Where It Began

"Finally! Killed the final dungeon boss! And it only took 49 hours." Sighing and leaning back in my chair, I stretched my aching limbs. My stomach growled as I glanced over at the clock which read 10:25 pm, looking back over my screen. I leaned towards the keyboard and messaged the other members that I was logging off, after a few quick goodbyes, I clicked off and stood up.

Scanning my eyes over the soda cans and to-go food boxes, I scrounged around the garbage to find my wallet and phone. It took a while, but then I realized I had left both in my pant pockets laying on the bathroom floor. Sliding some shoes, pants, and a hoodie on, I left my room. The house was surprisingly quiet, which was good news.

Because running into Missy's "boyfriend" is the last thing I want happening, quietly opening the front door and swiftly exiting the building. I glanced around and slid my hands into my hoodie pockets, making my way to the nearest marketplace.

The air was on the chilly side, which was nice considering the hot weather lately. The bell dinged as I pushed open the door, the lady behind the counter simply grumbled in acknowledgement of my entrance. Openly chewing her bubble gum loudly as she leaned against the counter, scrolling through her phone with a bored expression. I walked down the isles, grabbing a Monster from the fridge and swiping a few bags of chips and sour worms.

My eyes scanned the hotdogs but inevitably landed on the churros, I grabbed the small paper bag and put a few in before making my way to the counter. Setting the items on the counter, her eyes drifted over the stuff before landing on me. A brow raised and a judgmental expression on her face, as she scanned the items and pressed some buttons on the computer.

"Will that be all…?" She stared me down.

"Yeah…?" It was supposed to be a clear yes, but her expression made me think I might have forgotten something I didn't know I wanted…She pressed a few more things before responding,

"Your total is $10.56."

Sighing, I pulled my wallet out and placed a twenty on the counter. She stared at me for a moment longer than comfortable, pressing her fingers to the bill while sliding it towards her painstakingly slow. Keeping sharp low eye contact the entire time, she opened the cash register and put the bill in before handing me a ten and the receipt.

My brows furrowed and I was about to open my mouth when her eyes narrowed into a deadly glare, I slightly hummed and quickly grabbed the money and items before rushing out of the marketplace. "It's just a few cents anyway…" Crossing the street, ready to bite into one of the churros. I caught a glimpse of a truck driving at high speeds towards me, 'Damn, why does this feel cliche?'

The feeling of cold water poured over me as I opened my eyes, I expected to see either the night sky or the white of a hospital ceiling. But shockingly, or not, I saw a tall raised windowed roof. Taking a moment to sit up, my eyes scanned around the room. Noting the well sculpted statues sitting in each corner of the room, including the large one leaning slightly over the marble table I was currently sitting on. 'At least it isn't the worst thing to wake up to, could've been writhing in pain at whatever injuries I sustained from that truck.'

There was the echoing creak of an opening door, then a gasp. My attention turned to the woman who stood in the doorway, she held a basket full of bread and her clothes were rather odd. Like rural and fantasy mixed, a nice yet ragged and dirty green lace dress accompanied the same colored torn netted leggings. Her shoes looked the worst, the soles seemed to have been almost completely rubbed off. Only tattered strings strained together to keep it somewhat wearable, still able to call them shoes then simple decoration.

Having been lost in my thoughts, I didn't realize the growing crowd of people who had entered the building. They were mumbling to each other in some language I've never heard, though the spectrum is large. Considering the most I've heard is some Spanish and Japanese, even though I couldn't tell you which was which from hearing them. I could tell that these people certainly weren't speaking either, but being fair. Even if I was a Polygot (Polyglot) or whatever they're called, I'm fairly confident that the language these guys speak isn't one in a language book on EBay.

'I'd say it's possible I dreamt the whole living the life as an introverted gamer and getting hit by a truck, and I just finally woke up after a slumber to be greeted by some tribe that I so happen to be chieftain of. That or I'm worshiped as their god, but that seems improbable. Looking at it logically, I might have been reincarnated, maybe transmigrated? To be fair, I don't know what the differences between the two are. But either way, I definitely died…'

It seems someone important showed up, because she said something and everyone besides a few people left the building in a hurry. Once the last person had left and closed the door, the well dressed lady raised her hands. Stretching out her arms and flipping them palm face up towards me, she said some words and bowed her head. The others joined in bow as well, it was an awkward situation. Considering I have no idea what she just said or what she possibly wants me to do, I simply lifted my feet off over the side of the marble table before standing up-

-Or as I should say, falling off. I may have miscalculated the distance I had to drop, that or the proportions of my current body. Since it seems I'm much shorter than I previously was, after the embarrassing tumble. The lady helped me up, sighing at my current predicament. I looked up at her. "So, do you possibly have a language book? Or some way for me to understand you?" To my dismay, they all wore surprised expressions as they conversed with each other. Sharing perplexed gazes, letting them figure their things out, I took this time to examine myself.

