming lizard looks like."

Excalibur then opened a vortex in front of its blade and a lifeless body of what must have been a flaming lizard fell to the ground.

The head was detached from the rest of the body but otherwise Gabin was now sure he had never seen such magical beast before.

It was between that of a giant lizard and that of a dragon, it had no wings but otherwise they were very similar. His skin was blood red color, and the tip of his tail looked like a sharp blade.

Suddenly he heard the sound of the System and he opened the interface wondering what he was going to tell him this time.

[ Body of a level 7 flaming lizard, can be sold in the store for 350 gold coins. ]

[ You can set it aside in the store interface at Monsters Bodies Storage. Do you want to store this body Yes / No ]

So, that was how they made money in this game, by reselling the bodies of monsters, so be it then, he thought of 'Yes' and he opened his store interface to check it out.

[ Store is closed, reach level 10 to open it. ]

[ Buy ]

[ Sell ]

[ Monsters Bodies Storage : 1 monster = 350 gold coins ]

He then said to Excalibur : "You did well to bring this body back to me, now try to kill these magical beasts without pulverizing them so that their bodies can be resold.

I will continue to study the information Elios gave me, meanwhile you take care of all the magical beasts here and don't forget to bring their bodies back to me."

Once he had given his orders, Excalibur disappeared again, it was too fast for the eyes of this poor avatar body.

As for Nemesis, it changed shape and transformed into a large shield so that he could sit and concentrate at his ease.

His swords knew him really well, they could anticipate his needs even before he formulates them.

So he sat down and continued to study the information that was in the jade discs.


Meanwhile in the prison of the first-floor of Stellar Online, in a secret section that was in the depths of it, the captain of the guard had just received orders that came directly from the royal palace.

He had just been relieved of his duties and the custody of Matthias would be entrusted to extraordinary fighters who were among the best mercenaries in their universe.

He didn't know why suddenly they had decided to put Matthias under high guard because he was completely helpless and he was fighting day after day to stay alive, but the orders were the orders so he obeyed without any hesitation.