When You Lie

Noel stared at the video playing on his computer while looking at the words written at the bottom.

The moment the man entered the room, his eyes fell on Eden who looking at him, bored out of his mind but with an intense gaze still.

Then he stood up and said all those things pointing to the man as Noel frowned. Did he find out? That fast? I was hoping it would take a little longer.

Should I reveal myself then? That would be a first, though but … working alongside him. Maybe it won't be that bad.

"He," Eden said, looking at the man up and down. "He is nowhere near as attractive as my boyfriend is."

Noel stared at the words and Eden's lips for a second before bursting into a laugh.

Is that really all that's on his mind? How is he even still alive? Well, I can observe for a little longer then.


"Really, Eden?" Ages sighed, shaking his head in disappointment.

"But this man is quite pretty," Celt said, turning to Eden. "You mean your boyfriend is prettier than him?"

"Oh, he can't hold a candle to him," Eden said proudly before taking a seat on the chair. "Come sit. Did I scare you by any chance?"

"Not at all, sir." The man said nervously before sitting down. "Shall we begin our discussion?"

"After ordering." Ages said, turning to the three. "What do you want?"

"Club sandwich!" Celt shouted, turning to Fern who sighed. "We will share. Are there any alcoholic drinks?"


"Fine. One bottle of that." Fern said. "We are going to be here a while."

"And you, boss?"

"Do they have anything vanilla-" Eden peeked into the menu and paused at a drink. Blueberry kiss. "This. I want this."

"But it's non-alcoholic. You never drink anything non-alcoholic except coffee and water." Ages said, surprise written all over his face. "Are you sure?"

"Yup," Eden said, grinning. "I will have one and then see if I want more."

"Alright. Alright." Ages turned to the man who shook his head. "Then that will be all our orders. Now, let's talk business."


Eating the last of his cake, Noel stared at the interaction in front of him. So far, they were just talking about the rate the man in front of them would charge.

It has not been five minutes yet, but Noel could feel the pressure of Eden's gaze on the man. Through the camera, it almost looks like the man was staring at Noel instead, making him drink his coffee down faster than he intended to.

Compared to how he looked at me every time we are together, I can't fathom ever being looked at like this by him.

Chuckling, Noel shook his head. I guess I am completely smitten, after one night huh? Am I willing to risk everything for him though? Someone I know only a day?

No. I should be asking if I would regret trusting him at the end of the day. This should not be a decision made with my emotions.

Looking at the screen again, Noel sighed. I have slept and been with so many people before. I guess I can be risky for once in my life. Just this once.


"I think I have heard enough," Eden said, looking at the man coldly. "You … you aren't really Whisper, are you?"

"Why would you think that?" The man asked, calmer than when Eden said that his boyfriend was prettier than him.

"Call it a hunch," Eden said, annoyance written all over his face. "Why isn't the real guy here?"

"I don't know what you are talking about." The man kept insisting as Ages turned to Eden.

"We have talked about this, there is a chance they are going to send someone else. No one has ever seen how Whisper looks like. Not once in the seventeen years that he appeared on the scene."

"Look I know that," Eden said, staring at the man. "But the only reason why I accepted is because I thought I would be meeting him face to face. Do you know how much longer I could have spent with my boyfriend if I hadn't agreed to join this meeting?

"He is not more important than my boyfriend, not enough for me to care about him unless he shows me his face. I lose my time with him and he loses his annonymousity. Fair exchange right?"

"Boss, I don't think that is ho-"

"I haven't forgotten how you kept the phone on me, Celt," Eden said, glaring at the man as he kept quiet immediately, grabbing onto Fern for help.

"Eden, I think you are being a little irrational right now." Ages said, getting to his feet.

"Am I really?" Eden asked, raising his eyebrow at Ages. "Don't tell me that I am acting differently because you know how I am."

"I do." Ages said, sighing in defeat. "Even if you didn't have anyone, you would have been mad still. So, what do you suggest we do?"

"We will not be able to do work with you, sorry," Eden said as politely as he could, not like that was helpful after his outburst suddenly.

"No, I really am-"

"Don't lie to me," Eden said, glaring at the man as he fell silent immediately. "One of the things I hate the most is when people lie to me."

"I apologise for wasting your time." Ages said, walking to the man. "I guess we will look for someone else. Thank you for your time."


"Awww~. And here I thought I would be able to work with you." Everyone turned to the entrance, to see a man in a baggy jacket, zipped all the way up and with a basketball hat on, covering his face as the voice came from his phone.

Eyes widening, Eden got to his feet and stared at him as the unmistakable smell of vanilla reached his nose.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" Ages asked, voice turning harsh. "I will have to ask you to leave."

"Should I call security?" Celt asked, about to walk out of the booth when the man took off his hat and smiled at Eden.

"Noel?" Eden asked, frowning.

Noel waved at him before turning to the man. They communicated with a series of hand gestures before he left, leaving Noel there with the four confused men.

Though no one was more confused than Noel.


"Mind if I sit here?" Noel typed out, taking a seat opposite to them before they could answer him.

"What are you doing here, Noel?" Eden asked, still looking at him intensely. "Wait, don't tell me. You are Whisper?"

"I am." He typed out, looking at the man sheepishly. "I can guess that you might be confused and mad at me for not telling you."

"I am a little confused."

"I only found out about this meeting this morning." Noel typed out, pleading with his eyes for Eden to believe him. "And I only found out you were here when I looked up the group I was supposed to be working with."

Will he believe me? Well, it will be easy to think that I am lying. I would think that too, honestly. It is too much of a coincidence.

"Who is this boss?" Celt asked, as Noel and he made eye contact, the former freezing up instantly. "H-he's pretty."

"I know right?" Eden said, chuckling as he turned to Noel, eyes turning soft. "I heard that Whisper is never even present in the meetings. But you were here today. Why is that?"

"I don't know." Noel wrote, scratching the back of his head. "I wondered why I decided to come today too."

"Could it be that … you wanted to spy on me?" Eden asked, as Noel suddenly shot up, staring at him in the face.

Before he could type or say anything to prove his innocence, Noel felt warm lips on his, eyes immediately widening but he did not move until Eden pulled away.

"Sorry, honey," Eden said, patting his head. "I just had to tease you. Though I couldn't do it for very long. Forgive me."

"HONEY???" Celt shouted, looking around the room in a panic.

"I still don't understand what is going on." Ages said, raising his hand as Noel agreed with them.

"Come on, I am just a wall away from my boyfriend and you expect that I wouldn't notice him?" Eden asked, scoffing. "I knew he was in the booth opposite to us the moment we passed it."

"But, you don't think badly of me?" Noel typed out, brows furrowing as Eden stared at him, trying his hardest not to reach out and pinch his cheeks.

"I asked Celt to do some digging on the Whisper. Apparently, those that have worked with him have said that he is nice, just with massive social anxiety.

"I wouldn't have cared about that, but then I remembered you telling me how you don't like crowds of people and, for some reason, I felt for him.

"So I was like, he is not going to be visiting us. So someone else might and I was ok with that. Until I passed the booth and I felt you.

"It was just a hunch that you might be Whisper. And I wanted to see if I could bring you out, if that was even possible. Sorry." Eden said, grinning at Noel who stared at him blankly before bursting into a laugh. Eden staring, mouth agape.

"I knew you would find out that the person isn't me." Noel typed out, wiping his eyes. "Just not to this extent. I am impressed."

"Thank you." Eden walked to him, snaking his arms around his neck, their heads touching. "Don't I get a reward for being so impressive?"


"Why not?" Eden leaned it then they heard a smack.