And go figure, I seemed to be in the body of a child. I couldn't tell the exact age from just looking down at myself, but the closest guess would be Ten years. That is to say I wasn't transmigrated as a different race from Human and have a different crazy lifespan, suppose I'd have to wait and find that out. The first priority is the fact that I'm only wearing some worn leather coverings over my crotch, the second being that I need to find a way to communicate with these people.

Meaning I may have to study and read, maybe even go to a school of sorts. I am Ten after all, I hope I don't have a bedtime…What was it like being Ten before? Snotty nosed kids being dumb and careless, yeah, no thanks. I may be in a Ten year olds body, but I'm still Twenty-five mentally. That counts for something…right?

Once the others figured out what they needed to, the lady picked me up as one of the men helped wrap a coat around me. The best thing I could say about the rough leather was that it is warm, other than that. It wasn't very comfortable and it smelled terrible, though the lady seemed to be the most perturbed by the smell. She certainly didn't waste any time tossing it back, instead, another woman appeared with a light silky cloth. It was a bit thin and cold, but it smelled and felt better than the other so I couldn't complain.

Not that I could even if I wanted to, they still can't understand me and I can't understand them. Alas, I would have to worry about that another time. We had exited the building and the first thing I saw was the large crowd of people, they were bowing and holding things such as foods and jewels. The best I could assume was they were gifts, but I couldn't tell who exactly they were for…

A well dressed man stepped from the crowd in front of us, a hand crossed over his chest atop his heart. Giving a courtesy bow, he lifted his head to seemingly examine me. He spoke, apparently to me. Thankfully the lady carrying me had informed him of the unfortunate news, he certainly looked dumbfounded afterwards.

It was amusing to see him contemplate what he should do as the woman said something, and the crowd dispersed. Though a lot still kept glancing over at me as they whispered to nearby friends, after things finally settled down. I was brought to a large building, it was well built and seemed to have silver and gold lining the walls and pillars. It was obvious, that someone more important than this woman lived here.

At least, that was my assumption. Since the guards at the front door seemed very serious, even towards this woman. They didn't spare a bow until she said something, to which their eyes widened and they stared at me. Almost immediately bowing their heads, it was certainly a strange experience.

They must think I'm someone special, isn't this almost similar to a lot of comics? Or am I incorrect? It definitely feels pretty cliche, whilst lost in my thoughts, I hadn't realized we had entered the building and walked into a large open room. It wasn't hard to miss the bedazzled throne, along with the well dressed man sitting on it. If I'm correct, he's probably the king or noble of this place. Really depends if it's a small town or country.

The woman set me down as she kneeled with the others, she spoke quickly and precise. No unnecessary words, seemingly very straight to the point. The man on the throne seemed very ominous, sharp eyes and a scowl graced his fine appearance. If I was mentally a Ten year old child I might've started crying. Opting not to totally embarrass myself to the point of no return, I grabbed at the woman's sleeve and shuffled behind her to kindly hide from the piercing gaze.

She looked confused and tried to move me back in front of her, I shook my head in response when laughter filled the room. Everyone's attention turned to the man sitting on the throne, he bellowed out laughing. It was an unprecedented outcome considering the awkward situation, his expression softened as his laughter faded.

He leaned forward in his throne and motioned me to walk over, I glanced up at the lady who simply nodded. Finally stepping out from behind her, I made my way towards the man. Stopping a few feet away from him, he waved over one of the servants who was carrying a bowl. The servant kneeled and bestowed the bowl to the man, he grabbed something out of it and reached his hand out.

Nodding at his hand, he beckoned me, so I cautiously put out my hands. Much to my surprise, he dropped some candies into my hands. I don't know if they have the same rules here, but I'm fairly certain that old men enticing children with candy isn't a good sign. He doesn't have a white van, does he? Motioning for me to try a piece, I went along with it. Unwrapping a piece, I tossed it into my mouth.

"It's really good!" I voiced, though they couldn't understand me. The man did seem to understand what I meant, possibly because of my satisfied expression. But that thought was shattered instantly by the next following words.

"I'm glad you like it, young hero." The man replied, very clearly in English.
