At long last, Zandra's final target was now right within her reach. 

After countless of days, Rohan Winterborne, the High King of Winter Court, was finally just several steps away from her. Zandra honestly didn't expect to easily infiltrate the renowned grand castle of the most feared High King in Etheriz. She had even prepared herself for the worse, expecting this would be her hardest mission. Simply because she knew about the reputation of this man. High King Rohan was known as the most powerful and merciless monarch in the entire land. 

And yet, it's not even past midnight and here she was now, so close to him. About to take his life. 

Hidden behind a pillar, Zandra observed the surrounding once again. The garden was incredibly quiet. No one was around, except the lone High King leisurely sitting inside the gazebo in the center of the garden. He seemed immersed with the document he was reading, looking like a painting sitting there under the moonlight. 

Zandra had used a powerful magical spell to hide her presence but she didn't dare think that this would work. Not to this man. And yet, he looked as though he truly didn't notice her yet at all. Did she overestimate him? No, that's impossible. He must have sensed her since the beginning already. And most likely, this damn High King was just playing with her when in truth, he was waiting for her all these times since the moment she entered his territory? 

A smirk tugged at the corner of her lips because a part of her was already certain that that's definitely the case. 

Without wasting any more second, she stepped out of her hiding. As she moves, her cloak that was the color of the darkest shade of violet flows behind her, billowing in the wind so smoothly. 

She moved with perfect precision and grace, using careful foot placement and flawless body control before she suddenly burst off. Her speed almost a blur as she appeared right behind her target in a blink of an eye.

Her gloved hands wrapped around the High King's neck and her dagger pointed at his throat. 

But unsurprisingly, she was indeed right. The man knew she was here and that's why he didn't even flinch or made any surprised reaction. Instead, his lips tugged into a crooked smirk. 

"At long last, you're finally here." he said so casually. His voice… oh, what's with his voice? She'd never heard a voice so impossibly deep and so alluringly seductive. 

Without warning, the High King moved, his movements too quick for the human eye to follow. The dagger she had been holding moments ago clattered to the ground. And before she could even blink, she was pinned onto the table in the center of the gazebo, his large hand wrapped tightly around her neck. 

"I've been waiting for you for so long..." he whispered huskily and then he tugged at the dark violet veil covering the lower part of her face. "Lady Nightshade." 

Her eyes widened for a moment as he mentioned her name. Well, her name as an assassin. But her expression immediately recovered and she smiled. 

"Hello, High King." She greeted, licking her lip as she stared up at him. Her long white hair spread out on the table. 

It was already known how handsome this man was. He was the most beautiful High King in Etheriz. The man in every woman's fantasies. But it seems he's even handsomer up close. His grey eyes, those thick brows and lashes, those lips… those sharp jaws… this man is simply the epitome of masculine beauty. She had thought she was not into long haired men… but it seems this man was the only exemption. 

He smiled. A smile she absolutely didn't like because of how damning and tempting it was. 

As she reminded herself that this man was no other than her final target, the man she was going to kill, his smoldering and tantalizing eyes surveyed her. 

His gaze traveled from her lips down to her tight-fitting, made of black, leather-like material top that hugged her torso. And then lower. She knew he could see now the arrays of weapons she carried on her belt. Her small dagger, her throwing knife and even her vial of poison. 

But to her surprise, the man didn't even pause to look at them. His gaze moved to her pants that were equally tight-fitting and made of the same material as her top, looking like he only cared about her every curve and those deadly weapons never matters. 

Zandra had always found her past targets leering gazes disgusting. And she was honestly expecting the same feeling from this man. But why wasn't she feeling repulsed by his gaze right now? Was it because for some reason, his gaze wasn't maniacal like those men she had killed? She wasn't really certain as it was hard to read the look in his eyes but the mere fact that the disgust wasn't there was not a good sign to her. Because this might mean that the High King wasn't lusting for her as she had expected. 

"You look breathtaking, my lady." He praised and he seemed genuine about it. 

"And so, do you, High King." She replied. "You're the handsomest… most ravishing man I've ever laid my eyes upon." 

He didn't make any facial reaction with her flattery. Though she wouldn't call them flattery if she were honest because those words she said wasn't even an exaggeration when it comes to this man. 

Silently, he picked the strands of her hair and stared at them. Again, his gaze were gleaming alluringly yet mysteriously. "I've heard so much about you, my lady." He uttered. "And I can't believe it's true. That you are indeed very weak… physically, that is." He continued playing carefully with her hair. "And yet… you're the same woman who has taken down not just one but many of the most powerful men in the land." 

Zandra reached out. Her gloved hand touched his cheek. When he let her and didn't swat her hand, her dark eyes gleamed a little fiercely. "Are you afraid that you'll soon join the ranks of the powerful men who have perished in my hand, High King?" she asked in a whisper. 

He smiled. "My lady, I would only fear for my life if I were to succumb to your seductive charms and taste your skin." 

Her eyes widened. How… how did he know about her ultimate secret?!

"I know your secret, Lady Nightshade," Rohan murmured, his fingers caressing her jaw. "I know how you've taken down those powerful men, one by one." His fingers trailed down to her lips, tracing their soft contours. "They all fell for your allure, seduced by your deadly poison, never realizing your true nature."

Zandra's heart pounded in her chest as she watched him, her eyes wide with a glint of fear now. 

"But don't be afraid," Rohan whispered, his hand sliding down her chest. "I don't plan on executing you."

"Why not?" She asked the moment she recovered from that another surprise. That he was not planning to execute her. 

The High King's lips curved into a wicked smile as he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "Because," he replied, his voice low and seductive, "you're mine now."